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nuke'em ttg


33 members have voted

  1. 1. Like it or Dread it

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Used to love Thanksgiving as it was one of my favorite holidays. However, because of my current divorce proceedings, there's been a hugh falling out with my family, which was always very close, and therefore, I'm not looking forward to this Thanksgiving, as I'll basically be spending it alone.


Been a very rough year.

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I really dread some of the outlaws ya see twice a year. Would just like our family of 4 plus Ma and my wifes parents. Always politics and how there job sucks, friggin brutal, i'm truely thankful when i walk away.


this is supposed ta be a poll if it turns out right :wacko:


we have no family in town. each year we spend it with friends and continue the MST3K marathon as it should be. With mass quantities of alcohol.

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