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Vegetable Gardens


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The only critter problem I am having is that either birds or squirrels are getting my red tomatoes. They take a bite out of one and move on to another one. I have started picking them before they ripen to much.


Veggie gardens can actually cost more than buying sometimes, especially when starting them up. However, IMO the produce tastes much better and are free of chemicals.


Squirrels do that. It's not birds. Will drive you crazy because they aren't even ripe yet.

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well this d bag wiped out my tomatos. I have some nice eggplant on the way and did very well with cukes. I assume my onions are doing ok. I may just bag the garden next year. too much effort and money to get wiped out in 1 day by these assholes

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well this d bag wiped out my tomatos. I have some nice eggplant on the way and did very well with cukes. I assume my onions are doing ok. I may just bag the garden next year. too much effort and money to get wiped out in 1 day by these assholes

Whomp, don't you have an uncle or cousin who could whack these degenerate sonofabitch squirrels for you?

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Whomp, don't you have an uncle or cousin who could whack these degenerate sonofabitch squirrels for you?



I used to but he turned out to be a mole . Hiyoooo!! :rimshot: :wacko:

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Although I thoroughly enjoy it , I am starting to think it is pointless as day after day another animal finds its way into my yard and picks at one of my plants. Chipmunks wiped out my string beans. I was going relatively unscathed, with the expection of a nip here and there, and then I go out to check the garden saturday and 2 tomato plants that were flourishing are pretty much bare. I was baffled by this. I started thinking I was crazy and maybe I didnt have that many tomatos on there. I go back in the house and tell my wife and she says the neighbors have a ground hog and it found its way into the yard.


Groundhogs are public enemy # 1 to a garden in my neck of the woods. I boarded up the plank that was missing between my fence and the neighbors yard but this morning he was just plopped in my yard. I went outside and he didnt move. Honestly, if I was a gun guy , I would have had a clear shot at his ass but I wouldnt go that route. When I get home tonight I will patch up any open spots in the fence between my neighbors house and mine. My neighbor said he lives in her yard. Im basically Ginsued. Once these bastards get the taste for your garden he is going to find a way. I think I am going to go to home depot tonight and get one of those catch and release traps. I wont give up without a fight but honestly, if this dousch wipes me out, I am done planting with veggie garden. Not worth the effort, time and money to all go down the tube in 2 days



I don't know how much space you have, but I have read some interesting stuff on cheap ways to build greenhouses using old storm doors and windows. Maybe it's worth investigating if you really like having the garden :wacko:

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