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I knew there was an earthquake in Oklahoma last week and there was apparently another one tonight that we felt here in Dallas. Just a rumbling mostly and a little shaking but having lived in California for 20+ years, I knew what it was.


2012 coming up... Hmmm.... Hate to think those Mayans got this right when they didn't think anything about a boatload of Spaniards who killed them off.



The WFAA newsroom was inundated with calls and messages from viewers who said they felt an earthquake around 11 p.m. Saturday.

The U.S. Geological Survey reported a 5.6 earthquake centered 45 miles east of Oklahoma City at 10:53 p.m. and felt in seven states. That would be Oklahoma's most powerful quake on record, and one capable of causing minor damage to buildings and other structures.

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funny how they could predict the end of the calender year....and not the demise of there race. They were some smart mofo's though huh? Funny how there science matched that of other civilizations, living in a different continent, with no means of transporting that knowledge. :wacko: Unless you believe JESUS bore through 40,000 pares of sandals. Not. Oh wait....we have official guburment word on this. Ready?





















Obama? Hello? We are waiting





























WaIT A god freaKEN MONENT.......Tebow is our pilot!!!!!!! OHHHHHHHHHHHHHH taco!!!!!!




eta: i DONT wanna make light of a potential tragedy. Hope nobody was hurt.

Edited by tazinib1
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:wacko: Fat drunk and stupid is no way to go through life son. At least, don't drink and post.



PS all, the Mayans did not predict the end of the world next Dec but lol @ how many authors and "experts" are cashing in on this belief. They're laughing all the way to the bank.

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That was me doing some poundin'. :wacko:



And the Mayans were not affected by the Spanish as their civilization was gone before Columbus's arrival.


they burned all their remains...everything that was left behind....


they also knew the orbit of other planets in our solar system....they were truly amazing...

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