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Tentative debt deal reached


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It's cute that the Tea Party people that were voted in to stop bankrupting America are the lunatics, but the Democrats that controlled all 3 branches a couple of years ago and could've done anything they wanted to the budget - and decided to keep bankrupting America - are the sane ones. :wacko:


Thanks to how ugly politics became lately Repubs and Dems were able to do anything they wanted. No one was going to vote out these extreme left or right people. It became boys vs girls to the point that they would rather let the country default and hurt Americans even more than to give us some sort of peace of mind.

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No, not really.


The last paragraph reads: “The U.S., downgrade or no downgrade, is still going to be the benchmark,” said Rick Rieder, the chief investment officer at New York-based BlackRock Inc., who manages $612.5 billion in fundamental fixed-income portfolios. “Even with a downgrade, I think the market would assume the safest asset you could buy in a portfolio was still Treasuries.”


NOTE: This is the second thread I've posted this in...


yeah, that snippet wiegie posted made me think, well where else are all these investors going to go? obviously it would be bad for the world financial system the longer that sort of scenario went on...but if it were a few more days before they got a deal worked out and they couldn't issue new bonds or pay out old on ones for a couple days (whatever the scenario would be), it doesn't seem like that would necessarily spell armaggeddon. and it makes you realize that those bond rating agencies really probably don't have as much power in this situation as a lot of people like to pretend.

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Are you referring back to when she was speaker? Or to something more recent?

Back in the two year period from 2008-10 where both Houses and the White House were under Democrat control, there was a window of opportunity, as there always is to a party that has overall control. Like the Republicans before them, the Democrats didn't make the most of that window.

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Back in the two year period from 2008-10 where both Houses and the White House were under Democrat control, there was a window of opportunity, as there always is to a party that has overall control. Like the Republicans before them, the Democrats didn't make the most of that window.

with the way the Senate is now (needing 60 votes to overcome a filibuster AND with the threat of a filibuster on almost every single F'ING vote) it's not clear that either party has had overall control of the government in quite some time.

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with the way the Senate is now (needing 60 votes to overcome a filibuster AND with the threat of a filibuster on almost every single F'ING vote) it's not clear that either party has had overall control of the government in quite some time.

And that is very true. The whole concept of the filibuster has been abused for years. Apparently, a senator doesn't even need to stand there and yap for hours any more as there's some procedural thing that saves them the bother. The least they could do is actually stand and talk.

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And that is very true. The whole concept of the filibuster has been abused for years. Apparently, a senator doesn't even need to stand there and yap for hours any more as there's some procedural thing that saves them the bother. The least they could do is actually stand and talk.


All they do all the time is stand and talk... and talk...

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And that is very true. The whole concept of the filibuster has been abused for years. Apparently, a senator doesn't even need to stand there and yap for hours any more as there's some procedural thing that saves them the bother. The least they could do is actually stand and talk.

yep--I think they need go back to the old way. Force the filibuster to actually be played out.

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And that is very true. The whole concept of the filibuster has been abused for years. Apparently, a senator doesn't even need to stand there and yap for hours any more as there's some procedural thing that saves them the bother. The least they could do is actually stand and talk.



And no leaning against anything either. (With allowances for wounded vets, those over 85, and pregnant women in their last trimester, of course)

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And no leaning against anything either. (With allowances for wounded vets, those over 85, and pregnant women in their last trimester, of course)


The speaker would "yield the floor" to those who supported the filibuster to keep it rolling. I think they should still have to do that.

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No. No we shouldn't.


Dude, wanting the US to default and have the economy tank and stock market plumment into a depression just so that you can say "I told you so" to everyone on these message boards seems somewhat self serving . . . . :wacko::tup:

Edited by bpwallace49
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Dude, wanting the US to default and have the economy tank and stock market plumment into a depression just so that you can say "I told you so" to everyone on these message boards seems somewhat self serving . . . .

Well, thanks for putting those words into my mouth :wacko:


I certainly don't want any of those things to happen. I want what's best for all Americans, especially my kids. And that's a country that does not burden every born child with a debt that they must work to payoff. We need to stop spending, not increase it. Jesus man, I thought you actually read my posts. All we have to do is default on the portion of debt owed to the Federal Reserve. Why would you be in favor of making international bankers richer at the expense of working people and our children?? I thought you knew me better than that. I have never been for a depression, EVER. I've only detailed the realities of our financial situation and what is the likely outcome. At this point, there's no avoiding it and unfortunately, it's the only remedy in this mess.

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Well, thanks for putting those words into my mouth :wacko:


I certainly don't want any of those things to happen. I want what's best for all Americans, especially my kids. And that's a country that does not burden every born child with a debt that they must work to payoff. We need to stop spending, not increase it. Jesus man, I thought you actually read my posts. All we have to do is default on the portion of debt owed to the Federal Reserve. Why would you be in favor of making international bankers richer at the expense of working people and our children?? I thought you knew me better than that. I have never been for a depression, EVER. I've only detailed the realities of our financial situation and what is the likely outcome. At this point, there's no avoiding it and unfortunately, it's the only remedy in this mess.


I added not one . . but two winky emoticons to enhance the sarcasm intent of the last post.


Just in case, here a few more . . . . :tup::lol::rofl::rofl::bow:

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Ok, that's much better. Now I feel all warm and fuzzy inside.


I think I just touched my colon... anyone know what a colon feels like?

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Well, thanks for putting those words into my mouth :wacko:


I certainly don't want any of those things to happen. I want what's best for all Americans, especially my kids. And that's a country that does not burden every born child with a debt that they must work to payoff. We need to stop spending, not increase it. Jesus man, I thought you actually read my posts. All we have to do is default on the portion of debt owed to the Federal Reserve. Why would you be in favor of making international bankers richer at the expense of working people and our children?? I thought you knew me better than that. I have never been for a depression, EVER. I've only detailed the realities of our financial situation and what is the likely outcome. At this point, there's no avoiding it and unfortunately, it's the only remedy in this mess.

Let me try and make this easy:


We all agree that the debt as a proportion of current GDP is too large.

We all agree that Congress needs to carefully cut spending where it sensibly can and such cuts should include both the immediate and the longer term.

OK, fine, we agree.


But here's the problem:


Raising the debt limit had nothing whatsoever to do with future spending and everything to do with past spending. The GOP chose to tie spending cuts to the debt ceiling vote in order to leverage the corner into which the nation had painted itself. But let's be clear that the debt limit had to go up because of goods already bought, not goods we haven't yet bought. Not raising the limit would have been the equivalent of welching on a payment.

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Let me try and make this easy:


We all agree that the debt as a proportion of current GDP is too large.

We all agree that Congress needs to carefully cut spending where it sensibly can and such cuts should include both the immediate and the longer term.

OK, fine, we agree.


But here's the problem:


Raising the debt limit had nothing whatsoever to do with future spending and everything to do with past spending. The GOP chose to tie spending cuts to the debt ceiling vote in order to leverage the corner into which the nation had painted itself. But let's be clear that the debt limit had to go up because of goods already bought, not goods we haven't yet bought. Not raising the limit would have been the equivalent of welching on a payment.

Right. But I think my solution is clear. Default on our debt to the Federal Reserve. All Americans win with this plan!!

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Right. But I think my solution is clear. Default on our debt to the Federal Reserve. All Americans win with this plan!!

I love it. Brent (and people like Ron Paul) are scared to death that the Fed is going to monetize our debt and hence create large inflation. So their solution to prevent the Fed from monetizing the debt is... wait for it... monetizing the debt. :wacko:

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I love it. Brent (and people like Ron Paul) are scared to death that the Fed is going to monetize our debt and hence create large inflation. So their solution to prevent the Fed from monetizing the debt is... wait for it... monetizing the debt. :wacko:

What is this double speak that you are spouting? The Fed isn't about to monetize debt - that is their function (period).

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