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Gotta Love ObamaCare

The Mucca

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The funny part about this article is that it's from the liberal New York Times, and even they're struggling to spin reports that ObamaCare is directly related to the increases in coverage prices for health insurance.


You can't force insurers to keep grown adults on their parents plan until they reach age 26, do away with pre-existing conditions and add multiple layers of government beauracracy in between a person and his doctor, and then expect health care costs to stay the same. ObamaCare is by far the worst legislation the United States government has passed since Woordrow Wilson did all he could to grow government and limit personal freedom.

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Obamacare was created as a half-step once they realized they could not get a one-payer system passed. Rates will rise more sharply and the government will come back in a few years and blame insurance companies for the rising rates.


Change out health insurance for steel and railroads and Rand had it pegged pretty well.

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Yes, because the most unregulated health care services are the best in the world. :wacko:


:tup:Unregulated or even moderately related health care is a unicorn and you know it. Rand's point was that corruption in and between government and industry strangles healthy companies and stiffles innovation. See that happening much today?

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laughing.gif Unregulated or even moderately related health care is a unicorn and you know it.




A hardcore Randian shouldn't be preaching to anyone about fairy tales. :wacko:


But seriously, the gist of primarily and definitively blaming Obamacare for raising health care prices seems to be kneejerk scthick to me for obvious reasons. The reasons for rising prices are discussed in the article, but I kind of doubt anyone read it, including the OP.

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A hardcore Randian shouldn't be preaching to anyone about fairy tales. :wacko:


But seriously, the gist of primarily and definitively blaming Obamacare for raising health care prices seems to be kneejerk scthick to me for obvious reasons. The reasons for rising prices are discussed in the article, but I kind of doubt anyone read it, including the OP.



Yep it has nothing to do with new rules under ObamaCare


"How much the new federal health care legislation pushed by President Obama is affecting rates remains a point of debate, with some consumer advocates and others suggesting that insurers have raised prices in anticipation of new rules that would, in 2012, require them to justify any increase of more than 10 percent. Kaiser pointed out that the increase this year could be an anomaly, after several years of 3 percent to 5 percent increases during the recession".

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So Obamacare might create jobs?


The higher premiums are particularly unwelcome at a time when the economy is sputtering and unemployment is hovering at about 9 percent. Many businesses cite the cost of coverage as a factor in their decision not to hire, and health insurance has become increasingly unaffordable for more Americans. The cost of family coverage has about doubled since 2001, compared with a 34 percent gain in wages.


The increase in premiums was striking because in a poor economy, many people put off going to doctors, to avoid co-payments and higher deductibles. Despite a decrease in the use of medical services, companies have defended higher premiums — and their high profits — reasoning that their costs would rebound once the economy recovered.


Stay classy!

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But seriously, the gist of primarily and definitively blaming Obamacare for raising health care prices seems to be kneejerk scthick to me for obvious reasons. The reasons for rising prices are discussed in the article, but I kind of doubt anyone read it, including the OP.


Okay, well apparently the OP can't comprehend his own articles very well.

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Yep it has nothing to do with new rules under ObamaCare


"How much the new federal health care legislation pushed by President Obama is affecting rates remains a point of debate, with some consumer advocates and others suggesting that insurers have raised prices in anticipation of new rules that would, in 2012, require them to justify any increase of more than 10 percent. Kaiser pointed out that the increase this year could be an anomaly, after several years of 3 percent to 5 percent increases during the recession".

Thanks for quoting the liberal New York Times. Unfortunately for the liberal media, the fact that ObamaCare is going to the Supreme Court for being an unconstitutional law suggests there are a lot more problems with the bill than what the lib journalist is willing to admit.


It's a bad bill, plain and simple. It doesn't address any of the real problems with the health care industry. Repeal it and replace it with something that will actually work to benefit everyone.

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Thanks for quoting the liberal New York Times. Unfortunately for the liberal media, the fact that ObamaCare is going to the Supreme Court for being an unconstitutional law suggests there are a lot more problems with the bill than what the lib journalist is willing to admit.


It's a bad bill, plain and simple. It doesn't address any of the real problems with the health care industry. Repeal it and replace it with something that will actually work to benefit everyone.


You have to quote only liberal media here, or else the only response

you get is Fox/Rush/Beck or some form of that. At least quoting the

liberal media gets a spin of some kind.

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Hmmm, this really runs counter to what some of the lefties were posting in another thread regarding Obamacare...


Evidently your article is flawed and being used by the right wing media to further a conservative agenda.

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Repeal it and replace it with something that will actually work to benefit everyone.


And as long as we're dreaming, I'd like a pony.


Not a fan of the bill or the administration, but FYI anything proposed (never mind passsed) will be an unweildy, severely imperfect thing due to all the compromises/riders/God knows what mandated by "playing ball" just to even try and get it through. And nothing doing clearly isn't the answer.


IMO the biggest problem is corruption and/or the inherent nature of capitalism rearing its ugliest of heads, ie screwing over anyone and everyone any way they can in the name of profit. From the insurers to the hospitals, doctors to etc, they're all doing it and will continue to squeal like they were in the movie Deliverance every time those profits/ability to get are "infringed" in any way.


And yknow we can live with that (and have for a long time) in a capitalistic society - EXCEPT in the case of attacking our very ability to stay healthy. That gets an asterisk which it seems to me used to be understood. No more. You're sick, you're dying, too bad, we only care about profit and have no problem stepping on you to get it. So, unfortunate as this is, this needs more than a little gov't intervention to keep the bastages in check. At which point we can cue the monkeys in oven mitts analogy.

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It's going to the Supreme Court because people are so divided over it. And the drug companies probably funneled enough money into lawyers to make sure it's heard there.

Yeah, that's it. All those federal judges who ruled ObamaCare unconstitutional were swayed by people with money :wacko:


It violates the commerce clause, plain and simple.

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I missed the memo, insurance premiums would of went down without "Obamacare"? Please post link.







According to an article last week on CNN, rates are going up but at a lower rate than in years past. Both BP and Ursa chimed in to say that was true, while somehow SECs rates more than doubled, against everything in the news and several experiences that backed that up.

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According to an article last week on CNN, rates are going up but at a lower rate than in years past. Both BP and Ursa chimed in to say that was true, while somehow SECs rates more than doubled, against everything in the news and several experiences that backed that up.


Who are you going to believe Ursa and BP who may or may not actually deal with insurance, and even if they did would just be anecdotal or the NY Times article originally linked?


Insurance premiums for family health benefits in 2011 jumped 9 per cent from a year ago to $15,073, according to a study released on Tuesday by the Kaiser Family Foundation. That represented a sharp acceleration from 2010, when premiums rose by a modest 3 per cent, and easily outpaced a 2 per cent rise in wages.


I'm sure the NY Times is just another hyper conservative news outlet you would like to dismiss.

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