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Campaign For Liberty under attack


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This was in my mail-box today


Dear Friend of Liberty,


The best way to know you are succeeding in changing Washington is when you get attacked by the FEC.


And attack us they have!


I'm writing you this letter today not to scare you or to cry wolf. I'm writing to let you know that our success has its price, and that price right now is the wrath of the Obama Administration and its attack dogs at the Federal Election Commission.


I urge you to read this message and then sign the Declaration of Support (in which I ask for your advice on a critical legal and moral question), as we are forced into battle with federal agencies and courts.


You see, this isn't theoretical. They've already come after us in multiple cases, alleging that Campaign for Liberty has acted illegally merely by putting the candidates on the record and reporting their positions.


My attorneys tell me we are under a gag rule and cannot go in to too many details or even tell you with what we have been charged and where the charges originated.


But I can say there have been at least two complaints filed in two different states against our issue discussion activities.


They claim we are in violation of various FEC rules and laws.


Their allegations are completely false. And we must fight back now, or they will win and be able to silence our movement.


You see, the Washington, D.C., establishment doesn't like to be challenged. They hate it when we fight back.


They are absolutely BESIDE themselves when we are winning.


In less than 2 years, your Campaign for Liberty has become a major force on the American political landscape.


I can give you a list of our accomplishments, talk about our growth (we are approaching half a million members), and show you press coverage from across the nation on our efforts.


But nothing shows our success more than how our enemies react when challenged.


When that happens, they do what they do best: use the power of the federal government to attack us.


They want to do one of two things: shut us up, or shut us down.


This battle is over a very fundamental idea - that Campaign for Liberty and our members should have a voice in lobbying their legislators and exposing the radical views of candidates for office.


Exposing what they're up to - that's what the powers that be can't stand. That's because they don't want Americans to know:


** Congress is spending at a record pace and has now left us over 13 TRILLION dollars in debt, with no end in sight.


** The out of control FED has not accounted for nearly 2 trillion dollars and has doubled our monetary base, risking our entire economy.


** The federal government has imposed a mandate that every American either purchase a health care product the Feds approve of, costing tens of thousands of dollars, or risk fines and jail time.


** The federal government has attempted to take away your 1st, 2nd and 4th Amendment rights, all in the past year, with more certainly to come.


We're exposing them - and holding them accountable as they come back home to seek reelection.


Of course, this may not sound like the end of the world. But just think: the FEC has an ARMY of lawyers and a budget of nearly $70 MILLION dollars.


That's a lot of lawyers.


And add to it the fact that this group of people is adamantly against free speech under the First Amendment, and well, you have a recipe for trouble.


Subpeonas. Depositions. Fishing expeditions that cover tens of thousands of documents.


Legal fees just to defend our right to free speech.


Thousands of hours of staff time to comply with their demands.


You can see where this is going.


If FEC radicals succeed, I will not even be allowed to tell you and your neighbors how candidates for the House and Senate (or for President in the future) have voted on Liberty issues, so you can put the heat on them when they are most likely to listen.


Let me explain that a bit more.


For the first time ever, there is a nationwide group that is dedicated to holding politicians accountable for their votes on Liberty issues.


It's Campaign for Liberty, and our over 450,000 members are doing battle across the country to hold the politicians' feet to the fire.


Whether it is getting more than 300 sponsors for Audit the Fed, or lobbying to stop Cap and Tax and Real ID schemes, Campaign for Liberty is making a difference.


And we're prepared to make an even bigger difference this fall, as the time comes to inform the people where their candidates stand.


So the statists in Washington are out to make sure that doesn't happen.


Their main weapon is the Federal Election Commission.


The FEC has always been against free speech and a tool of the powerful elite in Washington, who desperately seek to hang on to power.


But as bad as the FEC has been since its inception, with the Obama Administration in power, you and I face even more aggressive assaults on our free speech.


My attorneys have warned me that the puppets at the Federal Election Commission are ordering me to stop mobilizing hundreds of thousands of Americans against power grabs in Congress.


In doing so, they are trying to cripple our ability to stop dangerous legislation in Congress. If we continue to oppose these Liberty-stealing bills as we have in the past, I face the danger of multimillion-dollar fines and even a jail term!


In fact, I may even be questioned in court for writing this letter tonight.


I must make a decision soon. Should I allow the Federal Election Commission to tie my hands during this crucial election year?


Or should I defy their gag-rule regulations . . . and face prosecution from the out of control federal authorities for exercising our right to political speech?


Please give me your answer by filling out the Declaration of Support.


If you and other members want me to proceed with our efforts to inform the public of the positions of your candidates on Liberty issues, and to oppose legislation in the Congress (and I hope you do), I will also need your financial help.


So please consider making a generous contribution - even if you can only afford to chip in $10 - to help Campaign for Liberty continue this fight.


The fact is the enemies of Liberty are preparing for a political attack far more serious than their election power grab of 2008, in which they put in power some of the biggest enemies of freedom and promoters of Big Government in a generation.


Our program to stop more statist takeovers in Congress is simple. By mobilizing our grassroots army, we can put a lot of heat on individual Congressmen and Senators.


The FEC insists we can't do that during election years.


They say by telling you where your Congressman and Senators stand, I may influence your vote. The FEC election regulators contend that's illegal electioneering.


Basically, government bureaucrats and their out of control regulations insist I dismantle our lobbying operation during election years -- precisely at the time it would have its greatest impact.


Top legal experts tell me that this harassment by the FEC and any attempts to shut down our program violate several decisions by the U.S. Supreme Court and are flatly unconstitutional.But they also warn me that if I challenge the FEC ruling, I may face a huge, tax-funded lawsuit which could stretch on for decades and cost us as much as a million dollars.


In addition to potential million-dollar fines and legal penalties, I also face an enormous funding challenge.


Our program to fight back in Congress will require at least $3.2 million.


So there are a lot of decisions to make, and I wanted to be sure I have your support as we move forward.


If I am to proceed with this effort (which I am hoping you will allow), I will need more than just your authorization. I will need your financial support as well.


I'm hoping you will be able to help with a special contribution - even if you can only afford to chip in $10 - to help Campaign for Liberty continue this fight.


Every dollar, every quarter, every dime will be used to defeat dangerous Liberty-stealing schemes in Congress and in all 50 states.

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So how much did you donate?

Enough to get me sent to the concentration camp when Campaign for Liberty is declared a "terrorist organization."

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But nothing shows our success more than how our enemies react when challenged.

As much as you may not believe this, based on my various responses in other threads, ratt... I am ALL FOR holding our elected officials accountable for the quagmire this country is in.


However, I have to take offense to a group that feels that its fellow Americans - as scummy as they may be - are in any way "enemies". This is counter-productive to finding solutions.


Kudos to them for trying to elicit change, but :wacko: for poor word choices and/or the painting of this subject as some kind of fight/war/etc.

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As much as you may not believe this, based on my various responses in other threads, ratt... I am ALL FOR holding our elected officials accountable for the quagmire this country is in.


However, I have to take offense to a group that feels that its fellow Americans - as scummy as they may be - are in any way "enemies". This is counter-productive to finding solutions.


Kudos to them for trying to elicit change, but :wacko: for poor word choices and/or the painting of this subject as some kind of fight/war/etc.

So, if you read my link you will see that it is the government that has declared war on it's "enemies."

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I bet you are still waiting for your Nigerian oil money that will be transferred to your account any day now . . .:wacko:

I will keep pounding the law and the facts BP. You keep pounding the table.

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What? Nobody else wants to play?


This thing was ignored, dead and buried until you resurrected it BP. Tell me, which side do you lean toward in this? Anxiously awaiting.

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bushwacked and cre8iff take a pass. No real surprise there.

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No use arguing with crazy, son.


I'll save it for someone who actually makes sense, like Az or WV, not the latest mouthpiece for Limbaugh lunacy. :wacko:

You didn't read a word of it. NEXT!

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The facts are my in-laws get form letters like this all the time for various "organizations" that are fighting against the liberty-haters . . . but only if you send a contribution so they can keep up the good fight! :tup: Sucks to get spammed rattsass . . I understand your concern.

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The facts are my in-laws get form letters like this all the time for various "organizations" that are fighting against the liberty-haters . . . but only if you send a contribution so they can keep up the good fight! :tup: Sucks to get spammed rattsass . . I understand your concern.

blah blah blah. You didn't read the link either. And you are ignoring this issue because you know it will lead you to a trap you can not escape from. So it is easier to change the subject, as you continually do when cornered.




Waiting to hear from people that actually read the letter and the linked article. Really anxious to hear some meaningful dialogue and opinion. If any of you have gut s enough.

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blah blah blah. You didn't read the link either. And you are ignoring this issue because you know it will lead you to a trap you can not escape from. So it is easier to change the subject, as you continually do when cornered.




Waiting to hear from people that actually read the letter and the linked article. Really anxious to hear some meaningful dialogue and opinion. If any of you have gut s enough.

Talk with Pearchoutofwater. Both of you seem to know everything. How's that for "meaningful dialogue"/ :wacko:

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Yeah, I didn't think any of you wanted any of this. Not one single meaningful comment or opinion yet. My my my...

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blah blah blah. You didn't read the link either. And you are ignoring this issue because you know it will lead you to a trap you can not escape from. So it is easier to change the subject, as you continually do when cornered.




Waiting to hear from people that actually read the letter and the linked article. Really anxious to hear some meaningful dialogue and opinion. If any of you have gut s enough.


rattsass I LOVE your link! I am busy ordering a "crisis garden" for the upcoming food shortages, that i will cook on my "crisis cooker" when I watch "Police State 4" on my TV powered by my "crisis generator". After that I will read "how to survive martial law in America" . . of course that is AFTER I read "The Illuminati, facts and ficton" first.


Sorry . . .got to go. It is time for my first installment of the "Self defense training system" program designed to "help protect my family when all hell breaks loose".


All those are ads on your wonderfully entertaining link . . . keep fighting the good fight brother. When the world ends you can say "I told you so" to all the sheep that didnt build a bunker and grow a crisis garden.

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rattsass I LOVE your link! I am busy ordering a "crisis garden" for the upcoming food shortages, that i will cook on my "crisis cooker" when I watch "Police State 4" on my TV powered by my "crisis generator". After that I will read "how to survive martial law in America" . . of course that is AFTER I read "The Illuminati, facts and ficton" first.


Sorry . . .got to go. It is time for my first installment of the "Self defense training system" program designed to "help protect my family when all hell breaks loose".


All those are ads on your wonderfully entertaining link . . . keep fighting the good fight brother. When the world ends you can say "I told you so" to all the sheep that didnt build a bunker and grow a crisis garden.

So you clicked the link to look at all the pretty pictures instead of reading the words. Because if you read the words you might be able to form what is known as an "opinion." We use opinions to guide our thinking as we spin around on this big blue marble. You should try to find one someday.


Let me make it simple for you and all of your bretheren too afraid to get involved in the discussion.


Do you think it is okay for your Obama administration to instruct law enforcement officials to target threats such as:


followers of political candidates (scary people like Senator Paul), NRA members, christians, people opposed to abortion, Campaign For Liberty members, and other such nefarious activities.


I'll make it that simple, because that is what it comes down to. Any takers?

Edited by rattsass
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Anything that is as long on hyperbole and as short on details as this kind of letter will be shown to be by and large a fabrication of ZOMG!!1!! caliber within the next few weeks/months.

The MIAC was relatively unknown until March 13, 2009, when a leaked report entitled "The Modern Militia Movement," originating from MIAC, appeared on Wikileaks, and subsequently on Infowars. Subsequent investigation was spearheaded by the Liberty Restoration Project out of Kansas City, Missouri. The report detailed trends in militia and terrorist activity in Missouri and described common symbols and media associated with militia members and domestic terrorists, in order to help police identify them. The report as leaked included suggestions that political bumper stickers such as those for U.S. Rep. Ron Paul could be used to identify militia members and terrorists[2]. The authenticity of the report was confirmed by Lt. John Hotz, the Assistant Director of the Public Information and Education Division of the Missouri State Highway Patrol, who claims that the report is derived purely from publicly available trend data on militias[1].

As of MARCH 27, 2009 the entire report was scrapped and letters of apology were sent to Ron Paul, Bob Barr and Chuck Baldwin.[citation needed] Legislation was passed in Missouri which included an amendment to cut funding to the MIAC should it again engage in political profiling, and the director of the MIAC was reassigned.


This was last year. :wacko:

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So you clicked the link to look at all the pretty pictures instead of reading the words. Because if you read the words you might be able for form what is known as an "opinion." We use opinions to guide our thinking as we spin around on this big blue marble. You should try to find one someday.

Rattsass could you answer some questions for me?


1.) Do you support using limited profiling to attempt to identify terrorists such as people that appear to be from the middle east?

2.) Do you support the Arizona immigration law?

3.) do you support agencies that try to eliminate terrorist attacks before they happen?



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