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speaking of poop

Yukon Cornelius

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actually conversation of the week



Yukon and one of the horde at target


The Scene: A very rainy April morning inside a Target Corp. retail


Dad pushes a shopping cart, inside of which rides 3 year-old Son.


The cart is empty exept a camo backpack. dad and son are trying to leave the taget store...


Son: Dad, I have to go to the bathroom.


Dad: OK, great.


Son: Then I can have gum from mommy's purse!


Dad: [Laughs] Well, how 'bout gum from Daddy's pocket?


Son: [Hesitates] Nooooooohh ...


Dad: Well, it's either Daddy's gum or no gum at all.


Son: OK. I have to poop.


Dad: Well, then let's get going!


Dad excitedly navigates to the cart corral at the store's

entrance/exit and begins to unstrap Son.


Son: [bouncing] I have to pooooop!


Dad: [Lifting Son and reaching for the backpack] OK, let's go!


A Target Security guard steps in front of Dad


Security Guard: Excuse me sir.


Dad: Yes , What is it?


Son: [Looks at Guard] What's your name? I have to poop!


Dad: [smiling] As you can see, I have things to do.


Guard: I have to have a look in your bag.


Dad: What? Why?


Guard: To check for unpaid merchandise.


Dad: Huh? But I didn't buy anything.


Son: Dad! [shouts and tugs Dad's sleeve] I have to poop!


Guard: Yes, I can see your cart is empty. Why is that?


Dad: Umm. Well. You didn't have what I was looking for.


Guard: [stares at Dad, blankly, smiles] Really.


Dad: Yes, really. [Glances out at the pouring rain] Apparently April


is a bad time of year to be shopping for a child's raincoat.


Son: Dad!


Dad: Well, all right. You can look through his bag, I just have to


take care of this ...


Guard: No, you have to stay here.


Dad: Uh, pardon me?


Son: Excuse me dad, I have to go!


Dad: [Looking at Son] Thank you for saying 'excuse me.'


Guard: You have to stay here


Dad: [Raising his voice slightly] What?! Until we buy something?


Guard: Anyone who comes in and leaves without making a purchase is


subject to being searched.


Dad: Fine! Look in the bag. It has all sorts of interesting things


like little boy's socks, Spiderman underwear, jeans, a soggy sandwich


Son: Excuse me, Dad! I didn't ... poop.


[The stench of moist, freshly rendered feces quickly collapses the


space and time separating Dad and Guard. Dad winces, Guard gasps and chokes.]


Son: [Rocks, cries, kicks] I can't poop in my underwear! Not on Nemo!



Dad: [sighs] It's OK, it's OK. You tried to tell me.


[Dad snatches Son's bag from Guard and stomps toward the bathroom.]


Son: [Chirps] Then I can have gum now!


Guard: [shouts] I thought you said you didn't poop

Edited by Yukon Cornelius
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This is from an e-mail.  And you deleted the OIA punctuation marks. :D






yup my email , my budies and i do a weekly COW... the conversation needs to be with and or about the kids :D

Edited by Yukon Cornelius
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Yukon, I'm disappointed in you.  I thought you were going to mention that you are the champion cow chip tosser of the world.






I don't touch cow chips but bison ships and can wing a country mile

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