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laptop help needed!


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So my wife went to surf the net tonight, and there was no connection to the internet. Just couldn't connect. Our network was identifiable on the list of networks, but it wouldn't connect. I then tried to connect to another network on the list (I picked an unsecured one just to see if we could connect)...no luck.


We have a variety of wireless gadgets that can still connect (my laptop, TV, Ipods, etc)...just my wife's laptop is having problems.


I ran the diagnostic program, and it told me to unplug the modem, wait 10 seconds, then plug it back in. We tried it just to see if it would work...no luck. Nothing has changed since yesterday (that I am aware of)....she checked her email before bed, then tried to do the same tonight, but it wouldn't connect.


Any ideas? Please note we have limited to zero technology knowledge, so please pretend you are speaking to a 3rd grader....TIA!!!

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Not a guru by any means, but my laptop was acting funny yesterday (freezing for 15-20 seconds at a time). Did a system restore and so far so good. Maybe some weird setting was messed with an a system restore to a couple days ago may fix it?

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Not a guru by any means, but my laptop was acting funny yesterday (freezing for 15-20 seconds at a time). Did a system restore and so far so good. Maybe some weird setting was messed with an a system restore to a couple days ago may fix it?


tried that, but I am getting a message that states it was unsuccessful because the registry was changed....which it was when I ran CCleaner to clean up the registry of issues (I was hoping that might be the problem). So now I can restore, unless I choose the "Advanced Option", which is Latin to me.

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Look on the lip in front of the bottom part of the laptop, there might be a switch to turn the wireless on/off. See if there is a set of lights that turn on/off.


had already done that....ours is a button on the F2 key. Sometimes the kids hit it by accident, but it is indeed on.

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Right click "My Computer">click "Properties">click "Device Manager". Under "Network Adapters" look for "!" flag for errors. Also double click your adapter to see if if "enabled". As a last resort (at your own risk, but it rarely causes a problem) disable your wifi card and reboot. The system should find it and re-install the draivers which could be corrupted.

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If your internet is working, then I suspect one of these 2 solutions should work, assuming it's not some deeper problem with your PC:


WindowsXP: Find the wireless/internet icon on the bottom task bar. Right click and select Repair


Windows 7 (not sure about Vista): Find the Find the wireless/internet icon on the bottom task bar. Right click and select "Open Network and Sharing Center" > Change Adapter Settings > Right Click on Your Connection > Enable > Disable



That has fixed 90% of my connection issues (with the other 10% solved by resetting the router)... Otherwise it sounds like a deeper problem.

Edited by delusions of granduer
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Right click "My Computer">click "Properties">click "Device Manager". Under "Network Adapters" look for "!" flag for errors. Also double click your adapter to see if if "enabled". As a last resort (at your own risk, but it rarely causes a problem) disable your wifi card and reboot. The system should find it and re-install the draivers which could be corrupted.


There is indeed on of those "!" next to my network adapter. I disabled it, then re-enabled it, no luck. I then disabled it, the rebooted....still won't connect. In fact, when I did this, it now says "no networks are available...its not detecting anything. I the ran the network diagnostics, and its telling me to plug an ethernet cable in the computer. I clicked "continue searching for errors", and it then said "The wireless Network Connection is disabled". I then clicked on the option that said "repair these problems as administrator". I finished the diagnostic, and it re-enabled the adapter....but it still won't connect. I am back to where I was when I started.

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If your internet is working, then I suspect one of these 2 solutions should work, assuming it's not some deeper problem with your PC:


WindowsXP: Find the wireless/internet icon on the bottom task bar. Right click and select Repair


Windows 7 (not sure about Vista): Find the Find the wireless/internet icon on the bottom task bar. Right click and select "Open Network and Sharing Center" > Change Adapter Settings > Right Click on Your Connection > Enable > Disable



That has fixed 90% of my connection issues (with the other 10% solved by resetting the router)... Otherwise it sounds like a deeper problem.


Did both of those...no luck.

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So my wife went to surf the net tonight, and there was no connection to the internet. Just couldn't connect. Our network was identifiable on the list of networks, but it wouldn't connect. I then tried to connect to another network on the list (I picked an unsecured one just to see if we could connect)...no luck.


We have a variety of wireless gadgets that can still connect (my laptop, TV, Ipods, etc)...just my wife's laptop is having problems.

I ran the diagnostic program, and it told me to unplug the modem, wait 10 seconds, then plug it back in. We tried it just to see if it would work...no luck. Nothing has changed since yesterday (that I am aware of)....she checked her email before bed, then tried to do the same tonight, but it wouldn't connect.


Any ideas? Please note we have limited to zero technology knowledge, so please pretend you are speaking to a 3rd grader....TIA!!!


If your other devices have internet access, then it is definitely not your router.

1-Can you plug the laptop into the router with an Ethernet cable? If this works, it is either hardware or software issues with the wireless adapter.

2-If 1 works, remove the wireless device (software) from your laptop through the device manager. Reboot windoze and have it "re-discover" your wireless adapter.

3- If 2 doesn't work, then go buy a usb wireless adapter for $5-10 and that should solve your problems.

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If your other devices have internet access, then it is definitely not your router.

1-Can you plug the laptop into the router with an Ethernet cable? If this works, it is either hardware or software issues with the wireless adapter.

2-If 1 works, remove the wireless device (software) from your laptop through the device manager. Reboot windoze and have it "re-discover" your wireless adapter.

3- If 2 doesn't work, then go buy a usb wireless adapter for $5-10 and that should solve your problems.


I was able to plug the laptop into the router, and it did work...so it looks like an issue with the adapter.


For #2, do I actually choose to "uninstall" the adapter?

Edited by i_am_the_swammi
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I had a similar issue. Turned out I had not fully unistalled McAfee antivirus and loaded a new antivirus. The dude told me that essentially the programs were fighting and causing my issue.

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If your other devices have internet access, then it is definitely not your router.

1-Can you plug the laptop into the router with an Ethernet cable? If this works, it is either hardware or software issues with the wireless adapter.

2-If 1 works, remove the wireless device (software) from your laptop through the device manager. Reboot windoze and have it "re-discover" your wireless adapter.

3- If 2 doesn't work, then go buy a usb wireless adapter for $5-10 and that should solve your problems.


Good info here. If the ethernet cable works it has to be the adapter. So buy the usb adapter and problem solved.

I actually mis-spoke in my first post. I meant to say "uninstall" NOT disable, reboot and see if the corrupted drivers re-install. :wacko:



I had a similar issue. Turned out I had not fully unistalled McAfee antivirus and loaded a new antivirus. The dude told me that essentially the programs were fighting and causing my issue.


McAfee is total crap. I've had to fix (get into the Registry) on several machines because of McAfee. DO NOT USE IT! Hope you read this Football Joe, but on your new system it was prolly already installed.

Edited by rocknrobn26
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I was able to plug the laptop into the router, and it did work...so it looks like an issue with the adapter.


For #2, do I actually choose to "uninstall" the adapter?


Yes, uninstall. When you re-boot it will go through the "found new hardware" routine and re-install the wifi card and driver. If that doesn't work and you still have the notification in the device manager then you have some kind of software conflict (what SEC said) or the wifi adapter is bad. If you've recently installed new software or an update to something, try backing that out.

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McAfee is total crap. I've had to fix (get into the Registry) on several machines because of McAfee. DO NOT USE IT! Hope you read this Football Joe, but on your new system it was prolly already installed.


Good info here. There are at least three free suites (AVG, Panda, Avira) I'd use before even considering McAffee.

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Yes, uninstall. When you re-boot it will go through the "found new hardware" routine and re-install the wifi card and driver. If that doesn't work and you still have the notification in the device manager then you have some kind of software conflict (what SEC said) or the wifi adapter is bad. If you've recently installed new software or an update to something, try backing that out.


When I go to "uninstall", it is asking me in a separate box if i want to delete the driver software for this device....should I check the box for "yes"?


ETA: I tried it without checking that box. It did go through the "installing device driver software" routine, and then I got hte message hat the Intel Wifi Link 5100 was successfully installed. I then tried to connect, had to re-enter the security key...and it worked!


Nicely done, WV and rockn...the wifey is very appreciative :wacko:

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seems that was a very short term fix....I was connected for about 3-4 minutes, and then the same problem occured.


$$$ to donuts it's the wifi card. Get the usb adapter, disable the current wifi adapter before installing the USB adapter, install the USB and it should work fine. After you get it working,give it a day or so, you could go back and uninstall the old adapter, but it shouldn't matter either way.

Edited by rocknrobn26
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$$$ to donuts it's the wifi card. Get the usb adapter, disable the current wifi adapter before installing the USB adapter, install the USB and it should work fine. After you get it working,give it a day or so, you could go back and uninstall the old adapter, but it shouldn't matter either way.


yeah, it's the card. Get a cheap adapter.

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