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Things must be slow.


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Nailed it.


Nadler stressed that the national motto is not under attack, and said the resolution appears to be an attempt by Republicans to look more religious than others.


"This is simply an exercise in saying, 'We're more religious than the other people, we're more godly than the other people, and by the way, let's waste time and divert people's attention from the real issues that we're not dealing with,' like unemployment," he said.

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Why don't we start sacrificing virgins to the volcanoes in Hawaii until God gives us an answer we can trust?


Comments below the article are funny


Liberals/Progressives, More Facts;


June 3, 2011


More Than 9 in 10 Americans Continue to Believe in God


Professed belief is lower among younger Americans, Easterners, and liberals


FACT: More than 9 in 10 Americans still say "yes" when asked the basic question "Do you believe in God?"; this is down only slightly from the 1940s, when Gallup first asked this question.


If Liberals voted for Obama, how did he win with 1/10th of the vote?

Edited by WaterMan
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I guess the Repub Congress is going to twiddle their thumbs until a Repub is president. Politics over the people at its finest.

So, in other words, until at least 2017? Great. Because thery're about to hand this thing to Obama the way the Dems handed Bush another four years in '04.

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I guess the Repub Congress is going to twiddle their thumbs until a Repub is president. Politics over the people at its finest.



It has been over 900 days since the Deomcrats have passed a budget... something they are legally obligated to do each year. Here's a hint: one year is only 365 days long.

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Yep. Republicans have no responsibility at all.


It is written in invisible ink on the back of the Declaration of Independence. I think I saw it on "National Treasure"

What was known as the "Republicans" at that time are now knows as the "Democrats"

Edited by Big John
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Democrats pass budgets?


SB: How can you be so obtuse?

EGL: What did you call me?

SB: Obtuse. Is it deliberate?


CONGRESS must pass a budget each year. When the Democrats controlled the House, they refused to present a budget. When the Republicans took back the House, they proposed and passed a budget that the Democrats then killed. Harry Reid was quoted as saying that it would be foolish to have a budget. Well, yes, as a Democrat it would be foolish to let everyone know exactly how you would continue spending us into oblivion, therefore they continue to try to get by without addressing it.

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Only nine percent of national adults polled said they approve of the way Congress is handling its job. Eighty-four percent disapprove of the job Congress is doing while seven percent said they weren’t sure. The poll surveyed 1,650 adults from Oct. 19-24 and had a margin of error of three percentage points. The nine percent figure – the lowest ever recorded in the history of NYT/CBS polling.

Thank you John Boner and the teatards! :wacko:

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CONGRESS must pass a budget each year. When the Democrats controlled the House, they refused to present a budget. When the Republicans took back the House, they proposed and passed a budget that the Democrats then killed. Harry Reid was quoted as saying that it would be foolish to have a budget. Well, yes, as a Democrat it would be foolish to let everyone know exactly how you would continue spending us into oblivion, therefore they continue to try to get by without addressing it.


Why are some here so reticent to address this simple and concise point?

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Why are some here so reticent to address this simple and concise point?


Because as surely as I'm addicted to pain pills they're addicted to spending all this money. You really think they're not going to do everything they can, including laying on the floor in a tantrum, to keep from giving up all this power?

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