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Here's a woman setting a good example for her kids...


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to each his or her own, except:


this woman cannot work because of her weight - and - one would expect that she is either recieving unemployment or disability. See as how she is trying to get as big as she can, that really sucks.



And all of that food each day can't be cheap. Someone has to be paying for those calories. I'm sure this will most likely lead to a very early death. I wonder if she has thought about how her inevitable absence will affect her children? But clearly it looks like she doesn't give a SHAM WOW! about them or herself. Her sister is kinda hot though. :wacko:

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In this day and age? Hardly.


Susanne - who is creating a stir among fans of 'Super Size Big Beautiful Women' (SSBBWs)
It even has an acronym now, sweet it's legitimized! If you create an acronym for something, that provides instantly credibility, because - well just because :tup:


Dr Flite said Susanne's medical checks showed no current problems, adding: ‘She's capable of making her own decisions. I don't see any psychiatric problems or anything else wrong.’
Another stellar example of the psychiatric experts. Cue the monkeys with oven mitts.


Her kids should be beating her over the head (perhaps literally).

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One of the comments:


This is grotesque and devastating. The amount of food she consumes in one day could feed a whole family. I cannot imagine what the lives of her children must be like. Since my tax money is funding her lifestyle and medical care, I would rather see it used to pay for psychiatric care and a weight loss program. This seems like a ploy for attention, but will likely result in her early death and her damaged children becoming orphans.


Hard to disagree with that.


BTW, did anyone scroll all the way to the bottom and see her in shorts? :wacko::tup:

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And all of that food each day can't be cheap. Someone has to be paying for those calories. I'm sure this will most likely lead to a very early death. I wonder if she has thought about how her inevitable absence will affect her children? But clearly it looks like she doesn't give a SHAM WOW! about them or herself. Her sister is kinda hot though. :wacko:


Believe it or not she "supports herself" w/ an income for modeling extra size women's clothing!

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The only thing wrong with this is she's getting media coverage. Humanity is chock full of all kinds of derangement, it's nothing new.


Yup! I see a new reality show around the corner..."Biggest Gainers".

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isn't this tantamount to playing russian roulette? This woman will likely kill herself cuz of this. Isn't that insane?

The shrink said "I don't see any psychiatric problems or anything else wrong." Whether she's completely off her nut or not isn't relevant or my point. The shrink being a joke is. I bet he's the kind that sees a spoiled brat kid and goes "oh another ADD case" and whips out the prescription pad.



Yup! I see a new reality show around the corner..."Biggest Gainers".

Again I would not be at all surprised. Seriously. Nor would it being popular surprise me either.

Edited by BeeR
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