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Williams did (and is doing) an excellent job. But I think it silly to base anything on "payroll vs production". With Thome, and the raise to Konerko, it's very possible that the Sox payroll will be higher than last year. Does that mean that if they win again it's less impressive? I don't think so, but if you base your decisions on "payroll vs production", you'd have to come to that conclusion.

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Not really.  Dude's averaged a 3.99 ERA and well over 200 IP over the last six years.  That's pretty freaking good for a #5 starter.






Vazquez will revert back to his old form this year. He's got electric stuff and now he has something to prove. His time in NY was a nightmare. The guy was used to playing in front of a handful of fans at Olympic Stadium in Montreal. Then he moves to the Baseball Mecca that is NYC. It was a complete and utter culture shock. I bet he's just getting over it. He's got a lot to prove and I look for him to be on the All Star team this year.

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Vazquez will revert back to his old form this year. He's got electric stuff and now he has something to prove. His time in NY was a nightmare. The guy was used to playing in front of a handful of fans at Olympic Stadium in Montreal. Then he moves to the Baseball Mecca that is NYC. It was a complete and utter culture shock. I bet he's just getting over it. He's got a lot to prove and I look for him to be on the All Star team this year.







It's interesting how good players go to the Yankees, suck, get traded, and revert back to form in their new homes (Contreras, Weaver). Not even Steinbrenner's never-ending pockets compensate for the poisonous atmosphere that he creates. The excessive media scrutiny doesn't help, either.


I'm not expecting stellar numbers from Vazquez... 200 IP, 14-10, and a 4.50 ERA would be just fine for a #5 starter. The reason I like this move is that I don't think that Brandon McCarthy is ready. Kid's got great stuff, but I think that he needs another year in the minors. And El Duque's elbow would break in half if he had to pitch more than 170 innings.

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Kenny just got Vazquez from AZ for El Duque, Vizcaino, and a minor-leaguer.


Combine that with the Thome signing and the Konerko re-signing and I'd say he's definitely in the Top 3 right now.







a good thing about this is we got rid of a guy that can start 15 games for a guy that can start 30 games. I have have a lot of confidence in Cooper, the sox pitching coach. i see vazquez having more wins than losses next year.




Bruce Levine just reported on ESPN 1000 that MLB sources think that the Sox are putting together a monster package to bag another big player, Miguel Tejada. The Sox could try to put together a package of McCarthy, Uribe, and prospects for Tejada.




I wish we could send garland instead of McCarthy.

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I have this graph that was e-mailed to me from a friend and it shows the sox payroll and the positions that take up the money. this was done before this deal but its very interesting. if anyone wants a copy i can e-mail you just PM me and i'll get that out.


but some numbers, 2004 payroll = 64.4 MIL, 2006 = 85.5 MIL.


in 2004 18% of payroll was in starting pitching, now 41% of payroll is in starting pitching.


in 2004 right field was taking up 21% in 2006 the whole out field will take 10% of payroll.

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Bruce Levine just reported on ESPN 1000 that MLB sources think that the Sox are putting together a monster package to bag another big player, Miguel Tejada. The Sox could try to put together a package of McCarthy, Uribe, and prospects for Tejada.







I don't like that move. Tejada's a great player, but Uribe is just as good defensively. And I don't want to trade McCarty, given that Garland will likely be gone next year (he's already turned down a three-year offer). I want this team to win (again) with strong pitching and defense... we already have enough offense with Paulie, Thome, and Dye. In other words, I don't want the Sox to become Yankees West. If the Sox sign Tejada, they won't have enough money to re-sign Garland next year and won't have McCarthy, either.

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I don't like that move.  Tejada's a great player, but Uribe is just as good defensively.  And I don't want to trade McCarty, given that Garland will likely be gone next year (he's already turned down a three-year offer).  I want this team to win (again) with strong pitching and defense... we already have enough offense with Paulie, Thome, and Dye.  In other words, I don't want the Sox to become Yankees West.  If the Sox sign Tejada, they won't have enough money to re-sign Garland next year and won't have McCarthy, either.







I like Uribe, and I think he is better on D not by much, but overall tejada is better. and with us getting a new pitcher, that makes garland exposable. Both of us feel that he will not be back next year.


Anyway I have so much faith in KW I know he will do what is best for a repeat.

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It's interesting how good players go to the Yankees, suck, get traded, and revert back to form in their new homes (Contreras, Weaver).  Not even Steinbrenner's never-ending pockets compensate for the poisonous atmosphere that he creates.  The excessive media scrutiny doesn't help, either.








And here I thought your inferiority complex was only related to the Cubs, and now here's a shot at the Yankees that is not only totally unrelated to the topic being discussed, but also based in nothing at all.


Contreras was a good player before going to the Yankees? The Yankees were his first major league team. How did Paul O'Neill do when he went to the Yankees? How has A-Rod done? Sheffield? Where did Dwight Gooden, David Cone, Jim Abbott, David Wells pitch their no-hitters? Clemens did fine, Tino did fine... not sure how far back you are looking, but Winfield and Reggie did alright for themselves as well.


I feel bad for you. Are you at least enjoying the Bears success, or are you too busy still worrying about the Packers, and whether or not Brett Farve will root for you in the playoffs?



But on topic, I think it was a good move. I think Vasquez still has a lot left, and no reason to think he won't be very successful for the ChiSox.

Edited by LegFuJohnson
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some more thoughts


How's the Carlos Lee trade looking now?, El Duque and Viz are gone, the trade was basically Carlos for Pods, AJ, Tadahito and Vasquez. Nice work, Kenny!


Looks like AZ is actually going to pay $8 Million! Link


It gives the Sox the best rotation in baseball and the best since the Braves days.


Nice Kenny quote:

"I don't have any desire to break up the rotation that helped us to a championship," Williams said. "That said, both Jose and Jon have been and will be given a chance to stay beyond the 2006 season.

"We will try not to be put in the position, as we were with Konerko, where we're at the mercy of the market. We'll try to stay ahead of the curve."


I like Kenny's thinking here...stay proactive and avoid being forced into a corner.


But I wish we gave up a different prospect than Chris Young, from what I have been reading a lot of people believe he will be a stud. He is a nice combo of speed and power.

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It's interesting how good players go to the Yankees, suck, get traded, and revert back to form in their new homes (Contreras, Weaver).  Not even Steinbrenner's never-ending pockets compensate for the poisonous atmosphere that he creates.  The excessive media scrutiny doesn't help, either.


I'm not expecting stellar numbers from Vazquez... 200 IP, 14-10, and a 4.50 ERA would be just fine for a #5 starter.  The reason I like this move is that I don't think that Brandon McCarthy is ready.  Kid's got great stuff, but I think that he needs another year in the minors.  And El Duque's elbow would break in half if he had to pitch more than 170 innings.






I think he'll be better than that. NY is a huge stage and some people don't fare well here. It's definitely not for everyone. But when you do succeed here, there is no better place to play.

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Vazquez was one of those hidden Expo gems that no one heard about until he left: Guerrero, Vazquez, Vidro (still hidden on the Nats) etc.

He's going to eb good, and is one of the best young pitchers in the game.






I guess if your team was in the NL East, he wasn't so hidden. I hated facing the Expos with Guerrero, Vazquez, Vidro, etc.

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Contreras was a good player before going to the Yankees? The Yankees were his first major league team. How did Paul O'Neill do when he went to the Yankees? How has A-Rod done? Sheffield? Where did Dwight Gooden, David Cone, Jim Abbott, David Wells pitch their no-hitters? Clemens did fine, Tino did fine... not sure how far back you are looking, but Winfield and Reggie did alright for themselves as well.


A-Rod = first ballot HOF

Sheffield= HOF

Dwight= should be voted into HOF

Cone= maybe HOF

Clemens= first ballot HOF


The bottom line is that of course the HOF players did well for the Yankees. These guys would perform well if they playing ANYWHERE.


A lot of players can't play in NY, it's simple. I see it all the time.

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A-Rod = first ballot HOF

Sheffield= HOF

Dwight= should be voted into HOF

Cone=  maybe HOF

Clemens= first ballot HOF


The bottom line is that of course the HOF players did well for the Yankees. These guys would perform well if they playing ANYWHERE.


A lot of players can't play in NY, it's simple. I see it all the time.







Apparently KungFuDumbass isn't aware that Contreras was the best pitcher in Cuba before defecting to the U.S. :D

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Apparently KungFuDumbass isn't aware that Contreras was the best pitcher in Cuba before defecting to the U.S.  :D






Yeah he was. And he pitched a lot better once his family was same on American soil, barring injuries of course.

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Although I'm no Yankees fan, I'm over the complaining. Guess what? every owner is a billionaire and every owner can spend like George does, but chooses not to. I don't have a link, but the Yanks only profit 2-3 mill a year, even with their cable deals. Other teams do better because they're cheaper.


On a similar note: do you think Jerry Jones would allow his team to go through what the Saints are going through if the Cowboys were displaced? HeLd be just as pissed at the league as Benson probably is but he'd open his checkbook to take care of his boys. Benson is too cheap to do that.

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