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We need to break up Freddie and Fannie


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Sounds good for you


“It breaks up Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac -- who are, after all, at the heart of all of this -- so that the encumbered taxpayer no longer backs them -- implicitly or explicitly -- and so that they do not artificially grow larger than the market will allow.


“And, it ensures the Federal Reserve’s attention is focused on that of long-term price stability rather than short term economic growth.


“We must not just address the symptoms, but also the root causes of the problem. The forgotten man in all this is the everyday American taxpayer -- both of today and of tomorrow. It is with them in mind that Congress should fully focus on its responsibilities and not rush the process just to meet the artificial deadline of Congressional adjournment.”


But not for me


Just a few weeks before Bachmann called for dismantling the programs during a House Financial Services Committee hearing, she and her husband signed for a $417,000 home loan to help finance their move to a 5,200-square-foot golf-course home, public records show. Experts who examined the loan documents for The Washington Post say that they are confident the loan was backed by Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac.


Ah....the tea partiers, the true purveyors of liberty.

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You have to be freaking kidding me. M. Bachmann has absolutely no control of whether her mortgage is purchased or backed by freddie or fannie. OH, I am sorry. I guess she did not check the "do not sell my loan to Freddie and Fannie" box when she signed up for the loan. This is absolute PATHETIC reporting and you are just spooning it up is even more pathetic. I wish you and the media understood how the mortgage market works.


I have NO issue with dissolving Fannie or Freddie. As a home owner it just means I would pay a little bit more in interest. Id rather pay it as homeowner than as a taxpayer. I wish honest debate existed in this country.

Edited by Grimm74
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You have to be freaking kidding me. M. Bachmann has absolutely no control of whether her mortgage is purchased or backed by freddie or fannie. OH, I am sorry. I guess she did not check the "do not sell my loan to Freddie and Fannie" box when she signed up for the loan. This is absolute PATHETIC reporting and you are just spooning it up is even more pathetic. I wish you and the media understood how the mortgage market works.


I have NO issue with dissolving Fannie or Freddie. As a home owner it just means I would pay a little bit more in interest. Id rather pay it as homeowner than as a taxpayer. I wish honest debate existed in this country.




You don't want an honest debate or you would quit making excuses for terds like Michele Bachman.

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One of the ugly secrets about why the gubment doesn't want to kill FMFM is that it helps them control an awful lot of real estate. Lots and lots of real estate. All this real estate is what helps the gubment to establish assets and strengthen their credit position. It also holds a nefarious power over the American people, but that is for another topic.


I absolutely despise Bank of America. Guess who my mortgage got sold to? Couldn't stop it if I wanted to.


The individual has little say over any of what happens during the whole mortgage process unless you have enough cash to buy the property outright and you might control which bank you start with if you go to that bank directly. Getting a loan like that cuts out the competition and is not wise (generally). My last loan in California was sold three times to different banks in the ten years I had that house.


Nothing to see here, unless you are a partisan hack grabbing for anything. In that case... :tup:


I thought it was stupid and petty the way the GOP went after Clinton (though I thought he was slimy as a person). It greatly hurt the party and Congress' image as a whole. The "dirt digging" by the left has reached the comedic but won't be challenged by a participatory press. The "fourth pillar" is gone and that is a big part of what is wrong today in terms of all of us being held accountable for at least being intellectually honest.


You must really fear this woman. First migraines now this? The misogyny exhibited by the left in their treatment of women who oppose their views is matched only by their treatment of women in their own party who speak up and get in their "way" and interfere with the master program. You can't tell me that Hillary didn't win the nomination because of a lot of evil conservatives. She was DESTROYED by her own party because they wanted the "hip" black dude with the radical credentials and it was embarrassing to watch.


I can't believe I defended both Clintons in the same post... :wacko:




I agree with the title of this post. Let's get rid of them both up.

Edited by McBoog
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You must really fear this woman. First migraines now this?

The migraines thing was both unfair and inappropriate, IMO. However, I don't fear her for any reason, least of all because she's a woman. I do fear for a country that would elect such a person.

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The migraines thing was both unfair and inappropriate, IMO. However, I don't fear her for any reason, least of all because she's a woman. I do fear for a country that would elect such a person.



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Attacking Bachman for this is stupid. (Especially when there are so many other good reasons for attacking her. Like for instance, her suggestion that Freddie and Fannie were at the heart of the financial crisis. They weren't. They were a follower in the game, not a leader.)


Now, I do agree with her suggestion that the GSE's should not be backed by any explicit or implicit guarantee from the government. They should either be 100% privatized or else 100% nationalized (like Fannie Mae used to be before Nixon privatized it because he was trying to make the national debt look lower.


(For what it's worth, I'm not just talking out of my ass here--I have a research paper on Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae that was recently accepted for publication at an academic journal.)

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(For what it's worth, I'm not just talking out of my ass here--I have a research paper on Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae that was recently accepted for publication at an academic journal.)


Some may say that is the definition of talking out your ass!


...in all seriousness, congratulations on the professional accomplishment...I know that it is a big deal to get published...

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This is the most brainless gotcha moment yet Bushy.


Bachmann wants to break up Fannie and Freddie, but her own mortgage is backed by Fannie. What a hypocrite! She obviously demanded that Fannie Mae back up her mortgage. :wacko:

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This is the most brainless gotcha moment yet Bushy.


Bachmann wants to break up Fannie and Freddie, but her own mortgage is backed by Fannie. What a hypocrite! She obviously demanded that Fannie Mae back up her mortgage. :wacko:


You sound like a broken record defending the Repubs.


Worst gotcha ever. http://www.balladofironpercy.com/blog/wp-c...ic-book-guy.jpg

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You sound like a broken record defending the Repubs.



:wacko: Bushy throws out a new gotcha moment everyday and I am the broken record. Riiiiiight.


There's not even really anything to defend here. What exactly do you think that Bachmann did that was wrong or hypocritical in this instance? Do you REALLY believe that she demanded to have Fannie or Freddie involved in her mortgage at all? Do you honestly think that she had anything whatsoever to do with that?

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:wacko: Bushy throws out a new gotcha moment everyday and I am the broken record. Riiiiiight.


There's not even really anything to defend here. What exactly do you think that Bachmann did that was wrong or hypocritical in this instance? Do you REALLY believe that she demanded to have Fannie or Freddie involved in her mortgage at all? Do you honestly think that she had anything whatsoever to do with that?

beating your head against a wall here. It has to be painful. These gotcha threads from booshie are really getting old.

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:wacko: Bushy throws out a new gotcha moment everyday and I am the broken record. Riiiiiight.


There's not even really anything to defend here. What exactly do you think that Bachmann did that was wrong or hypocritical in this instance? Do you REALLY believe that she demanded to have Fannie or Freddie involved in her mortgage at all? Do you honestly think that she had anything whatsoever to do with that?


It's hard to say how much money she receives from them. I'm sure it's more than 50 welfare moms receive in checks from the goverment in one year combined.

Edited by WaterMan
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MODERATOR: I got a lot of questions from people asking is it fair for you to call for dismantling federal programs you ultimately have been a beneficiary of? So in terms of guaranteeing home mortgages, do you think the federal government has a role in that…?



BACHMANN: Now unlike all of you, who I’m sure pay cash for your homes, .........




Unlike all you rich people, she deserves a home loan.

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Kinda of silly thread here.


If we posted everytime a Tea party guy or democrat did something that was hypocritical there wouldnt be anyone left. :wacko: they are all scumbags



I'll ask again. What did Bachmann do here that was hypocritical?

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