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Sheriff Joe Arpaio tasks ‘Cold Case Posse’ to investigate Obama’s birth certificate


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From the guy who takes the time to try and claim a birth certificate and a certificate of live birth are different.




I really have no idea whether they are or not. I'm not trying to make any claims about it. And for about the third or fourth time, I don't really care. As far as I'm concerned Obama meets all qualifications to be POTUS. I just don't happen to be a birth certificate expert like the rest of you. :wacko:

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If I were a Democrat (And thank God I am not because I would responsible for creating all the entitlements that are about to destroy the greatest experiment in democracy - The USA - in the history of the world, but I digress.)

So if I've voted for both parties, I'm responsible for everything that all the parties have ever done. :wacko:

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