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Is this a good use of our tax dollars?


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there is a guy in MN who sells unpasteurized milk that cures cancer. :wacko:

Is that the same guy responsible for the e-coli outbreak a couple months back?


Muck: Yes, absolutely, if the taxpayer is footing the bills for the medical care needed due to the unpasteurized milk.

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I wouldn't be surprised if someone told me that there were more deaths in 24yrs from poor air filtration in government buildings than due to unpastuerized milk.


This is a silly law that should be done away with.


Are there any thougths about who pays the health billsthat result from not having good bugs in your guts due to consuming only pastuerized milk/dairy?


PS --- I too was raised on "straight from the cow" milk.

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This story is old news and is just one of many examples that shows the deterioration of our once great nation.


We need to take our government back.



It's too late, they already made sure well over half the Country depends on them. Now they

have them convinced that it's the rich peoples fault.


Whole Country has gone down the crapper, career politicians need to be abolished, but that will

never happen.

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It is a bad law, but that doesn't mean the FDA is evil and should be done away with. Most of the goods we buy at the grocery store don't come from our own community. When we have no contact with the originator of a product its nice to know that rules exist to ensure its quality. There could be rules for the 3d party sale of raw milk. A wholesale ban is simply the result of a successful dairy lobby. If we would elect people of character who won't sell the public out for personal gain, we'd have better government.

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While at a lodge in Ecuador I got hold of some whole, unpasteurized milk. I had an out of body experience while sitting on the can, throwing up in a trash can and going between hot and cold sweats for 12 hours.


After the initial near death experience ended, my anus was bleeding, my tongue was severely swollen, I had burst a blood vessel in one eye and every muscle in my body ached for the next two days.


The good thing is that now I probably have some sort of immunity built up against whatever it was that almost killed me so now I can enjoy unpasteurized whole milk and unpasteurized cheeses. Actually, I'm probably invincible to all food borne bacteria at this point, so the FDA can kiss my ass, I'm gonna eat whatever I want.


Thank god they don't regulate what I eat while in Turkey, they'd shutdown half of the good places there.

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