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Craig has been out of public view since Tuesday, when he declared defiantly at a Boise news conference: "I am not gay. I never have been gay."


... Craig continued, "Except for those 15 minutes when another man was fondling my junk. For that brief time, yes... I was very very gay. But it passed. I'm feeling much better now."

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There's something strange and disturbing about someone's who is both gay AND a homophobe. This guy seems to think being gay is like being the wolfman. It's not a stigma. Just come out and say it. I mean, really, the republican party could use more homosexuals to help them from looking like a bunch of bible thumping sheet wearing crackers.

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the republican party could use more homosexuals to help them from looking like a bunch of bible thumping sheet wearing crackers.


There are a lot of bible thumping sheet wearing crackers in American, and they vote. Don't forget, democrats just barely got control back in this past election, and only because we kicked out the repubs in blue states.


You can fault their strategy, but not if it works. Fault the voters.

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Somebody asked me if I saw any difference between this dude taking the George Michael Memorial Public Restroom Tour and President Clinton getting a his schween suckled whist in the Oval Office. Yes, yes, yes, there is a difference. In my opinion, getting your knob gobbled by semi-attractive fat Jewish chicks is way cool. Hooking up with anonymous men in public restrooms for the purpose of holding their weiners in your mouth until the swelling goes down, is not cool. Yes, I see a HUGE difference in those 2 things. But thats just me and your mileage may vary...

Edited by spain
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