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nuke'em ttg

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Ya shur...


Two Minnesota mechanical engineers were standing at the base of a flagpole,

looking up. A woman walks by and asks what they were doing.

"Ve're supposed to find da height of da flagpole," said Sven, "but ve don't

haff a ladder."


The woman took a wrench from her purse, loosened a few bolts, and laid the

pole down. Then she took a tape measure from her pocketbook, took a

measurement, announced, "Eighteen feet, six inches," and walked away.


Ole shook his head and laughed. "Ain't dat just like a voman! Ve ask for da

height and she gives us da length!"


Sven and Ole are currently serving in the United States Congress .

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Ya shur...


Two Minnesota mechanical engineers were standing at the base of a flagpole,

looking up. A woman walks by and asks what they were doing.

"Ve're supposed to find da height of da flagpole," said Sven, "but ve don't

haff a ladder."


The woman took a wrench from her purse, loosened a few bolts, and laid the

pole down. Then she took a tape measure from her pocketbook, took a

measurement, announced, "Eighteen feet, six inches," and walked away.


Ole shook his head and laughed. "Ain't dat just like a voman! Ve ask for da

height and she gives us da length!"


Sven and Ole are currently serving in the United States Congress .




A guy walks into a bar in Dothan, Alabama and orders a white wine.


All the Rednecks sitting around the bar look up, expecting to see some pitiful Yankee from the north.


The bartender says, "You ain't from around here, are ya?"


The guy says, "No, I'm from Canada."


The bartender says, "What do you do in Canada ?"


The guy says, "I'm a taxidermist."


The bartender says, "A taxidermist? What in tarnation is a taxidermist? Do you drive a taxi?"


"No", says the Canadian "A taxidermist doesn't drive a taxi. I mount animals."


The bartender grins and hollers, "It's okay boys. He's one of us."

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Story from a Kansas State

Highway Patrol officer :


I made a traffic stop on an elderly lady the other day for speeding

on U.S. 166 Eastbound at Mile Marker 73 just East of Sedan , KS.

I asked for her driver's license, registration, and proof of insurance.

The lady took out the required information and handed it to me.

In with the cards I was somewhat surprised (due to her advanced age)

to see she had a conceal carry permit. I looked at her and ask if

she had a weapon in her possession at this time.


She responded that she indeed had a .45 automatic in her glove box.

Something---body language, or the way she said it---made me want

to ask if she had any other firearms. She did admit to also having

a 9mm Glock in her center console. Now I had to ask one more

time if that was all. She responded once again that she did have

just one more, a .38 special in her purse. I then asked her what

was she so afraid of.


She looked me right in the eye and said, "Not a damn thing!"

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Story from a Kansas State

Highway Patrol officer :


I made a traffic stop on an elderly lady the other day for speeding

on U.S. 166 Eastbound at Mile Marker 73 just East of Sedan , KS.

I asked for her driver's license, registration, and proof of insurance.

The lady took out the required information and handed it to me.

In with the cards I was somewhat surprised (due to her advanced age)

to see she had a conceal carry permit. I looked at her and ask if

she had a weapon in her possession at this time.


She responded that she indeed had a .45 automatic in her glove box.

Something---body language, or the way she said it---made me want

to ask if she had any other firearms. She did admit to also having

a 9mm Glock in her center console. Now I had to ask one more

time if that was all. She responded once again that she did have

just one more, a .38 special in her purse. I then asked her what

was she so afraid of.


She looked me right in the eye and said, "Not a damn thing!"


You met my mother I see... :wacko:

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