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US Debt crisis


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I also wanted to link this clip of Ron Paul vs Ben Bernanke which is comedy gold if you haven't seen it....



Curious if anyone else has watched this. VERY telling. Bernanke flat out busts himself (the FED) out 2 different times and doesn't even realize it.

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The rich in power are out of touch with reality.

I wonder if anyone told him that he openly admitted the FED made gobs of money while the rest of America lost their asses and we became $5TT+ more in debt? I bet he's still kicking himself for not having a better answer for why the FED holds gold in their reserves. "Ummm, tradition?" (yeah, yeah, that's the ticket).

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I wonder if anyone told him that he openly admitted the FED made gobs of money while the rest of America lost their asses and we became $5TT+ more in debt? I bet he's still kicking himself for not having a better answer for why the FED holds gold in their reserves. "Ummm, tradition?" (yeah, yeah, that's the ticket).




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I mean honestly, this video essentially proves what I've been saying for over 2 years now - the FED is a private bank with private interests. They care not about the American people and only care about the value and growth of their own portfolio. If they have to screw over Americans to remain filthy rich, they will (and they do). All of their policies and all of their power is used to make themselves richer with basically no risk - the tax payers assume all of the risk. It's so fracking obvious and ridiculous it makes me sick!!! That's why they keep preaching that CONSUMER SPENDING is what drives the economy because the more we borrow and spend, the more money they make from fractional reserve banking. The more we save, the less they make. Only a moran would believe that consumer spending drives an economy. Consumer spending is the RESULT of a healthy economy, not the driver - duh!! Why does it make sense for the average Joe Shmoe to keep spending money on useless SHAM WOW!? This is also why the interest rates are so low - because they want to encourage more borrowing. But why should I be borrowing if I'm out of a job and have little or no savings??? :wacko:

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There has to be jobs before people can start buying again. But the trickle down faucet has moved on to 3rd world countries. The rich here are happy because they own the government and can pay people off/find way to avoid paying taxes.

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I mean honestly, this video essentially proves what I've been saying for over 2 years now - the FED is a private bank with private interests. They care not about the American people and only care about the value and growth of their own portfolio.

What are you talking about? Any money the Fed makes on interest or payment for services (such as check-clearing services it provides to banks) is destributed to the member banks of the Federal Reserve system. The dividend payments to such banks are capped at 6%. Any profits made over and above this are given to the taxpayers (the Fed gives the money to the Treasury--last year the Fed gave the Treasury more than $78 billion.

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I mean honestly, this video essentially proves what I've been saying for over 2 years now - the FED is a private bank with private interests. They care not about the American people and only care about the value and growth of their own portfolio. If they have to screw over Americans to remain filthy rich, they will (and they do). All of their policies and all of their power is used to make themselves richer with basically no risk - the tax payers assume all of the risk. It's so fracking obvious and ridiculous it makes me sick!!! That's why they keep preaching that CONSUMER SPENDING is what drives the economy because the more we borrow and spend, the more money they make from fractional reserve banking. The more we save, the less they make. Only a moran would believe that consumer spending drives an economy. Consumer spending is the RESULT of a healthy economy, not the driver - duh!! Why does it make sense for the average Joe Shmoe to keep spending money on useless SHAM WOW!? This is also why the interest rates are so low - because they want to encourage more borrowing. But why should I be borrowing if I'm out of a job and have little or no savings??? :wacko:


apparently holding gold is "unconstitutional"....but banks hold it.....oh okay...

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It's funny all these people talking about jobs when your house is full of Chinese stuff with a Jap car in the driveway. Gee, where did all those "jobs" go? You can't have it both ways.


Well, maybe you can. Once the wages in Amerika drop below our Asian counterparts, the jobs will start coming back. Enjoy making $2.00 a day and getting fired for taking a sick day, Comrade.

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It's funny all these people talking about jobs when your house is full of Chinese stuff with a Jap car in the driveway. Gee, where did all those "jobs" go? You can't have it both ways.


Well, maybe you can. Once the wages in Amerika drop below our Asian counterparts, the jobs will start coming back. Enjoy making $2.00 a day and getting fired for taking a sick day, Comrade.


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What are you talking about? Any money the Fed makes on interest or payment for services (such as check-clearing services it provides to banks) is destributed to the member banks of the Federal Reserve system. The dividend payments to such banks are capped at 6%. Any profits made over and above this are given to the taxpayers (the Fed gives the money to the Treasury--last year the Fed gave the Treasury more than $78 billion.


If you believe that there is any control over the fed, oh well. :wacko:


That $78 billion is nothing more that a bribe to keep us out of their business. :tup:

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It's funny all these people talking about jobs when your house is full of Chinese stuff with a Jap car in the driveway. Gee, where did all those "jobs" go? You can't have it both ways.


Well, maybe you can. Once the wages in Amerika drop below our Asian counterparts, the jobs will start coming back. Enjoy making $2.00 a day and getting fired for taking a sick day, Comrade.


That's the world of waiters who wait on the rich Chinese who visit here. 2.00/hr is slowly creeping into our society.

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It's funny all these people talking about jobs when your house is full of Chinese stuff with a Jap car in the driveway. Gee, where did all those "jobs" go? You can't have it both ways.


Well, maybe you can. Once the wages in Amerika drop below our Asian counterparts, the jobs will start coming back. Enjoy making $2.00 a day and getting fired for taking a sick day, Comrade.


si and konichiwa....

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What are you talking about? Any money the Fed makes on interest or payment for services (such as check-clearing services it provides to banks) is destributed to the member banks of the Federal Reserve system. The dividend payments to such banks are capped at 6%. Any profits made over and above this are given to the taxpayers (the Fed gives the money to the Treasury--last year the Fed gave the Treasury more than $78 billion.

Do you think a couple hundred billion in returns makes up for the trillions of debt we accrued of which they're earning all this interest? Also, the member banks are privately owned - so, as I've stated thousands of times, these banks are making 'money' off our debt. Why exactly do you support this system?

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