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QB Rankings Outside of "Big 3"

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It seems like to me 99.9% of the QB rankings have Manning, C-Pep, and McNabb the Top 3 QBs. At my draft this year, I am going to have first pick. So I probably won't pick a QB until late. How do you guys rank the QBs outside of the Big 3? If you could rank like 7 or 8, that'd be awesome. Thanks guys


Basic Performance...4 points passing tds, 1 point for 20 yards passing, No negatives.

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Kerry Collins - I see a high reward/low risk here, and if I chose not to go for a top QB early, he is the guy I want to gamble on. Here's a stat for you - he is only one of 5 QB's to finish in the top 19 (11, 14, 13, 19, 15) in each of the last 5 years. Why do people keep calling him a risk? His job ain't in jeopardy, and everyone knows Oakland is gonna get a buttload of yards passing. The TD's will come.


Marc Bulger - Good O-line, nice running game, I see 4000/30 from him


Trent Green - The Rodney Dangerfield of QB's. The last 4 years he has finished 12th, 10th, 4th, and 4th. I don't expect him to drop any lower than 8th.


Brett Favre - Finished no lower than 12th the last 5 years. And I like the fact that he doesn't get the hook, even in blowouts. You can't count on him to be there for you during your playoff run.


Carson Palmer - My sleeper top 10 QB. I have him projected to finish at #8


Good luck in your draft

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