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Gubment eliminates regulations for businesses


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Administration moves plan to ax hundreds of rules

Obama administration seeks $10B in savings for businesses by scrapping many gov't regulations


WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Obama administration disclosed plans Tuesday to cut or roll back hundreds of federal regulations, including some that will streamline tax forms at the Internal Revenue Service, let railroad companies pass on installing expensive new technology, and speed up the visa process for low-risk visitors to the U.S.


The administration said the regulations will save businesses up to $10 billion over the next five years and spur job growth in the private sector.


The move, announced while President Barack Obama was on vacation in Martha's Vineyard, was the latest White House gesture to reach out to a business community that has often felt alienated from the administration.


The move was criticized by some as too little, too late.


"The administration's findings and determinations, on their own, are a worthy effort at making technical changes to the regulatory process, but the results of this look-back will not have a material impact on the real regulatory burdens facing businesses today," said Bill Kovacs, senior vice president at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.


Administration officials said the plans unveiled Tuesday include 500 regulatory reforms, including more than 100 from the Department of Transportation and more than 70 from the Department of Health and Human Services. Once the reforms are fully implemented, the administration estimates businesses will save about $10 billion over five years.


Cass Sunstein, head of the White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, said the savings for businesses will give the private sector an opportunity to create new jobs. But Sunstein said he had no estimates on how much help the regulatory reforms would provide.


Many of the regulatory reforms are designed to help small businesses, the administration said. Those include accelerating payments to as many as 60,000 small businesses that have contracts with the Department of Defense, and requiring the Small Business Administration to adopt a single electronic application in order to reduce paperwork burdens.


House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, R-Va., said the administration's announcement was "underwhelming." And the Chamber of Commerce said real regulatory reform should include permit streamlining and reforms that would make it easier for businesses to get environmental clearance to start projects.


Obama called for federal agencies to scrutinize their existing regulations after his party suffered sweeping losses in the 2010 elections. The president acknowledged at the time that his relationship with the business community had soured, and he vowed to scrap "dumb" rules that were hindering private sector growth.


Sunstein said the reforms would not impact regulations needed to protect consumers and the environment, including rules used by the Federal Aviation Administration to ensure safe air travel and by the Department of Agriculture and Food and Drug Administration to protect food safety.


Associated Press reporter Mark S. Smith in Vineyard Haven, Mass. contributed to this report.


:wacko: Looks like a good move.

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Ahh . .. understanding republi-speak. "We cant actually say we agree, cause Obama is the debbil a black, socialist, moooslim."




I hate having to correct your posts.

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Obama extends Bush Tax Cuts.....Republicans surprisingly unhappy


Osama bin Lade Assassinated.....Republicans surprisingly unhappy


Border patrols at historic highs and immigration at historic lows.....Republicans surprisingly unhappy


Qadafi ousted from power....Republicans surprisingly unhappy

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Before 2008 there were no regulations.


In all seriousness I do wonder how many of those eliminated regs were in place before Obama was elected? I'm curious on which ones Zobama was too little too late on.


Obama administration eliminates 10 billion (i.e..a "tiny little bit) worth of regulations.........Az surprisingly unhappy

Edited by bushwacked
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so the massive uptick in regulation since 2010 is bush's fault?


:wacko: "in all seriousness" :tup:


I didn't even click on your article which is most likely from an obscure right wing blogger. We are all aware of your cunning skill in Googling and linking something as a desperate attempt to pretend you are being intellectually honest in your criticism.



In your excitement to be surprisingly unhappy with Zobama eliminating 10 billion dollars worth of regulations, you misinterpreted what I was asking. How many of the regulations being rolled back were in place prior to Obama being president?

Edited by bushwacked
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so the massive uptick in regulation since 2010 is bush's fault?


:wacko: "in all seriousness" :tup:


I think the point was is Obama, as you assert, "realizing the failure" and eliminating regulations his administration put in place or is he eliminating regulations that were already existing before he took office.


now lets see . . . letsw play the az game . . .



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I think the point was is Obama, as you assert, "realizing the failure" and eliminating regulations his administration put in place or is he eliminating regulations that were already existing before he took office.


now lets see . . . letsw play the az game . . .





Nice another thread where you and your girlfriend are teaming up on a conservative. Typical. How do you type with that big thing in your mouth?

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House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, R-Va., said the administration's announcement was "underwhelming." "carp, carp, carp, carp, carp, whine, carp". And the Chamber of Commerce said real regulatory reform should include permit streamlining and reforms that would make it easier for businesses to get environmental clearance to start projects they should be allowed to do whatever the hell they want and f*ck everyone else.



Edited by Ursa Majoris
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I've got a big problem with the "too little too late" thing. It is said all the time when folk should be given credit where credit is due.


Step 1) Fantastic!!


Step 2) Hopefully it works and we can expand upon it.


Amounts to the same thing, w/o seeming like so much of a tool.

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I have an idea. Let's build a giant arena in a field in Kansas, kinda like that one they played the Quidditch World Cup in. We will put Bush and Obama in the arena with baseball bats with giant nails driven through the end. Whoever come out alive, we will all agree to bow down and worship. Then maybe we will stop seeing the same thread circulating though this forum.

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I have an idea. Let's build a giant arena in a field in Kansas, kinda like that one they played the Quidditch World Cup in. We will put Bush and Obama in the arena with baseball bats with giant nails driven through the end. Whoever come out alive, we will all agree to bow down and worship. Then maybe we will stop seeing the same thread circulating though this forum.


Two man enter! One man leave!!!!!

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In your excitement to be surprisingly unhappy with Zobama eliminating 10 billion dollars worth of regulations, you misinterpreted what I was asking. How many of the regulations being rolled back were in place prior to Obama being president?


I guess Az will have to spend an extra amount of energy to google this question and come up with an "answer."

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I have an idea. Let's build a giant arena in a field in Kansas, kinda like that one they played the Quidditch World Cup in. We will put Bush and Obama in the arena with baseball bats with giant nails driven through the end. Whoever come out alive, we will all agree to bow down and worship. Then maybe we will stop seeing the same thread circulating though this forum.



Bush was relatively healthy and active. He has some familiarity with a baseball bat. He is older, however, and always seemed to lack a killer instinct.


Obama is younger and lithe. He may be slowed now by the stress of office, but I'd have to give him a substantial edge.


Has Bush been out clearing brush in Crawford? Maybe he is in better shape than I suspect. If he has been working while Obama is getting fat and sassy in Martha's Vineyard it may be closer. Still, if i was betting my money i'd go with Obama. Can you smell what the Barack is cooking?

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