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To Occupy or not to Occupy


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There's a question that's been on my mind lately. 


Relative to my prior writings, this forum post evinces an increased stridency in my commination of Occupy Wall Street's cajoleries. This is because the Occupy Wall Street-ization of our political and spiritual lives will provoke terrible, total, universal, and merciless destruction in the near future. Let me get to the crux of the matter. I mean, when I see Occupy Wall Street giving its implicit approval—and in some cases explicit approval—to calumniate helpless foppotees I think that it has no ground and no right to sully an agenda that's already held in low esteem. For the sake of review, it has repeatedly been spotted demonstrating an outright hostility to law enforcement. When questioned about that, the mainstream media either denies any knowledge of it or offers unbelievable and ludicrous explanations that only a slatternly, footling dirtbag could believe. 


Occupy Wall Street wants to change beyond belief our country's entire national spirit, its philosophy, values, and standards and thereby undermining everyone's capacity to see, or change, the world as a whole. That concept can be extended, mutatis mutandis, to the way that I, speaking as someone who is not a bestial, arrogant freeloader, don't want to build castles in the air. I don't want to plan things that I can't yet implement. But I do want to pronounce the truth and renounce the lies because doing so clearly demonstrates how it may seem at first that its speeches are full of declamation, bloviation, obfuscation, and equivocation. When we descend to details, however, we see that the small number of Occupy Wall Street protesters should start developing the parts of their brain that have been impaired by elitism. At least then they will stop trying to glamorize drug usage. Let me end this by challenging my fellow Huddlers to fight the good fight. Are you with me, or with the forces of obscurantism and oppression?

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There's a question that's been on my mind lately. 


Relative to my prior writings, this forum post evinces an increased stridency in my commination of Occupy Wall Street's cajoleries. This is because the Occupy Wall Street-ization of our political and spiritual lives will provoke terrible, total, universal, and merciless destruction in the near future. Let me get to the crux of the matter. I mean, when I see Occupy Wall Street giving its implicit approval—and in some cases explicit approval—to calumniate helpless foppotees I think that it has no ground and no right to sully an agenda that's already held in low esteem. For the sake of review, it has repeatedly been spotted demonstrating an outright hostility to law enforcement. When questioned about that, the mainstream media either denies any knowledge of it or offers unbelievable and ludicrous explanations that only a slatternly, footling dirtbag could believe. 


Occupy Wall Street wants to change beyond belief our country's entire national spirit, its philosophy, values, and standards and thereby undermining everyone's capacity to see, or change, the world as a whole. That concept can be extended, mutatis mutandis, to the way that I, speaking as someone who is not a bestial, arrogant freeloader, don't want to build castles in the air. I don't want to plan things that I can't yet implement. But I do want to pronounce the truth and renounce the lies because doing so clearly demonstrates how it may seem at first that its speeches are full of declamation, bloviation, obfuscation, and equivocation. When we descend to details, however, we see that the small number of Occupy Wall Street protesters should start developing the parts of their brain that have been impaired by elitism. At least then they will stop trying to glamorize drug usage. Let me end this by challenging my fellow Huddlers to fight the good fight. Are you with me, or with the forces of obscurantism and oppression?

:wacko: can you dose me?

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calumniate helpless foppotees


Are these related to the manatee, those great big mammals that hang out near Florida? Or is it something from the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy? :wacko:


Edit: A quick Google search indicates the tripe in the opening post is all your own work. Sir, I applaud you. You have managed to drive the English language to a new low.

Edited by Ursa Majoris
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· Squeeze me a little harder TheGrunt



I have to admit something. I used this site to generate a random complaint, and wanted to see what happened if I put Occupy Wall Street as an organization. All it took was a couple of generated complaints and a few word replacements.. And voila! The most incredible rant that actually makes sense when inserting "Occupy Wall Street." :lol:


Here's what happens when I generate a complaint about bushwacked:



The goal of this letter is to bring about the demise of Bushwacked's abominable quips just as Charter 77 brought about the demise of communism in Czechoslovakia. I'm sure that everyone reading this is already familiar with Bushwacked's condescending campaigns so I'll spare you the sordid details. Instead, I'll simply summarize with the comment that Bushwacked insists that obscurity, evasiveness, incomprehensibility, indirectness, and ambiguity are marks of depth and brilliance. In the long run, however, he's only fooling himself. Bushwacked would be better off if he just admitted to himself that his hastily mounted campaigns are a load of bunk. I use this delightfully pejorative term, "bunk"—an alternative from the same page of my criminal-slang lexicon would serve just as well—because he is profoundly hostile to religious tolerance, democracy, and the notion of a secular civil society. For that reason, on the issue of militarism, Bushwacked is wrong again. Sure, I sometimes feel like he has forced us into a danse macabre with his treacherous publicity stunts leading us to the grave. But Bushwacked's camp is peppered with liars and defamers. How much more illumination does that fact need before Bushwacked can grasp it? Assuming the answer is "a substantial amount", let me point out that in order to convince us that the world is crying out to labor beneath his firm but benevolent heel, Bushwacked often turns to the old propagandist trick of comparing results brought about by entirely dissimilar causes.


We must learn to celebrate our diversity, not because it is the politically correct thing to do, but because he wants to provoke terrible, total, universal, and merciless destruction. What's wrong with that? What's wrong is Bushwacked's gossamer grasp of reality. Efforts to lay down diktats that force me to run around like a chicken with its head cut off are not vestiges of a former era. They are the beginnings of a phenomenon which, if permitted to expand unchecked, will exercise control through indirect coercion or through psychological pressure or manipulation.


I can't understand why Bushwacked has to be so witless. Maybe a dybbuk has taken up residence inside Bushwacked's head and is making him tinker about with a lot of halfway prescriptions. It's a bit more likely, however, that he exhibits an air of superiority. You realize, of course, that that's really just a defense mechanism to cover up his obvious inferiority.


Bushwacked, please spare us the angst of living in a fallen world. His anecdotes are a logical absurdity, a series of deductions from a premise that has been denied. Speaking of absurdities, I have a message for Bushwacked. My message is that, for the good of us all, he should never perpetuate myths that glorify negativism. He should never even try to do such an effrontive thing. To make myself perfectly clear, by "never" I don't mean "maybe", "sometimes", or "it depends". I mean only that the objection may still be raised that Bushwacked is an expert on everything from aardvarks to zymurgy. At first glance this sounds almost believable yet the following must be borne in mind: Bushwacked deeply believes that the purpose of life is self-gratification. Meanwhile, back on Earth, the truth is very simple: If Bushwacked thinks his manifestos represent progress, he should rethink his definition of progress.


I don't mean to throw fuel on an already considerable fire, but the next time Bushwacked decides to put the prisoners in charge of running the prison, he should think to himself, cui bono?—who benefits? What does this mean for our future? For one thing, it means that throughout history, there has been a clash between those who wish to investigate his obdurate, blasphemous principles, ideals, and objectives and those who wish to borrow money and spend it on programs that rifle, pillage, plunder, and loot. Naturally, Bushwacked belongs to the latter category. It's not just that Bushwacked does not hold himself answerable to any code of honor but also that we must do something about the continuing—make that the escalating—effort on his part to give me reason to wander around in a quagmire of self-pity and depression. If we don't, future generations will not know freedom. Instead, they will know fear; they will know sadness; they will know injustice, poverty, and grinding despair. Most of all, they will realize, albeit far too late, that I, not being one of the many crabby jerks of this world, find Bushwacked more irritating than a hair shirt. Nevertheless, I can state with absolute certainty that when Bushwacked says that character development is not a matter of "strength through adversity" but rather, "entitlement through victimization", that's just a load of spucatum tauri.


I am intellectually honest enough to admit my own previous ignorance in that matter. I wish only that Bushwacked had the same intellectual honesty. I, not being one of the many besotted skinheads of this world, have long been under the impression that our top priority in the upcoming weeks must be to put his slaphappy practices to the question. Look, of course that's going to be tough. Anybody who tells you it's going to be easy or that one can wave a magic wand and make it happen hasn't been paying attention to how Bushwacked operates. Nevertheless, I like to face facts. I like to look reality right in the eye and not pretend it's something else. And the reality of our present situation is this: Bushwacked talks a lot about totalitarianism and how wonderful it is. However, he's never actually defined what it means. How can he argue for something he's never defined? Fortunately for us, the key to the answer is obvious: He will spread lies, propaganda, and misinformation because he possesses a hatred that defies all logic and understanding, that cannot be quantified or reasoned away, and that savagely possesses tasteless euphuists with superficial and uncontrollable rage.


Is it any wonder that Bushwacked regards the exception as the rule, the criminal as the hero, the loser as the winner, and the winner as the oppressor? His adherents tend to fall into the mistaken belief that he commands an army of robots that live in the hollow center of the earth and produce earthquakes whenever they feel like shaking things up a bit on the surface, mainly because they live inside a Bushwacked-generated illusion world and talk only with each other. My prayers go out to everyone who was hurt by him. Well, that's getting away from my main topic, which is that it's time to step things up a notch and preach a message of community and brotherly love. That's self-evident, and even Bushwacked would probably agree with me on that. Even so, if he is incapable of discerning the mad ramblings of inattentive, abhorrent wing nuts from the wisdom and nuance embedded in a sage's discourse then I seriously doubt that he'll be capable of determining that by reveling in grammatically incorrect English, he slaughters our idiom and impoverishes our dialogue. But there's the rub; he thinks it's good that his words contaminate clear thinking with his cocky asseverations. It is difficult to know how to respond to such monumentally misplaced values, but let's try this: His compeers are encouraged—or more aptly, dragooned—into helping him make bargains with the devil. Let me express that same thought in slightly different terms: Ever since Bushwacked decided to conceal information and, occasionally, blatantly lie, his consistent, unvarying line has been that the world can be happy only when his claque is given full rein.


After hearing about Bushwacked's oppressive attempts to cast the world into nuclear holocaust, I was saddened. I was saddened that he has lowered himself to this level. Bushwacked's helots are ineducable. Once we realize that, what do we do? The appropriate thing, in my judgment, is to act as a positive role model for younger people. I say that because his allocutions represent a backward step of hundreds of years, a backward step into a chasm with no bottom save the endless darkness of death. While Bushwacked has a right to his opinion, his method (or school, or ideology—it is hard to know exactly what to call it) goes by the name of "Bushwacked-ism". It is an irritable and avowedly blinkered philosophy that aims to encourage the acceptance of scapegoating and demonization.


Anyone who has spent much time wading through the pious, obscurantist, jargon-filled cant that now passes for "advanced" thought in the humanities already knows that Bushwacked proclaims at every opportunity that his mission is to render unspeakable and unthinkable whole categories of beliefs about power. What may be news, however, is that Bushwacked has never disproved anything I've ever written. He does, however, often try to discredit me by means of flagrant misquotations, by attributing to me views that I've never expressed. In the end, Bushwacked wants to rebrand local churches as faith-based emporia teeming with impulse-buy items. Who does he think he is? I mean, he believes that he is perched atop the moral high ground. If so, then maybe Bushwacked should climb down to scavenge for some facts before claiming that his smear tactics are Right with a capital R.


I've repeatedly pointed out to Bushwacked that intellectually challenged pissants are deeply impressed by his guff. That apparently didn't register with him, though. Oh, well; I guess Bushwacked and I are as different as chalk and cheese. He, for instance, wants to terrorize our youngsters. I, on the other hand, want to tell it like it is. That's why I need to tell you that he fervently believes that he possesses infinite wisdom. This shows that he is not merely mistaken about one little fact among millions of facts but that Bushwacked uses the word "physicophysiological" to justify pooh-poohing the reams of solid evidence pointing to the existence and operation of a mawkish coterie of sectarianism. In doing so, he is reversing the meaning of that word as a means of disguising the fact that there are some untrustworthy, pesky gits who are delirious. There are also some who are peremptory. Which category does Bushwacked fall into? If the question overwhelms you, I suggest you check "both". Bushwacked is begging the question when he says that the Eleventh Commandment is, "Thou shalt combine the most sordid avarice with the most invincible hatred of the very people who tolerate and enrich Bushwacked". And that's the honest truth.

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Not your own work then. I am disappointed, crushed beyond all recovery. I thought Douglas Adams had been resurrected. :wacko:

I know... I'm sorry to disappoint. :tup: I couldn't go on claiming credit for something I didn't completely write. But if it helps, I did have to make several edits and add my own wording so that it made more sense. So I guess I can claim 'some' credit for customizing it. Not the same, I know... I'll try harder next time so that I can continue being your #1 opposing viewpoint. Please keep your faith in me!

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I have to admit something. I used this site to generate a random complaint, and wanted to see what happened if I put Occupy Wall Street as an organization. All it took was a couple of generated complaints and a few word replacements.. And voila! The most incredible rant that actually makes sense when inserting "Occupy Wall Street." :lol:


Here's what happens when I generate a complaint about bushwacked:



The goal of this letter is to bring about the demise of Bushwacked's abominable quips just as Charter 77 brought about the demise of communism in Czechoslovakia. I'm sure that everyone reading this is already familiar with Bushwacked's condescending campaigns so I'll spare you the sordid details. Instead, I'll simply summarize with the comment that Bushwacked insists that obscurity, evasiveness, incomprehensibility, indirectness, and ambiguity are marks of depth and brilliance. In the long run, however, he's only fooling himself. Bushwacked would be better off if he just admitted to himself that his hastily mounted campaigns are a load of bunk. I use this delightfully pejorative term, "bunk"—an alternative from the same page of my criminal-slang lexicon would serve just as well—because he is profoundly hostile to religious tolerance, democracy, and the notion of a secular civil society. For that reason, on the issue of militarism, Bushwacked is wrong again. Sure, I sometimes feel like he has forced us into a danse macabre with his treacherous publicity stunts leading us to the grave. But Bushwacked's camp is peppered with liars and defamers. How much more illumination does that fact need before Bushwacked can grasp it? Assuming the answer is "a substantial amount", let me point out that in order to convince us that the world is crying out to labor beneath his firm but benevolent heel, Bushwacked often turns to the old propagandist trick of comparing results brought about by entirely dissimilar causes.


We must learn to celebrate our diversity, not because it is the politically correct thing to do, but because he wants to provoke terrible, total, universal, and merciless destruction. What's wrong with that? What's wrong is Bushwacked's gossamer grasp of reality. Efforts to lay down diktats that force me to run around like a chicken with its head cut off are not vestiges of a former era. They are the beginnings of a phenomenon which, if permitted to expand unchecked, will exercise control through indirect coercion or through psychological pressure or manipulation.


I can't understand why Bushwacked has to be so witless. Maybe a dybbuk has taken up residence inside Bushwacked's head and is making him tinker about with a lot of halfway prescriptions. It's a bit more likely, however, that he exhibits an air of superiority. You realize, of course, that that's really just a defense mechanism to cover up his obvious inferiority.


Bushwacked, please spare us the angst of living in a fallen world. His anecdotes are a logical absurdity, a series of deductions from a premise that has been denied. Speaking of absurdities, I have a message for Bushwacked. My message is that, for the good of us all, he should never perpetuate myths that glorify negativism. He should never even try to do such an effrontive thing. To make myself perfectly clear, by "never" I don't mean "maybe", "sometimes", or "it depends". I mean only that the objection may still be raised that Bushwacked is an expert on everything from aardvarks to zymurgy. At first glance this sounds almost believable yet the following must be borne in mind: Bushwacked deeply believes that the purpose of life is self-gratification. Meanwhile, back on Earth, the truth is very simple: If Bushwacked thinks his manifestos represent progress, he should rethink his definition of progress.


I don't mean to throw fuel on an already considerable fire, but the next time Bushwacked decides to put the prisoners in charge of running the prison, he should think to himself, cui bono?—who benefits? What does this mean for our future? For one thing, it means that throughout history, there has been a clash between those who wish to investigate his obdurate, blasphemous principles, ideals, and objectives and those who wish to borrow money and spend it on programs that rifle, pillage, plunder, and loot. Naturally, Bushwacked belongs to the latter category. It's not just that Bushwacked does not hold himself answerable to any code of honor but also that we must do something about the continuing—make that the escalating—effort on his part to give me reason to wander around in a quagmire of self-pity and depression. If we don't, future generations will not know freedom. Instead, they will know fear; they will know sadness; they will know injustice, poverty, and grinding despair. Most of all, they will realize, albeit far too late, that I, not being one of the many crabby jerks of this world, find Bushwacked more irritating than a hair shirt. Nevertheless, I can state with absolute certainty that when Bushwacked says that character development is not a matter of "strength through adversity" but rather, "entitlement through victimization", that's just a load of spucatum tauri.


I am intellectually honest enough to admit my own previous ignorance in that matter. I wish only that Bushwacked had the same intellectual honesty. I, not being one of the many besotted skinheads of this world, have long been under the impression that our top priority in the upcoming weeks must be to put his slaphappy practices to the question. Look, of course that's going to be tough. Anybody who tells you it's going to be easy or that one can wave a magic wand and make it happen hasn't been paying attention to how Bushwacked operates. Nevertheless, I like to face facts. I like to look reality right in the eye and not pretend it's something else. And the reality of our present situation is this: Bushwacked talks a lot about totalitarianism and how wonderful it is. However, he's never actually defined what it means. How can he argue for something he's never defined? Fortunately for us, the key to the answer is obvious: He will spread lies, propaganda, and misinformation because he possesses a hatred that defies all logic and understanding, that cannot be quantified or reasoned away, and that savagely possesses tasteless euphuists with superficial and uncontrollable rage.


Is it any wonder that Bushwacked regards the exception as the rule, the criminal as the hero, the loser as the winner, and the winner as the oppressor? His adherents tend to fall into the mistaken belief that he commands an army of robots that live in the hollow center of the earth and produce earthquakes whenever they feel like shaking things up a bit on the surface, mainly because they live inside a Bushwacked-generated illusion world and talk only with each other. My prayers go out to everyone who was hurt by him. Well, that's getting away from my main topic, which is that it's time to step things up a notch and preach a message of community and brotherly love. That's self-evident, and even Bushwacked would probably agree with me on that. Even so, if he is incapable of discerning the mad ramblings of inattentive, abhorrent wing nuts from the wisdom and nuance embedded in a sage's discourse then I seriously doubt that he'll be capable of determining that by reveling in grammatically incorrect English, he slaughters our idiom and impoverishes our dialogue. But there's the rub; he thinks it's good that his words contaminate clear thinking with his cocky asseverations. It is difficult to know how to respond to such monumentally misplaced values, but let's try this: His compeers are encouraged—or more aptly, dragooned—into helping him make bargains with the devil. Let me express that same thought in slightly different terms: Ever since Bushwacked decided to conceal information and, occasionally, blatantly lie, his consistent, unvarying line has been that the world can be happy only when his claque is given full rein.


After hearing about Bushwacked's oppressive attempts to cast the world into nuclear holocaust, I was saddened. I was saddened that he has lowered himself to this level. Bushwacked's helots are ineducable. Once we realize that, what do we do? The appropriate thing, in my judgment, is to act as a positive role model for younger people. I say that because his allocutions represent a backward step of hundreds of years, a backward step into a chasm with no bottom save the endless darkness of death. While Bushwacked has a right to his opinion, his method (or school, or ideology—it is hard to know exactly what to call it) goes by the name of "Bushwacked-ism". It is an irritable and avowedly blinkered philosophy that aims to encourage the acceptance of scapegoating and demonization.


Anyone who has spent much time wading through the pious, obscurantist, jargon-filled cant that now passes for "advanced" thought in the humanities already knows that Bushwacked proclaims at every opportunity that his mission is to render unspeakable and unthinkable whole categories of beliefs about power. What may be news, however, is that Bushwacked has never disproved anything I've ever written. He does, however, often try to discredit me by means of flagrant misquotations, by attributing to me views that I've never expressed. In the end, Bushwacked wants to rebrand local churches as faith-based emporia teeming with impulse-buy items. Who does he think he is? I mean, he believes that he is perched atop the moral high ground. If so, then maybe Bushwacked should climb down to scavenge for some facts before claiming that his smear tactics are Right with a capital R.


I've repeatedly pointed out to Bushwacked that intellectually challenged pissants are deeply impressed by his guff. That apparently didn't register with him, though. Oh, well; I guess Bushwacked and I are as different as chalk and cheese. He, for instance, wants to terrorize our youngsters. I, on the other hand, want to tell it like it is. That's why I need to tell you that he fervently believes that he possesses infinite wisdom. This shows that he is not merely mistaken about one little fact among millions of facts but that Bushwacked uses the word "physicophysiological" to justify pooh-poohing the reams of solid evidence pointing to the existence and operation of a mawkish coterie of sectarianism. In doing so, he is reversing the meaning of that word as a means of disguising the fact that there are some untrustworthy, pesky gits who are delirious. There are also some who are peremptory. Which category does Bushwacked fall into? If the question overwhelms you, I suggest you check "both". Bushwacked is begging the question when he says that the Eleventh Commandment is, "Thou shalt combine the most sordid avarice with the most invincible hatred of the very people who tolerate and enrich Bushwacked". And that's the honest truth.


Wow. This was random? Cause it seems uncannily accurate to me.


Are you sure this was random?

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Wow. This was random? Cause it seems uncannily accurate to me.


Are you sure this was random?


Does this mean you actually read all of it and came away with some understanding of the random embellishments, innuendos and veiled truisms?

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