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Sandusky/Paterno victim bullied out of school


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It's really pretty simple with regard to why we're prepared to paint PSU fans "with a broad brush".


From the get go, the coaches circled the wagons. Did you see, for instance, how Boeheim responded to the allegations at Syracuse? He stepped right up and called BS. Straight up. He didn't issue a "no comment" or "Hey guys, I'd love to address this but my lawyer says not to." Nope, he just laid it out there and called the dude a liar. He said, that dude brought this up years ago, they looked into it, nobody corroborated his story, and now he's back for more. Sounds like a guy with nothing to hide.


How did Joe Pa handle it? "Um, I told the guys I was supposed to tell, but gee, um, I can't say anything more right now. It's all so complicated, blah, blah, blah."


And how did so many PSU fans react to this? Well, Kid Cid, you did by rushing to his defense and chastising those of us who wanted his head. Seriously, it's really simple. If Joe Pa did what he was supposed to do, he'd be like Boeheim, standing up on the highest mountain top and yelling as loudly as he could about all the things he did to stop Sandusky. But he didn't, he hemmed and hawed and didn't talk because his lawyer said not to.


And PSU fans respond by chanting "We are Penn State"? And you guys wonder why we're sickened by you actions? Because your esteemed leader Joe Pa did a horrible, horrible thing and has said nothing near enough to explain it and you guys want us to "look at all the good he's done"?

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my point is not the kid. i wasn't thinking the kid is out for more money, even though my first post read that way. my point is that those around the kid could be the ones who persuaded him to drop out of school because it could get them a bigger payout, namely his attorney(s). i said that i hope this is not the case, but i fear it could be.


there's no putting a monetary amount on something like this and even if the kid has a hundred billion dollars, it wouldn't make up for what sick sandusky did to him ... but you knew that, didn't you?


You expect his attorney and that attorney's staff and vendors to all work for free? And why should they?


Again, YOU are the one who is concerned that the kid is going to get too much money, by extension overpaying his attorneys. So by all means, give us a dollar amount. Don't continue to cop out.

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I also don't think they are trying to buy their way out of this issue. You seem to be willing to blame hundreds of thousands of people for the actions of a few, dismissing their generosity, and the true good that the majority have done, for what purpose? What do you gain by broad brushing all of the Penn State people with your "the're all sickening and ugly" nastyness? Does your hatred of all things Penn State help to save a child?


There are a lot of good people doing a lot of good things at Penn State, for children and the world, and for you to lump them in with sandusky et al, and dismiss their generosity as irrelevant, will only go to further harm children, you seem so rightfully eager to protect. Just ask any of the 4 diamond kids/ families, like I got the opportunity to do.


As a Purdue Undergraduate, and a Penn State EMBA program graduate, I got to see the great side of this community. I hated Penn State for most of my life through college. It was only until I met some people, and got to know the college through my EMBA that I realized what a great commuity and place it was. It still is. I think you are unfairly dissmissive of the good so that you can revel in the bad. That is your choice. Me, I am going to be glad that there are people such as the ones at Penn State working hard to make the world a better place.


I don't...I am from PA, and have followed PSU football as my own since I was a kid. I went to a PA state school, in the same system as PSU, and many of my best friends are PSU grads. And they roll their eyes too at the many recent facebook/social media posts that state "PSU has raised a ton of money for abused children since this happened" posts....as if it should be a public get-out-of-jail-free card for the University in terms of the scrutiny their under. While they have been exceptioanllly philanthropic in the past, it will be looked at with a discerning eye going forward...the hoity-toity status of Penn State is gone, and money/donations won't bring it back.


The whole thing needs to be torn down, and they need to start over....period. The first step was canning everyone involved, even peripherally. And what happened? "Poor JoePa"..."Let the facts come out"...."we STILL are Penn State"....its pathetic, bordering on sickening, how blind the homerism is. Sadly, those that are trying to do good will be overshadowed by those throwing money at causes in hopes they can then use it as an argument that "See, PSU really is a good school." The University, and its actions in the events following Sandusky's sickening behavior, took away the right for the school to be judged on an even playing field. They will, from now on, be looked at with close scrutiny, with people wondering if there is an ulterior motive for their actions. Sad...but its reality.

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You expect his attorney and that attorney's staff and vendors to all work for free? And why should they?


Again, YOU are the one who is concerned that the kid is going to get too much money, by extension overpaying his attorneys. So by all means, give us a dollar amount. Don't continue to cop out.

i have found out kids are worth about 3-4 million to insurance companies.

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You expect his attorney and that attorney's staff and vendors to all work for free? And why should they?


Again, YOU are the one who is concerned that the kid is going to get too much money, by extension overpaying his attorneys. So by all means, give us a dollar amount. Don't continue to cop out.


it's odd that you want to press this point after i just said no amount can erase what happened to this kid.


i don't want the attorneys and staff members manipulating the kid to get themselves more money, no. it would be sad if he could have finished his high school education but was advised not to by his legal counsel. how much would i want to lawyers to get in this case? how about just their billable rate and no significant percentage of the damages ... how's that?

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it's odd that you want to press this point after i just said no amount can erase what happened to this kid.


i don't want the attorneys and staff members manipulating the kid to get themselves more money, no. it would be sad if he could have finished his high school education but was advised not to by his legal counsel. how much would i want to lawyers to get in this case? how about just their billable rate and no significant percentage of the damages ... how's that?

Not sure if it's done for this type of case, but it seems that a class action suit against everyone involved would make the most sense here. Assign a percentage of the financial liability to Sandusky, Paterno, PSU and anyone else involved in the cover up and come up with a fair settlement.

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Naming a stadium after him wouldn't be a "celebration" but an acknowledgement and appreciation for all the good he has done - which is quite a few truckloads' worth, unmatched in the school's history. That didn't all suddenly disappear because he wasn't aggressive enough in doing something about Sandusky, much as all the headhunting idiots want it to. Personally I'd just as soon keep the name we have though, never been a fan of naming stadiums/etc after people.


Really? Did they say that? Or imply it? Or did you just assume it because you have a large and obvious ax to grind with Penn State/its fans?


I talk to plenty too and not one has said or implied any such thing. In fact there are a lot of mixed feelings about Joe (and all the others, remember?) and what should/shouldn't happen here. Some actually think they should wait until this goes to trial and we actually learn as many FACTS as we can about this and a verdict is given. Those crazy radicals, don't they know how much more fun it is to just assume and point fingers and burn people at the stake??? :wacko:


Really? We who had nothing to do with these crimes deserve some kind of "punishment?" Brilliant. Once again the witch burning, mob mentality rears its ugly, asinine head.


Guess I should have expected that in a thread titled "Sandusky/Paterno victum" though. Yeah Joe deserves equal billing with Sandusky, that makes sense.

Once again you embarrass yourself. You have been owned and abused at least five separate times in the last few weeks. You really should take a break from your pompous ass routine. I made it very clear I have an axe to grind with the fans of Penn State. I also made it clear why. There is no freaking way in hell there will be anything named after this total scum bag. EVER. No amount of good can outweigh what he has done. Frankly the amount of good is exxaggerated anyway. He has done plenty of harm over the years. Yes he has won games...so what. Donated money too...so what. None of what he has done excuses the crap he pulled in this situation. Forget the crap about waiting for the facts to come out. He is dead to rights. The BOT in no way in hell fies him unless they have him cold. He was involved in this thing from the very beginning. I guarantee you that McQueery not the first time he heard scumdusky liked little boys. He practically lived with the guy for decades. He already knew. I could care less who you talk to, the people I have spoken with are mostly in denial. Quite frankly are also in denial. You need a break from your own embarrassment.
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i don't want the attorneys and staff members manipulating the kid to get themselves more money, no. it would be sad if he could have finished his high school education but was advised not to by his legal counsel. how much would i want to lawyers to get in this case? how about just their billable rate and no significant percentage of the damages ... how's that?


Why is it your business what the lawyers get paid?

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Bernie Madoff donated a lot of money to charity too . . . should be let out of jail and have chit named after him? Now instead of stealing money, lets weigh failing to protect children from a child molester. How does that even out on the "moral scale" of looking at all good deeds vs evil deeds?


Pompously saying how much money for charity has been donated and circling the wagons looks defensive and feeble.


Even if you are a fan of Penn State, an alumnus or a student. Anything said in defense of Penn state/Paterno right now will be immediately countered with "sexual abuse of a child". I really dont know how anyone can realistically counter that.


Just keep yer heads down, endure the shame that these scumbags brought on your university, and curse them to Dante's seventh level of hell for their despicable acts that have brought this down on Penn State.

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Once again you embarrass yourself. You have been owned and abused at least five separate times in the last few weeks. You really should take a break from your pompous ass routine. I made it very clear I have an axe to grind with the fans of Penn State. I also made it clear why. There is no freaking way in hell there will be anything named after this total scum bag. EVER. No amount of good can outweigh what he has done. Frankly the amount of good is exxaggerated anyway. He has done plenty of harm over the years. Yes he has won games...so what. Donated money too...so what. None of what he has done excuses the crap he pulled in this situation. Forget the crap about waiting for the facts to come out. He is dead to rights. The BOT in no way in hell fies him unless they have him cold. He was involved in this thing from the very beginning. I guarantee you that McQueery not the first time he heard scumdusky liked little boys. He practically lived with the guy for decades. He already knew. I could care less who you talk to, the people I have spoken with are mostly in denial. Quite frankly are also in denial. You need a break from your own embarrassment.


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because i can post on a message board?


if i had to choose between the kid graduating from high school and his lawyers getting more money, i'd choose the former.


I don't give a $hit what you think, just wondering if there was any logic behind it. You've cleared that up.

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Bernie Madoff donated a lot of money to charity too . . . should be let out of jail and have chit named after him? Now instead of stealing money, lets weigh failing to protect children from a child molester. How does that even out on the "moral scale" of looking at all good deeds vs evil deeds?


Pompously saying how much money for charity has been donated and circling the wagons looks defensive and feeble.


Even if you are a fan of Penn State, an alumnus or a student. Anything said in defense of Penn state/Paterno right now will be immediately countered with "sexual abuse of a child". I really dont know how anyone can realistically counter that.


Just keep yer heads down, endure the shame that these scumbags brought on your university, and curse them to Dante's seventh level of hell for their despicable acts that have brought this down on Penn State.


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I'm confused...the story says the kid's shrink concluded that the bullying and threats were too much for the kid. So he recommended the kid drop out, presumably for the kid's health and well-being. No mention of a lawyer in that article.

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I'm confused...the story says the kid's shrink concluded that the bullying and threats were too much for the kid. So he recommended the kid drop out, presumably for the kid's health and well-being. No mention of a lawyer in that article.


Shhh . . . you are poking holes in tonerators theory of how the evil lawyer is secretly manipulating this entire incident from behind the scenes . . . .

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Once again you embarrass yourself. You have been owned and abused at least five separate times in the last few weeks. You really should take a break from your pompous ass routine. I made it very clear I have an axe to grind with the fans of Penn State. I also made it clear why. There is no freaking way in hell there will be anything named after this total scum bag. EVER. No amount of good can outweigh what he has done. Frankly the amount of good is exxaggerated anyway. He has done plenty of harm over the years. Yes he has won games...so what. Donated money too...so what. None of what he has done excuses the crap he pulled in this situation. Forget the crap about waiting for the facts to come out. He is dead to rights. The BOT in no way in hell fies him unless they have him cold. He was involved in this thing from the very beginning. I guarantee you that McQueery not the first time he heard scumdusky liked little boys. He practically lived with the guy for decades. He already knew. I could care less who you talk to, the people I have spoken with are mostly in denial. Quite frankly are also in denial. You need a break from your own embarrassment.



Hey the pot/kettle thing, there's something new on this site. Not only did you fail back your points with anything even remotely resembling intelligence (or maturity) - or facts, of course, which you openly admit you could care less about - but you're frothing at the mouth so much that you even stopped using English at several points. But hey congrats on spewing out snotty little jabs not just at me but at the coaches by calling them "McQueery" and "Scumdusky." Imprssive stuff. :wacko:


You want to see embarrassing and making an ass of yourself, your post is a poster child for it. It should be put in a frame shaped like a donkey's behind and hung around your neck.

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Hey the pot/kettle thing, there's something new on this site. Not only did you fail back your points with anything even remotely resembling intelligence (or maturity) - or facts, of course, which you openly admit you could care less about - but you're frothing at the mouth so much that you even stopped using English at several points. But hey congrats on spewing out snotty little jabs not just at me but at the coaches by calling them "McQueery" and "Scumdusky." Imprssive stuff. :wacko:


You want to see embarrassing and making an ass of yourself, your post is a poster child for it. It should be put in a frame shaped like a donkey's behind and hung around your neck.


Yes I'm thankful for these rants. :tup: Don't stop now this is getting good. LOL

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BeeR, what part of "nobody gives a flip how much money you spend on a library if you turn a blind eye to a child molester to protect your program" don't you understand?


What part of, "Hey PSU, the second you quit trying to defend PSU and admit that a man you idolize turned a blind eye to a child molester, we'll stop riding you guys" don't you understand?


It's really simple. Nobody is saying that every Penn State grad of fan should hold his/her head in shame. Just the ones who seem more interested in protecting the legacy of a man who turned a blind eye to a child molester than they do in actually doing the right thing. It's not your fault that Jo Pa didn't do enough. Nobody is blaming you. We're all guilty of idolizing our sports heroes, and this is a shameful example of what that can lead to. Right up until the moment that you insist upon honoring Joe Pa even after you've learned that "he could have done more" to protect children from being FREAKING RAPED, you're no worse than the rest of us. But once you do. Once you dig your heels in and fight back against "all the PSU haters", that's where it gets pretty sick indeed.

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