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Sieg Heil!


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Dudes a looney toon...


The National Jewish Democratic Council (NJDC) criticized conservative talk show host Glenn Beck Tuesday over the former Fox News host's comparison of the victims of Norway's mass shooting to "Hitler Youth."



"Just when we think Glenn Beck can get no more offensive, he ups the ante," said NJDC President David Harris in a Tuesday statement. "It is simply horrendous that Beck would compare the young victims of this tragic crime in Norway to the 'Hitler Youth.' It is repugnant to invoke the Holocaust like this when discussing a Labor Party summer camp for teens -- to say nothing of a camp that was attacked in this calamitous way."



Sixty-eight people, mostly in their teens and 20s, were killed Friday in a shooting spree on Norway's Utoya Island, which was hosting a summer camp connected with the Labor Party's youth wing. Eight people were killed in a connected bomb blast outside the government headquarters in Oslo.



During his show Monday, Beck, called the idea of having a politically-oriented summer camp "disturbing" and likened those attending to members of the Hitler Youth, the Nazi Party's paramilitary arm for children.



"There was a shooting at a political camp, which sounds a little like the Hitler Youth, or whatever," Beck said. "I mean, who does a camp for kids that's all about politics? Disturbing."



In the same show, Beck tied Anders Behring Breivik, the man who confessed to carrying out the two-pronged massacre, to supporters of "big government."



"He is doing the work of a madman. He is doing the work of what all people who want big government always do, and that is commit terrorist acts," Beck said.



Harris called on Beck to "cease and desist" his rhetoric in honor of the victims of Norway as well as the Holocaust.



"After myriad offensive examples of abusive Holocaust rhetoric, the time has finally come for Glenn Beck to cease and desist," he said. "Doing otherwise dilutes the memory of the Holocaust and stains the memory of the victims in Norway as well."



Torbjorn Eriksen, former press secretary to Norwegian Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg, also condemned Beck's remarks as "ignorant, incorrect and extremely hurtful."



"Young political activists have gathered at Utoya for over 60 years to learn about and be part of Democracy, the very opposite of what the Hitler Youth was about," he told the Daily Telegraph. "Glenn Beck's comments are ignorant, incorrect and extremely hurtful."



Breivik pleaded not guilty in an Oslo courtroom on Monday. According to the presiding judge, Breivik explained that he wanted to "save" Europe from the spread of Marxism, multiculturalism and Islamic immigration

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did that guy kill any muslims? :wacko: isn't his beef with them, was it a muslim camp, i haven't read anything


Nope, didn't kill any Muslims. He targeted the left leaning government office and its youth camp.

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Which he believes is responsible for allowing Muslims into the country, I believe.


Correct. Guess I should have included that.

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In the same show, Beck tied Anders Behring Breivik, the man who confessed to carrying out the two-pronged massacre, to supporters of "big government."


"He is doing the work of a madman. He is doing the work of what all people who want big government always do, and that is commit terrorist acts," Beck said.




Quite aside from the Hitler nonsense, does anyone actually understand any of this tripe?

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Does it matter?

No, not really, it was kind of rhetorical. I guess none of Beck's devotees would be susceptible to argument, discussion or persuasion anyway.


Some right wing idiot will be along later to tell us that the MSM are just as bad. :wacko:

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No, not really, it was kind of rhetorical. I guess none of Beck's devotees would be susceptible to argument, discussion or persuasion anyway.


Some right wing idiot will be along later to tell us that the MSM are just as bad. :tup:


The MSM are just as bad. :wacko:

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Katie Couric used to call me Dr. Mengele.


Elisabeth Hasselbeck used to call me Thor... Whenever I put the hammer to her, I was the god of thunder

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Beck is a bit of a tool and obviously didn't show much sensitivity to that matter, but I have to admit that when I heard that it was a political youth camp that got shot up, "Hitler Youth" was the exact very first thing that came to my mind.

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Beck is a bit of a tool and obviously didn't show much sensitivity to that matter, but I have to admit that when I heard that it was a political youth camp that got shot up, "Hitler Youth" was the exact very first thing that came to my mind.


[glenn] while tapping his fingers together like Mr. Burns . . . . ."Excellent. Mission accomplished" [beck}

Edited by bpwallace49
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[glenn] while tapping his fingers together like Mr. Burns . . . . ."Excellent. Mission accomplioshed" [beck}


He always has been a horrible speller... :wacko:

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[glenn] while tapping his fingers together like Mr. Burns . . . . ."Excellent. Mission accomplished" [beck}


I don't listen to Beck. This was a unique thought generated by my own brain at hearing the news of this tragedy.

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beck deserves any heat he's getting for this, and the rush to compare everything to naziism is once again tired and sickening.


but I agree with the general sentiment that camp for kids that is all about politics is pretty creepy and reeks of an effort to indoctrinate.

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but I agree with the general sentiment that camp for kids that is all about politics is pretty creepy and reeks of an effort to indoctrinate.

yes, but then Glenn Beck and his acolytes will have a hard time explain why Beck's own 9/12 organization hosts similar camps for kids

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beck deserves any heat he's getting for this, and the rush to compare everything to naziism is once again tired and sickening.


but I agree with the general sentiment that camp for kids that is all about politics is pretty creepy and reeks of an effort to indoctrinate.

Just curious where you draw the line though. When I was in HS, they had week long summer camp sponsored by VFW where one kid from each school was chosen to go and we sort of acted out a mini government. Sort of a Jr. Senators thing.


By the end of the week, there were elections and such. Besides being pretty fun, we learned a bit and got to put something on our college application.


But that was certainly a youth camp about politics. Not party driven, mind you, but one could argue it was at least Nationalistic to a degree since it trumpeted government as it is in the US.


Obviously a far cry from any major "programming", but then I wonder how hardcore the camp in Norway really was. Whether, in addition to being very insensitive, the Hitler Youth comment was also completely and totally off-base.


And how is this different from religious summer camps?

Edited by detlef
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