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Bowhunters Unite!


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I hunted five days then went to Indy for the band deal, then hunted three more. I have harvested two nice bucks with the larger likely to qualify for Pope and Young. Saw 78 bucks in 8 days, with increasing rut activity as the days went on. Saw a true booner on Tuesday, but couldn't get him closer than 55 yards despite having does right in front of me. Awesome week, good season


This was on my place in Alfalfa Co, NW OK.


What's in the salt for you guys so far?

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I don't have a good pic because I was by myself and pressed for time. I do have the obligatory "laying on its side head shot". Can I imbed a pic straight into this thread, or do i have to post it on the net somewhere? Hate that crap.

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I don't have a good pic because I was by myself and pressed for time. I do have the obligatory "laying on its side head shot". Can I imbed a pic straight into this thread, or do i have to post it on the net somewhere? Hate that crap.

Have to do it on the net somewhere. Images are disabled for this site.

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