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Stay classy Fox Sports!


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What is unfortunate about Pope Flick's post is that Fox has set the new standard in crappy journalism and that, in itself, is enough to bash them mercilessly. None the less, as BB points out, their actions are not entirely unprecedented in main-stream media, even if they've distanced themselves from the competition in this regard.


So, yes, Fox should be punished for their continued disregard for actually covering news and not making chight up. Up to, and perhaps including having their license ripped from them. At very least, they should take their spot among the hack tabloids where they belong. But we shouldn't, however, pretend that this has never been done by anyone else who is considered a legit news source.


Absolutely spot-on. BB's assertion that the rest of the media is just as bad as Fox is just false. All media should be held to a very high standard, and Fox is the worst offender in this country's history by far.


But as BB says, I come to this site for football, not political pissing contests, and we have more common ground here than things we disagree on, so I'm moving on, too. Back to football!

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There is a fundamental difference between media bias and fabrication of headlines. You dont get it, and call other people names. :wacko: Dan Rather is a great example and it cost him his career AND he was the victim of the hoax as well. Im glad he took the hit becuasr unlike you I believe integrity is important. Fox continues to do it and no one has been docked a paycheck. Your Fox blinders are disgusting as well so yes you should leave before you dig a bigger hole here.


Detlef - what's unfortunate about your post is you made something up: please provide an example where headlines were fabricated OR lies were presented as factual news on a station different than Fox - please go find one to back that up because I call BS. And bias doesn't count I'm asking for an equivalent here.

The Dan Rather debacle was the one that came to mind for me as well. That they handled it far better than Fox ever would this sort of thing does not change the fact that they ran with a very damning and yet factually incorrect story. You may now feel free to dive into semantics and explain why the very sweeping comment you made initially wasn't actually as sweeping you made it seem. Further, I believe BB's assertion that you must be younger than 6 was not intended to be name calling, but rather that you must be too young to have been alive for that unfortunate episode.


I thought I was rather clear in saying that Fox takes this to a level that nobody else does, so in other words, I agree with you more than I don't. However, you sure made it seem like everyone else is squeaky clean in this regard and that seems to be a bit of a stretch. Perhaps I misread your intent. Perhaps you should be more clear.



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Bias and fabrication are two entirely different things

This is the main point. To put it another way, there is opinion and there is untruth. That is the difference here but as soon as it's pointed out that Fox has flat out lied (claimed a previous headline was authentic when it actually never existed), the kneejerkers come flying straight in about media bias.


:wacko: These two things are completely different.

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Thanks. It wouldn't be semantics but actually apples and oranges. Bias and fabrication are two entirely different things, until detleft confuses them. :wacko:

You may be pretending this about bias vs fabrication, but I'm talking about CBS running with flawed news about the POTUS. That's not bias, that's bad journalism. That's reporting damning news that isn't true.


Sure, we can give them the benefit of the doubt and assume that it was some random underling getting a scoop that he thought was good and didn't check up on. But do we really know it wasn't just having that guy fall on the sword? Again, I appreciate the serious manner that CBS handled the situation and that places them heads and shoulders above Fox who just keeps pulling this crap again and again.


Then again, at no point have I implied Fox isn't the single most pathetic excuse for a news channel among the main stream.

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