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North Carolina Governor Calls for Suspending Congressional Elections


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:tup:If it was a joke, North Carolina Democratic Governor Bev Perdue needs to polish her delivery. :wacko:


In the recording, her tone is matter-of-fact and her comments are part of a serious speech. What she said is in lockstep with what Obama wants, which is to delay losing more seats in the House or Senate.

Sounds to me like someone who is frustrated and was just throwing out an idea that she knew would not be acceptable and, yet, would be surprisingly effective in terms of actually getting something done. A joke? Perhaps not. More like, "This is how effed up everything is."


Joke or not, That anyone actually thinks that she or Obama is seriously trying to stop elections from happening, rather that simply pointing out the obvious, that nobody will actually do anything because they're too busy trying to get re-elected, is a complete and total fool.

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The United States is undergoing one of the biggest political revolutions in its post-war history, and perhaps the most important since Ronald Reagan, with an emphatic rejection of the idea that government knows best when it comes to handling key domestic issues, especially relating to the economy. . . .


Barack Obama could well end up being the last big government president of the United States, a nation that simply cannot afford the lavish excesses of an imperious presidency that drains the pay-checks of hard-working Americans with impunity and reckless abandon. The historic loss of faith in the federal government under Obama has combined with growing support across America for a return to the limited government ideals of the Founding Fathers.



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they did it bad in sconny and MN is next .


Oh wait. So the Republican party, voted into office in a landslide, didn't redistrict in the Democrats favor? That's weird, because usually the opposing party is always so considerate when it comes to these matters.


I'm sure the Democrats would have been so benevolent had they had the power.


Republican optimism aside, Democrats are making the most of their opportunities. They've drawn favorable district lines in Illinois.


In Illinois, Democrats ensured that the new political map makes life extremely tough for half of the state's 11 House Republicans. The Democrats focused on competitive districts close to Democratic strongholds, carving up huge swaths of GOP territory and creating some difficult matchups for GOP incumbents. Freshman Republican Robert Dold is suddenly in a race against seven-term Democrat Jan Schakowky. Freshman Republican Adam Kinzinger's hometown of Manteno is now in nine-term Democrat Jesse Jackson Jr.'s district. Two Republican freshmen, Joe Walsh and Randy Hultgren, are now in the same district.


Let's not try to BS anyone when you know dang well that every 10 years redistricting is controlled by the party in power. This is standard operating procedure that goes on in ALL states, not just WI.

Edited by tosberg34
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she is bemoaning the neverending political cycle, something we here have talked about many times.

Kinda makes you wonder why PR people suck so bad. If they just came out and said she was commenting on the fact that politicians have to spend more than half their time campaigning due to this stupid f'n system we have put together (which she was), she'd have been both truthful and perceived as sensible too.

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this really is a stupid thing to get worked up over. she is bemoaning the neverending political cycle, something we here have talked about many times. trying to pass it off as a "joke" is moron damage control PR at its worst. but she obviously wasn't making a serious policy proposal, it was more of a musing on the current state of affairs. kinda like when someone says, "first, we should kill all the lawyers"...they're probably NOT actually trying to kick off a genocide campaign against attorneys.


in any case, it sounds like this lady has bigger problems

Yes she does. She's the last line of defense to keep the nut jobs who just took over the state legislation from setting us back 50 years.


I get the whole GOP take over thing. Small government, the whole nine. Problem is, the second these guys took over, they started up with one social agenda after another. Great, sell fiscal responsibility and small government and then worry about everything but.


Let's make license plates that say "Protect Life" and have the money go to groups that have been exposed for spreading bad medical advice about pregnancies and birth control.


Let's put a marriage amendment on the ballot.


There's a ton of other things that escape me now, but yes, she's got bigger problems and props to her for taking them on because, right now, there's a bunch of Jesse Helms wannabes who are trying to "take back the state".

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Sounds to me like someone who is frustrated and was just throwing out an idea that she knew would not be acceptable and, yet, would be surprisingly effective in terms of actually getting something done. A joke? Perhaps not. More like, "This is how effed up everything is."


Joke or not, That anyone actually thinks that she or Obama is seriously trying to stop elections from happening, rather that simply pointing out the obvious, that nobody will actually do anything because they're too busy trying to get re-elected, is a complete and total fool.


+1 :wacko:

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this really is a stupid thing to get worked up over. she is bemoaning the neverending political cycle, something we here have talked about many times. trying to pass it off as a "joke" is moron damage control PR at its worst. but she obviously wasn't making a serious policy proposal, it was more of a musing on the current state of affairs. kinda like when someone says, "first, we should kill all the lawyers"...they're probably NOT actually trying to kick off a genocide campaign against attorneys.


in any case, it sounds like this lady has bigger problems


If her people would have said that, this would have gone away a lot quicker. Why people insist on trying to cover up something when the truth will suffice, is beyond me.

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Oh wait. So the Republican party, voted into office in a landslide, didn't redistrict in the Democrats favor? That's weird, because usually the opposing party is always so considerate when it comes to these matters.


I'm sure the Democrats would have been so benevolent had they had the power.




Let's not try to BS anyone when you know dang well that every 10 years redistricting is controlled by the party in power. This is standard operating procedure that goes on in ALL states, not just WI.


Um . . . he was stating an observation. Gerrymandering is generally known to be horribly abused by BOTH parties. Yukon stated that it was done in favor of the party in power, but nowhere did he say it was wrong or a uniquely Republican phenomenon.


Yer victim alarm is going off prematurely there bucko . . :wacko:

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Um . . . he was stating an observation. Gerrymandering is generally known to be horribly abused by BOTH parties. Yukon stated that it was done in favor of the party in power, but nowhere did he say it was wrong or a uniquely Republican phenomenon.


Yer victim alarm is going off prematurely there bucko . . :tup:


Sweet! I'm off Ignore! Victory is mine! :wacko:

Edited by tosberg34
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Um . . . he was stating an observation. Gerrymandering is generally known to be horribly abused by BOTH parties. Yukon stated that it was done in favor of the party in power, but nowhere did he say it was wrong or a uniquely Republican phenomenon.


Yer victim alarm is going off prematurely there bucko . . :wacko:

please stop quoting the victims . then i dont have to read it.

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Um . . . he was stating an observation. Gerrymandering is generally known to be horribly abused by BOTH parties. Yukon stated that it was done in favor of the party in power, but nowhere did he say it was wrong or a uniquely Republican phenomenon.


Yer victim alarm is going off prematurely there bucko . . :wacko:


yeah, you're right, I'm sure yuk is equally alarmed by dem gerrymandering.

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please stop quoting the victims . then i dont have to read it.

More of the whole Ignore thing - sure seems to be a bunch of children around this place.


Hey Yukon - did ya see that Obama plans to have federal workers start kicking in for pensions - Is he the devil like Walker - guess you won't be voting FOR Obama but instead screaming RECALL OBAMA.


The irony is thick.

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More of the whole Ignore thing - sure seems to be a bunch of children around this place.


Hey Yukon - did ya see that Obama plans to have federal workers start kicking in for pensions - Is he the devil like Walker - guess you won't be voting FOR Obama but instead screaming RECALL OBAMA.


The irony is thick.


I thought that the big gripe about Walker was the collective bargaining issue.

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the only thing more pointless and wanky than ignoring someone is constantly talking about how you are ignoring them.


look at me! I am ignoring you!




carry on...


Were you saying something? I wasn't listening. :tup:

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