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I find it funny that people are going up in arms over this statement. Legally, corporations are recognized as individuals.


Campaigns are funny. People will take a gaffe and milk it for everything it's worth.


I remember when Obama was campaigning back in 2007 and he made the mistake of referring to people from Pennsylvania as being “bitter”. The use of that one word alone led to weeks of attacks from the Hillary camp.

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The political parties should focus their efforts on unf*cking this country up instead of this type of stooopid sh*t.



Exactly. The other day this Tea Party leader confronts Obama at a rally and asks him about the Joe Biden comment where he compared Tea Party members to terrorists. All I could think was that you got the attention of the friggen POTUS standing right in front of you. Something that will probably never happen again in your lifetime and of all the things you could think of to discuss with him you want to talk about some unsubstantiated remark by the gaffe machine that is Joe Biden. Ask about him about the hypocrisy of criticizing republicans for proposing cuts to Medicare when Obamacare includes Medicare cuts. Ask him about his decision to get the US involved in the conflict in Libya with congressional approval. But for God’s sake don’t waste your opportunity with the pres to ask him about some stupid gaffe!

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