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Yelling at Democrats

yo mama

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I am a registered democrat. Always have been. I even spent one summer in college registering voters on one of those ironing boards, in front of a Walgreens. It's not that I care who is in power, its just that I've always believed that the greatest country on the planet ought to be help out citizens in legitimate need. That government has the social - if not legal - responsibility to do what it can for citizens that can't. And I still believe in that. But last night I'd had enough.


The California democratic party called asking for campaign contributions. I listened. They told me about how bad it is for the public schools. My kids are in public schools, so I listened. They told me about cuts to fire and police departments. Once upon a time, I was a small town fire fighter. So I listened. They told about the hard working public sector employees who are getting treated unfairly due to layoffs and cuts in benefits. I listened. They told be about the failing prison system. And I listened.


Then the caller blamed the Republicans. And I snapped. "Are you freakin' KIDDING me," I barked, "the democrats control *both* chambers of the state legislature *and* the governor's seat. Both our US senators are democrats, and so is the President. The people in power are incompetent. I'm done giving you guys anything."


The caller stood tall, to his credit. "But sir - you've been a registered democrat since 1991." "True," I said, "but now I hate both parties equally. And frankly, if my contribution is the difference been the democrats winning or losing in California, then you deserve to lose."


The caller valiantly returned to his script..., "Well, it looks like you normally give us about $X a year, and every little bit counts. Can we count on your support again this year?" At this point I could feel the rage smoldering in my loins. "The democrat's mismanagement of this state has resulted in my kids' school losing 1/3rd of its funding over the last three years. I'd say the school needs my money more than California democratic party. Don't ever call me again."


I guess I'm still what passes for a liberal. But I'm done being a democrat.

Edited by yo mama
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I am a registered democrat. Always have been. I even spent one summer in college registering voters on one of those ironing boards, in front of a Walgreens. It's not that I care who is in power, its just that I've always believed that the greatest country on the planet ought to be help out citizens in legitimate need. That government has the social - if not legal - responsibility to do what it can for citizens that can't. And I still believe in that. But last night I'd had enough.


The California democratic party called asking for campaign contributions. I listened. They told me about how bad it is for the public schools. My kids are in public schools, so I listened. They told me about cuts to fire and police departments. Once upon a time, I was a small town fire fighter. So I listened. They told about the hard working public sector employees who are getting treated unfairly due to layoffs and cuts in benefits. I listened. They told be about the failing prison system. And I listened.


Then the caller blamed the Republicans. And I snapped. "Are you freakin' KIDDING me," I barked, "the democrats control *both* chambers of the state legislature *and* the governor's seat. Both our US senators are democrats, and so is the President. The people in power are incompetent. I'm done giving you guys anything."


The caller stood tall, to his credit. "But sir - you've been a registered democrat since 1991." "True," I said, "but now I hate both parties equally. And frankly, if my contribution is the difference been the democrats winning or losing in California, then you deserve to lose."


The caller valiantly returned to his script..., "Well, it looks like you normally give us about $X a year, and every little bit counts. Can we count on your support against this year?" At this point I could feel the rage smoldering in my loins. "The democrat's mismanagement of this state has resulted in my kids' school losing 1/3rd of its funding over the last three years. I'd say the school needs my money more than California democratic party. Don't ever call me again."


I guess I'm still what passes for a liberal. But I'm done being a democrat.


I think we're the same age, because I've been a registered Democrat since I was allowed to vote, which was also 1991. A few months ago I re-registered as an independent.

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I am a registered democrat. Always have been. I even spent one summer in college registering voters on one of those ironing boards, in front of a Walgreens. It's not that I care who is in power, its just that I've always believed that the greatest country on the planet ought to be help out citizens in legitimate need. That government has the social - if not legal - responsibility to do what it can for citizens that can't. And I still believe in that. But last night I'd had enough.


The California democratic party called asking for campaign contributions. I listened. They told me about how bad it is for the public schools. My kids are in public schools, so I listened. They told me about cuts to fire and police departments. Once upon a time, I was a small town fire fighter. So I listened. They told about the hard working public sector employees who are getting treated unfairly due to layoffs and cuts in benefits. I listened. They told be about the failing prison system. And I listened.


Then the caller blamed the Republicans. And I snapped. "Are you freakin' KIDDING me," I barked, "the democrats control *both* chambers of the state legislature *and* the governor's seat. Both our US senators are democrats, and so is the President. The people in power are incompetent. I'm done giving you guys anything."


The caller stood tall, to his credit. "But sir - you've been a registered democrat since 1991." "True," I said, "but now I hate both parties equally. And frankly, if my contribution is the difference been the democrats winning or losing in California, then you deserve to lose."


The caller valiantly returned to his script..., "Well, it looks like you normally give us about $X a year, and every little bit counts. Can we count on your support again this year?" At this point I could feel the rage smoldering in my loins. "The democrat's mismanagement of this state has resulted in my kids' school losing 1/3rd of its funding over the last three years. I'd say the school needs my money more than California democratic party. Don't ever call me again."


I guess I'm still what passes for a liberal. But I'm done being a democrat.


I know we don't agree on much and I'm sure getting a thumbs up from me is like Jon Huntsman getting Harry Reid's endorsement, but that is simply awesome.

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I am a registered democrat. Always have been. I even spent one summer in college registering voters on one of those ironing boards, in front of a Walgreens. It's not that I care who is in power, its just that I've always believed that the greatest country on the planet ought to be help out citizens in legitimate need. That government has the social - if not legal - responsibility to do what it can for citizens that can't. And I still believe in that. But last night I'd had enough.


The California democratic party called asking for campaign contributions. I listened. They told me about how bad it is for the public schools. My kids are in public schools, so I listened. They told me about cuts to fire and police departments. Once upon a time, I was a small town fire fighter. So I listened. They told about the hard working public sector employees who are getting treated unfairly due to layoffs and cuts in benefits. I listened. They told be about the failing prison system. And I listened.


Then the caller blamed the Republicans. And I snapped. "Are you freakin' KIDDING me," I barked, "the democrats control *both* chambers of the state legislature *and* the governor's seat. Both our US senators are democrats, and so is the President. The people in power are incompetent. I'm done giving you guys anything."


The caller stood tall, to his credit. "But sir - you've been a registered democrat since 1991." "True," I said, "but now I hate both parties equally. And frankly, if my contribution is the difference been the democrats winning or losing in California, then you deserve to lose."


The caller valiantly returned to his script..., "Well, it looks like you normally give us about $X a year, and every little bit counts. Can we count on your support again this year?" At this point I could feel the rage smoldering in my loins. "The democrat's mismanagement of this state has resulted in my kids' school losing 1/3rd of its funding over the last three years. I'd say the school needs my money more than California democratic party. Don't ever call me again."


I guess I'm still what passes for a liberal. But I'm done being a democrat.


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... its just that I've always believed that the greatest country on the planet ought to be help out citizens in legitimate need. That government has the social - if not legal - responsibility to do what it can for citizens that can't.

just FWIW, the Repubs believe in this too, as I'm sure you know. However, I moved away from either of the two parties as well.


Politicians are disgusting. They make lawyers look good by comparison. jk :wacko:

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It's not that I care who is in power, its just that I've always believed that the greatest country on the planet ought to be help out citizens in legitimate need. That government has the social - if not legal - responsibility to do what it can for citizens that can't. And I still believe in that.


sort of an aside here, but has it ever crossed your mind that these are the best reasons out there NOT to buy into the Democratic model? look at all that spending on those citizens in legitimate need, especially since the "great society" reforms of the 60s -- you see it more clearly in cali than almost anywhere else. has it helped those in legitimate need? oh I'm sure in many tangible ways it has. it has also dramatically swollen their numbers (I'm not sure how anyone can reasonably deny that). and at some point, that becomes a big problem.

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It's OK. I'm an independent myself.


So when I go to vote for a candidate, the only thing I am sure of is that the Republican is the wrong answer. Beyond that, I'm flexible.

Is this because Republican politicians generally are not flexible in their thoughts?

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