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North Carolina Governor Calls for Suspending Congressional Elections


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Obama has mentioned the same thing, wanting to circumvent congress.


“There are times where — until Nancy Pelosi is speaker again — I’d like to work my way around Congress.” - Obama.


They're still in la-la land and, like going from a sugar high to a crash, liberals still wish they could do whatever they want with a supermajority. Not gonna happen! :wacko:

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Just assuming such a suspension was carried out, wouldn't the Republicans benefit the most?


How so? It appears as thought the GOP will maintain or increase their majority in the house, and right now it looks like they will more than likely gain control of the senate assuming an election was held today. If such a suspension was carried out the GOP would still have a small majority in the house, but still does not have the senate.

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How so? It appears as thought the GOP will maintain or increase their majority in the house, and right now it looks like they will more than likely gain control of the senate assuming an election was held today. If such a suspension was carried out the GOP would still have a small majority in the house, but still does not have the senate.

Seems like a lot of Republican freshmen are sitting in historically heavily Democratic districts with razor thin majorities. It wouldn't take very much for a significant number to lose their seats. I don't think it's quite as cut and dried as some of you think.

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How so? It appears as thought the GOP will maintain or increase their majority in the house,


Intrade actually has 25 cents on the dollar for both the House and Senate being under Democratic control after the 2012 elections, indicating the Congressional pendulum is more than likely swinging back to the left. Methinks you're a bit oblivious about how congressional approval is at historic lows after the extremists got in after the last election.

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The fact that this statement by the governor has gone viral is a testament to how sorry politics has become. She was making an offhand remark about how politicians never stop campaigning, and that it would take suspending elections in order to get anything done. It was not a serious recommendation and to take it as such is absurd, especially when you consider that the GOP has more representation in the NC Congress than anytime in the last century. I'm sure that's not a status quo that the governor would like to prolong.

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The fact that this statement by the governor has gone viral is a testament to how sorry politics has become. She was making an offhand remark about how politicians never stop campaigning, and that it would take suspending elections in order to get anything done. It was not a serious recommendation and to take it as such is absurd, especially when you consider that the GOP has more representation in the NC Congress than anytime in the last century. I'm sure that's not a status quo that the governor would like to prolong.


Did you actually listen to her speech and how she said it, or are you just going on the way they tried to spin it? It sounded like she was dead serious. Listen to the link if you haven't. If you have, clean out your ears and listen again.

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Did you actually listen to her speech and how she said it, or are you just going on the way they tried to spin it? It sounded like she was dead serious. Listen to the link if you haven't. If you have, clean out your ears and listen again.

I did listen to the speech and I'd wager I'm more familiar with North Carolina politics than you are. You hear what you want to hear.

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The fact that this statement by the governor has gone viral is a testament to how sorry politics has become. She was making an offhand remark about how politicians never stop campaigning, and that it would take suspending elections in order to get anything done. It was not a serious recommendation and to take it as such is absurd, especially when you consider that the GOP has more representation in the NC Congress than anytime in the last century. I'm sure that's not a status quo that the governor would like to prolong.


I agree with you. though I doubt she would have had quite the same take in 2008.

Edited by Azazello1313
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Intrade actually has 25 cents on the dollar for both the House and Senate being under Democratic control after the 2012 elections, indicating the Congressional pendulum is more than likely swinging back to the left. Methinks you're a bit oblivious about how congressional approval is at historic lows after the extremists got in after the last election.





Young man, you need to get your home checked for Radon. You appear to be delusional.

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which looks like awfully bad news for all those dem incumbent senators in red and purple states. or are you actually blinded enough to think that displeasure with congress = displeasure with the GOP = eagerness to vote for dems? let me ask you, who WOULD be happy with congress right now? the right sees their agenda being stalled by the senate and white house, the left sees their agenda completely de-railed, the middle sees gridlock and bickering. if anything, it's surprising that approval rate isn't at zero.


and yet you see this voter displeasure as a positive harbinger for incumbent party and the party of big government. hmm. :wacko:


losing to ron paul? ZMOGOMZG!

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let me ask you, who WOULD be happy with congress right now? the right sees their agenda being stalled by the senate and white house, the left sees their agenda completely de-railed, the middle sees gridlock and bickering. if anything, it's surprising that approval rate isn't at zero.


So congressional approval is at all time low, and decreased dramatically over the last couple months, because there is gridlock with a different party in control in the executive branch and that has never happened before, evah!


In fact, a whopping 13% approval is a testament to Congress cause that's 13% higher than 0%.


Brilliant deduction! :wacko:

Edited by bushwacked
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The fact that this statement by the governor has gone viral is a testament to how sorry politics has become. She was making an offhand remark about how politicians never stop campaigning, and that it would take suspending elections in order to get anything done. It was not a serious recommendation and to take it as such is absurd, especially when you consider that the GOP has more representation in the NC Congress than anytime in the last century. I'm sure that's not a status quo that the governor would like to prolong.

:tup:If it was a joke, North Carolina Democratic Governor Bev Perdue needs to polish her delivery. :wacko:


In the recording, her tone is matter-of-fact and her comments are part of a serious speech. What she said is in lockstep with what Obama wants, which is to delay losing more seats in the House or Senate.

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this really is a stupid thing to get worked up over. she is bemoaning the neverending political cycle, something we here have talked about many times. trying to pass it off as a "joke" is moron damage control PR at its worst. but she obviously wasn't making a serious policy proposal, it was more of a musing on the current state of affairs. kinda like when someone says, "first, we should kill all the lawyers"...they're probably NOT actually trying to kick off a genocide campaign against attorneys.


in any case, it sounds like this lady has bigger problems

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