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Gotta Love ObamaCare

The Mucca

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There is a big difference in what the states are allowed to do under The Constitution and their own constitutions and what the Federal Government is allowed to do. Having said that I do not support Romney. I have no doubt he'd be better than Obama, but I hope he is not the GOP's candidate.

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There is a big difference in what the states are allowed to do under The Constitution and their own constitutions and what the Federal Government is allowed to do. Having said that I do not support Romney. I have no doubt he'd be better than Obama, but I hope he is not the GOP's candidate.


The big difference is that it looks very likely that the GOP candidate will end up being someone that has implemented a universal healthcare system in the past. Therefore the right has to shift its opposition to Obamacare as being more of a state’s rights issue in order to make Mittencare ok and Obamacare not ok.


The problem is that Mittencare also incorporated an individual mandate which makes the whole thing even harder to explain away as being ok just because it was done at the state level. Especially since the individual mandate in Obamacare was attacked so vigorously by the right.


So, individual mandate on the state level ok, on the federal level not ok.

A state government bureaucrat between you and your doctor ok, a federal government bureaucrat between you and your doctor not ok.


Every time I hear Romney try to explain why the MA health plan is ok compared to Obamacare I never buy his explanation. I hope that true conservatives see through all his flip flopping and send him along his way.


People who were against Obamacare need to apply every reason for their opposition to Mittencare. I’m sure a lot of those reasons to oppose universal healthcare will apply to both plans aside from just the state’s rights issue.

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The big difference is that it looks very likely that the GOP candidate will end up being someone that has implemented a universal healthcare system in the past. Therefore the right has to shift its opposition to Obamacare as being more of a state’s rights issue in order to make Mittencare ok and Obamacare not ok.


The problem is that Mittencare also incorporated an individual mandate which makes the whole thing even harder to explain away as being ok just because it was done at the state level. Especially since the individual mandate in Obamacare was attacked so vigorously by the right.


So, individual mandate on the state level ok, on the federal level not ok.

A state government bureaucrat between you and your doctor ok, a federal government bureaucrat between you and your doctor not ok.


Every time I hear Romney try to explain why the MA health plan is ok compared to Obamacare I never buy his explanation. I hope that true conservatives see through all his flip flopping and send him along his way.


People who were against Obamacare need to apply every reason for their opposition to Mittencare. I’m sure a lot of those reasons to oppose universal healthcare will apply to both plans aside from just the state’s rights issue.


I'd be against Romneycare in my state. Romney says he shares my belief that on a federal level is unconstitutional, so I have no problem with it. As he isn't ever going to be the governor of Texas I don't have a problem with Romneycare. I've never read the Massachusetts constitution, so I don't know if the people there should be upset or not, and frankly don't care.

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I'd be against Romneycare in my state.



That's good to know. For a minute there I thought that Romney had pulled the wool over your eyes too. I think that if he ends up being the GOP candidate than much of what the Tea Party has been pushing for over the last 3 years will be for not. Conservatives are kidding themselves if they think that they will be putting a true conservative in the White House if Romney wins.


This feeling that I'm hearing from conservatives that Romney is not their favorite candidate but they will vote for him because they think he is the only one that can beat Obama is foolish. The conservatives need to man-up, go all in, and put up the nominee that they feel can best put forward their agenda. If not now, when?

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That's good to know. For a minute there I thought that Romney had pulled the wool over your eyes too. I think that if he ends up being the GOP candidate than much of what the Tea Party has been pushing for over the last 3 years will be for not. Conservatives are kidding themselves if they think that they will be putting a true conservative in the White House if Romney wins.


This feeling that I'm hearing from conservatives that Romney is not their favorite candidate but they will vote for him because they think he is the only one that can beat Obama is foolish. The conservatives need to man-up, go all in, and put up the nominee that they feel can best put forward their agenda. If not now, when?


I agree 100% with this, but if that nominee happens to Romney, then I'll reluctantly vote for him - not because he can beat Obama but because he is the only alternative. What else am I supposed to do? Vote for Obama? :wacko:

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That's good to know. For a minute there I thought that Romney had pulled the wool over your eyes too. I think that if he ends up being the GOP candidate than much of what the Tea Party has been pushing for over the last 3 years will be for not. Conservatives are kidding themselves if they think that they will be putting a true conservative in the White House if Romney wins.


This feeling that I'm hearing from conservatives that Romney is not their favorite candidate but they will vote for him because they think he is the only one that can beat Obama is foolish. The conservatives need to man-up, go all in, and put up the nominee that they feel can best put forward their agenda. If not now, when?


I will not vote for Romney in the primary. He would either be my third or forth choice as the GOP nominee. Having said that, I will vote for him if he ends up being the GOP nominee, because we simply can not afford 4 more years of Obama.

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I agree 100% with this, but if that nominee happens to Romney, then I'll reluctantly vote for him - not because he can beat Obama but because he is the only alternative. What else am I supposed to do? Vote for Obama? :wacko:


I should have mentioned in my post that I meant voting for Romney in the primary.

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I agree 100% with this, but if that nominee happens to Romney, then I'll reluctantly vote for him - not because he can beat Obama but because he is the only alternative. What else am I supposed to do? Vote for Obama? :wacko:


Don't you love the two party system? It's so hard to decide on which rich guy to vote for.

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