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I have mixed feelings about this movie. I'll start by saying I believe the original movie was by far, the greatest FX,makeup and costume movie of all time. Seeing it being remade in a CGI format bothers me. I will watch it, but won't give my money to the theaters to do so.



Normally, I am a very huge fan of CGI and how far we have come; however, for me I am all about makeup, prosthetic and costumes for the Ape movies. There is something to be said about the old ways when it comes to this. I remember being about 8 years old when I saw the original 1st one and it freaking terrified me. I love the makeup and all of that for Tim Burton's reboot, very, very well done IMO.


The people who built the sets and did the FX for all movies up to the 90s were a breed of artist that I cannot say enough about and to some degree it saddens me that CGI is replacing a lot of this. While I LOVED star wars (all 6) the new trilogy used too much CGI for the sets. From the old trilogy, Jabba's palace is the pinnacle IMO.

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Normally, I am a very huge fan of CGI and how far we have come; however, for me I am all about makeup, prosthetic and costumes for the Ape movies. There is something to be said about the old ways when it comes to this. I remember being about 8 years old when I saw the original 1st one and it freaking terrified me. I love the makeup and all of that for Tim Burton's reboot, very, very well done IMO.


The people who built the sets and did the FX for all movies up to the 90s were a breed of artist that I cannot say enough about and to some degree it saddens me that CGI is replacing a lot of this. While I LOVED star wars (all 6) the new trilogy used too much CGI for the sets. From the old trilogy, Jabba's palace is the pinnacle IMO.



It's a different kind of art, but art nonetheless. And as great as the original make-up FX are, when Caeser begins emoting and you can tell what he's feeling by what's on his face you'll see that art and realize the makeup was inadequate for what this film did, and it achieved it because of the CG not in spite of it (like avatar, which would have been the same 3d or not). Remember, these are the guys who did Gollum for LOTR and have since refined their process. This isn't some 'Lucas stand against a greenscreen crap circa 2000.' These guys are HUNGRY, like ILM of old.

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It's a different kind of art, but art nonetheless. And as great as the original make-up FX are, when Caeser begins emoting and you can tell what he's feeling by what's on his face you'll see that art and realize the makeup was inadequate for what this film did, and it achieved it because of the CG not in spite of it (like avatar, which would have been the same 3d or not). Remember, these are the guys who did Gollum for LOTR and have since refined their process. This isn't some 'Lucas stand against a greenscreen crap circa 2000.' These guys are HUNGRY, like ILM of old.



Oh, no please do not take my comment as a hit to the new one - for one I haven't seen it yet. No, this Andy actor who did Gollum and King Kong is freaking amazing. This guy has the talent to deliver facial expressions with emotions and the CGI people capture it perfectly. It is stunning (minus ROTPOFA since I haven't seen it yet).

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I am a huge fan of the old and loved the makeup jobs. Having said that, this is different for sure and I went to it thinking I would not like the CGI. I loved it. The only complaint that I have at all is that they had the apes do a little to much that was a stretch of believing. I know that sounds crazy when you are talking about planet of the apes but I just did not like the jumps though the windows from crazy heights and things like that. I still loved the movie.

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