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Conspiracy Theories


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Thank you, was about to ask the same thing. As for undeniable proof, it's like SEC said before, when 50 engineers will give you 50 different analyses, then absent a credible person risking their life and their family's well-being with proof that the goverment was covering up an atrocity that killed thousands (most are simply not willing to take that risk, and some have already claimed to have been surpressed and threatened. Read the article peepin posted a while back. These are people with nothing to gain by speaking out), there is probably no way of proving what really happened that day...


I'll stop before I start making unfounded assumptions, but I'm also waiting for someone to explain to me how even weakened steel beams/bolts, which should require temperatures far hotter to give, were able to achieve free-fall speeds and meet no resistance on their way down the path of most resistance (particularly WTC7. It was quite convenient that it fell in a manner that wouldn't structurally damage the surrounding buildings Silverstein may be liable for fixing, no?)...


I'm no building expert, but this is the one piece I've never heard a remotely feasible explanation for... No amount of weight or pressure (within reason) should render steel to dust.

And wasnt the steel and debris shipped off somewhere before the investigation even concluded? I wonder why...


And for those that dont know who Silverstein is, his name is Larry Silverstein. He purchased the buildings several weeks prior to 9/11. I have a lot of the info in an email, and would be glad to send it if you want. Feel free to PM me.


Note - It explains how a lot of the ties with 9/11 are of Jewish decent. I am in no way saying I hate Jewish folks. It is just in the email, and is a worthy read to see some of the key players you have never heard about.

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I'm no building expert, but this is the one piece I've never heard a remotely feasible explanation for


have you read the NIST report? it seems like a pretty feasible explanation to me, and the overwhelming majority of people who ARE building experts agree. the fire and structural damage caused one main support beam to give, resulting in the vertical collapse of the east side of the building, which you can see in the video as the penthouse begins collapsing (several seconds before the entire building starts coming down). this vertical collapse ended up creating enormous pressure on a series of load-bearing trusses around the 7th floor, which then gave way completely causing the whole building to come down.

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have you read the NIST report? it seems like a pretty feasible explanation to me, and the overwhelming majority of people who ARE building experts agree. the fire and structural damage caused one main support beam to give, resulting in the vertical collapse of the east side of the building, which you can see in the video as the penthouse begins collapsing (several seconds before the entire building starts coming down). this vertical collapse ended up creating enormous pressure on a series of load-bearing trusses around the 7th floor, which then gave way completely causing the whole building to come down.


That was a very education link. :wacko:

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Sorry, could find a link where they said they make their steel out of rice patties... I'll keep looking...


Stop smokin the hippie lettuce . . . . they dont tell us they put poison in kids toys . . now you want a link that shows they use ramen noodles to make their steel?


Until you show me a link that disproves my ramen noodle theory of Chinese steel exports, then it is still true. :wacko:

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Wow, thank you for taking the time to give your expert opinions, rather than just mocking us. You've done a great job of putting at ease our paranoid delusional minds. How could I have been so blind? :wacko:


Man, I was just going for some levity...


Here we go... There are way too many factors that go into buildings collpases to say just how the building is going to react to a castatrophic structural failure unless the failure is controlled.


That being said, yes, buildings do collapse in such a manner depending on where the failures occur and the typ of construction involved. If one side of a foundation is compromised causing a building ot list to one side or the other, more than likely it is going to rupture and fall in the direction where the failure occurs and in the direction in which it is listing.


If you have a scenario where the failure is more toward the center of a building you will typically see a cave in or pancake scenario which may be more orderly.


I have seen parking decks where they pancake like was seen in the WTC buildings. I have seen scenarios where Roofs have caved in due to structural damage to center/interior support columns. I have seen scenarios where sinking foundations have caused the facades of buildings fall down leaving the rest of the structure intact.


To answer your question, have I ever seen a 50+ story building collpase straight down like WTC 7, no, I have not. Could I potentially look at the way it was built, understand where they are saying it was compromised and conclude whether it was possible to fall like it did from that damage, possibly, but I wouldn't take my word for it over a structural engineer.


With regard to to "explosions" people heard, you ever heard the sound made when trusses connected to I-Beams or columns fail, it's loud and can sound a lot like an explosion. Not to mention the heat released when these things shear in such a manner...

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have you read the NIST report? it seems like a pretty feasible explanation to me, and the overwhelming majority of people who ARE building experts agree. the fire and structural damage caused one main support beam to give, resulting in the vertical collapse of the east side of the building, which you can see in the video as the penthouse begins collapsing (several seconds before the entire building starts coming down). this vertical collapse ended up creating enormous pressure on a series of load-bearing trusses around the 7th floor, which then gave way completely causing the whole building to come down.

I'm not qualified to dispute what they're saying there, but collapse, yes, I can buy that.... A steel building falling in on top of itself at freefall speeds just seconds after 1 comprimised beam (which could also be evidence of a contolled demolition "kink") occurs one side of the building with a few small fires. No, I have not seen anything that suggests that it is demonstrably true.

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Man, I was just going for some levity...


Here we go... There are way too many factors that go into buildings collpases to say just how the building is going to react to a castatrophic structural failure unless the failure is controlled.


That being said, yes, buildings do collapse in such a manner depending on where the failures occur and the typ of construction involved. If one side of a foundation is compromised causing a building ot list to one side or the other, more than likely it is going to rupture and fall in the direction where the failure occurs and in the direction in which it is listing.

That's the thing, the failure did occur well to one side of the building... Why did it pancake so easily?

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That's the thing, the failure did occur well to one side of the building... Why did it pancake so easily?


You've got to understand, It occurred to one side, not necessarily an exterior wall at first. Lets say this if the failure occurred 20 feet inside the right side of the building, but the exterior wall was not compromised you would see, more than likely an interior collapse, the building folding in on itself. Where you would be losing structural integrity would be 20 feet inside which would also compromise the structure 40 feet in, since this was compromised 40feet in, you would then compromise 60 feet in, etc... untill you get to the exterior walls, which will be compromised due to the compressive strength of the subsequent floors beginning to bear on thos walls and pulling thme down or in with the collapse.

Edited by SEC=UGA
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That's the thing, the failure did occur well to one side of the building... Why did it pancake so easily?


the failure of the truss system at the 7th floor which was bearing the weight of the 40 floors above. once that gave out there was literally nothing holding up the top 40 floors of the building.

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You've got to understand, It occurred to one side, not necessarily an exterior wall at first. Lets say this if the failure occurred 20 feet inside the right side of the building, but the exterior wall was not compromised you would see, more than likely an interior collapse, the building folding in on itself. Where you would be losing structural integrity would be 20 feet inside which would also compromise the structure 40 feet in, since this was compromised 40feet in, you would then compromise 60 feet in, etc... untill you get to the exterior walls, which will be compromised due to the compressive strength of the subsequent floors beginning to bear on thos walls and pulling thme down or in with the collapse.

If the damage was caused by debris, then the external of the building would have been damaged before anything internally.

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And let me just ask you this since you apparently have a construction background. Have you EVER seen a building fall in the manner WTC7 fell due to structural damage? Im talking free fall, from left to right, top to bottom. Remember, this building was not hit by a plane, and if it was "structurally damaged", then why did it fall STRAIGHT DOWN? Again, it didnt fall left, or right, or partially, but 100% of the building fell STRAIGHT DOWN with ZERO RESISTANCE.


And from what I recall in regards to Iraq and WMDs, there was no evidence ever given to the public. Just what we were told. With WTC7, we have a perfectly clear video of a building in freefall.

How do you know that video is real??? :wacko:

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With regard to to "explosions" people heard, you ever heard the sound made when trusses connected to I-Beams or columns fail, it's loud and can sound a lot like an explosion. Not to mention the heat released when these things shear in such a manner...

When that big crane fell on the site of Miller Park people said they heard sounds like explosions or huge guns shots when that thing buckled. I guess that was an inside job also!!!!

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If you havent done research on the topic, then dont bother commenting. I dont care if some people want to make jokes, but for those that just dismiss the idea simply because "our govt would never do something like that!", well, its people like you that need to wake the F up.

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If you havent done research on the topic, then dont bother commenting. I dont care if some people want to make jokes, but for those that just dismiss the idea simply because "our govt would never do something like that!", well, its people like you that need to wake the F up.


Our government kills people just about every day. Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, War on Drugs, Death Penalty.

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Our government kills people just about every day. Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, War on Drugs, Death Penalty.


Why is Obama bombing Libya but not the same with Syria? The same thing they accused Bush of....O-I-L.


My biggest conspiracy theory is Obama is nothing more than a black Bush.

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