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My mistake. I thought it started while he was still a speaker, but appears to be right after his resignation... So I guess I'll just revert to the point that this, along with the marriages and many ethics charges while he was speaker, paint a pretty clear picture that Newt is the poster boy for the corrupt "establishment" that he now claims to be running against...


Romney doesn't get a free pass on this either. He's received plenty of contributions from Freddy and Fanny himself, but at least that's no worse than most politicians... I have serious reservations about saying the same about Gingrich... To me, everything just points to him being a scummy scummy individual.

Unfortunately, you are right. Leaving aside the question of marriages, which floats the boat of a lot of people but quite honestly I don't really care about except as it weighs against any "family values" he tries to expound, the fact that he dropped straight into a very high paying job as a lobbyist / consultant for the two mortgage giants is indicative of the entire problem of corruption in Congress. Clearly they brought him aboard for the weight he could still throw around in Washington.


That's by no means only a Republican problem either.

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1) The only reason I even brought him was because you didn't know who he was and asked a question, which I answered. Obviously, those on the left immediately jumped in with some defense of Obama.


That wasn't a defense of Obama. It was calling out your mischaracterization of who Ayers is and what his relationship with Obama is/was.

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That wasn't a defense of Obama. It was calling out your mischaracterization of who Ayers is and what his relationship with Obama is/was.


What are you talking about?


Quote what I said that was in anyway a mis-characterization of who Ayers is and where I was wrong about his relationship with Obama past or present.

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As for Morality, I give it about as much credence as those who somehow think that because Gingrich divorced and remarried, he is not moral. The reality is no one knows what kind of relationship Gingrich had with his wives, only that they obviously were not compatible and split. By the same token, Obama knew who Ayers was, yet kept on working with him.


I don't think the argument is as much about divorce as it is betraying and humiliating the one person in the world you should be most loyal to. It might be suggested that if a guy is willing to do that to somebody he has sworn himself to, what more would he sell out to fill his greed and baser instincts. I don't know if it will come into play, but its a concern.


If its that bad, just get a divorce (before cheating).

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I don't think the argument is as much about divorce as it is betraying and humiliating the one person in the world you should be most loyal to. It might be suggested that if a guy is willing to do that to somebody he has sworn himself to, what more would he sell out to fill his greed and baser instincts. I don't know if it will come into play, but its a concern.


If its that bad, just get a divorce (before cheating).


While you could be right about the argument that seems to be more of an opinion/perception of a viewpoint. Nothing wrong with that BTW.


That said, neither of us have any idea as to what their marriage was all about. We have no idea what she was like to him. One thing for certain, it usually takes 2 people and cheating could be easily argued that this is a symptom to broader relationship problem.


I am in no way defending the action but I am also not so quick to judge another morally without really knowing. I get some simply blame one side because it is convenient to do so.


BTW, his last wife apparently was having an affair with him while he was married so just to be clear, both consenting adults were engaged so to speak in this betraying and humiliating act as you put it at one point.


She then tried to go to the public to derail him so it does make one wonder what her character or character flaw was/is. No doubt she certainly held a grudge for the past decade or so. To his credit, he has admitted mistakes for his poor judgement and has not run from his actions years ago. I certainly get that some will never forgive him or not vote for him because of it but he seems to happily married today and has his wife's and children's support which is pretty big considering how dirty presidential bids are these days.


Not really concerned with what his sexual mind did long ago but it sounds like he could give Clinton or Sheen a run for their money back in the day.


I don't remember the exact statistics on affairs but those that admitted them were 20 plus% for married men and 14 plus % for married women. I suspect, given the much higher divorce rates these numbers are pretty low.

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I don't think the argument is as much about divorce as it is betraying and humiliating the one person in the world you should be most loyal to. It might be suggested that if a guy is willing to do that to somebody he has sworn himself to, what more would he sell out to fill his greed and baser instincts. I don't know if it will come into play, but its a concern.


If its that bad, just get a divorce (before cheating).

Most of these guys feel like they're above the law, and few can abide by the "family values" they profess others should.


But I'm right there with ya - anyone who is willing to throw their cancer-riddled spouse under the bus is obviously willing to do worse to people they care even less about.

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During my wedding, Pastor Hedt said, "During the lifetime of your marriage you will go through periods where you fall in and out of love. But it is the commitment you proclaim here today that you keep your marriage strong." And imo that is right on the mark. We're only human. There are times where we become distracted, times where we don't get along with each other but it is the commitment we make to each other that is the true bound of marriage.

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During my wedding, Pastor Hedt said, "During the lifetime of your marriage you will go through periods where you fall in and out of love. But it is the commitment you proclaim here today that you keep your marriage strong." And imo that is right on the mark. We're only human. There are times where we become distracted, times where we don't get along with each other but it is the commitment we make to each other that is the true bound of marriage.

The committment is important, sure. but that just means (imho) that you don't run when things get tough. The thing that helped the wench and I push through the hard times early on (that all people have) was our daughter. She kind of took the pride thing out of it.


Having a mom that my dad would often lock in the closet and not buy a winter coat (so she could not go out) I have never understood the 'no divorce' thing. No point staying in a loveless marriaged, especially based upon a committment which could have been based on lies, a stupid decision and/or youth. Especailly when both people can be much happier - and hopefully make two other people happy as well.

Edited by Duchess Jack
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The committment is important, sure. but that just means (imho) that you don't run when things get tough. The thing that helped the wench and I push through the hard times early on (that all people have) was our daughter. She kind of took the pride thing out of it.


Having a mom that my dad would often lock in the closet and not buy a winter coat (so she could not go out) I have never understood the 'no divorce' thing. No point staying in a loveless marriaged, especially based upon a committment which could have been based on lies, a stupid decision and/or youth. Especailly when both people can be much happier - and hopefully make two other people happy as well.

Certainly I wouldn't confuse not running the first time that you don't see stars when you see your wife should never be confused with laboring through a completely loveless marriage.


Like you said, it could have just been one big mistake. Either that or one or both of you could have changed into people who simply have no business staying together. Whatever.


Honestly, it's the dogged notion that you need to fight through it, regardless of how bad things are, that, I believe, ultimately leads to infidelity or drug/alcohol abuse, or even spousal abuse. Because, deep down, you know it sucks and need to get out. And if you insist upon being an idiot about it, well, you're going to end up being an idiot about it rather than manning up and simply breaking it off like a proper adult.

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