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CD's Guide of Life

Chief Dick

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Here we go:


Racism: Don't hate someone because of the color of their skin, when, if you just take the time to get to know them, you will find a better reason to hate them. (Dennis Miller)



Debt Control: Don't spend more money than you make.



Weight Control: Don't take in more through your mouth hole than goes out through your a-hole. (Carlos Mencia)



Healthy Eating: Eat whatever the hell you want, because if you go out tomorrow and get hit by a bus and die, then what you ate last night doesn't f'n matter.



Respect: Treat people the way you want to be treated. So if you don't mind being treated like crap, then crap away.



Politics: Vote for who you want and shut up about it. The rest of us don't care.



Religion: If you want to get rich, start a religion. If you want to praise God, do it by yourself, for yourself.



Childrens Sports: In the words of Kelly Leak, "LET THEM PLAY. LET THEM PLAY." In other words, parents, shut the hell up.



Gas prices: If you don't like the price of fuel, sell your car. Move close to work. Walk. Otherwise, stifle it Edith.



Fantasy Football: Like I've always said, FF is 99% luck and 1% luck. You are fooling yourself if you believe otherwise.



More to come....

Edited by Chief Dick
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Racism: Don't hate someone because of the color of their skin, when, if you just take the time to get to know them, you will find a better reason to hate them. (Dennis Miller)


I'm still waiting to find the ethnic group that I don't think are a bunch of morons.

And that includes the Scottish. I hate them most of all.

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Two things :


Agree with atomic on the scots ..men wearing dresses , eating boiled intestines of hooved animals , and an accent that sounds like a fat man with mumps trying to speak with marbles in his mouth...very hard to understand


I do not believe fantasy football is 99 percent luck ..if this was the case no need to have a draft and issue your own starting line ups each week ...99 percent luck is slot machines at AC and vegas


Let me add , that no one writes in script anymore ....script is like an appendix ...maybe it had a purpose and a use once and a long time ago , but not today

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