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WARNING! Facebook virus is deadly


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So..some of you know that I got a Trojan virus via Facebook. Those of you that don't have Facebook, don't let that scare ya. Let me tell ya...its a nasty, nasty virus. Link sent to me from my daughter was a Justin Beiber video that she said was hilarious. Well, its my daughter. Of course I'm gonna see whats making her laugh. Turns out, she didn't send it but it was sent from her account. Get where this is going? Needless to say, a few of my friends here were bomb barded with FB emails, IM's and texts not sent from me, but from my account via this mother burritoer. It got so bad that I had to delete my FB page, which really pist me off. This morning, I go to log onto my laptop and nothing...blank screen. I finally get customer support (thank god I bought the extended 3yr warranty for this sucker) and I am in the process of restoring factory settings. Thank you DoG for pointing me in the right direction. F2 is the Bios and F10 is the pre-installed Windows recovery disk. So basically, what I'm saying, is that Justin Beiber is a ghey as burrito and don't click any FB links you don't think are legit.


BTW: I'm blaming all my FF woes on Justin Beiber from now on.

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So..some of you know that I got a Trojan virus via Facebook. Those of you that don't have Facebook, don't let that scare ya. Let me tell ya...its a nasty, nasty virus. Link sent to me from my daughter was a Justin Beiber video that she said was hilarious. Well, its my daughter. Of course I'm gonna see whats making her laugh. Turns out, she didn't send it but it was sent from her account. Get where this is going? Needless to say, a few of my friends here were bomb barded with FB emails, IM's and texts not sent from me, but from my account via this mother burritoer. It got so bad that I had to delete my FB page, which really pist me off. This morning, I go to log onto my laptop and nothing...blank screen. I finally get customer support (thank god I bought the extended 3yr warranty for this sucker) and I am in the process of restoring factory settings. Thank you DoG for pointing me in the right direction. F2 is the Bios and F10 is the pre-installed Windows recovery disk. So basically, what I'm saying, is that Justin Beiber is a ghey as burrito and don't click any FB links you don't think are legit.


BTW: I'm blaming all my FF woes on Justin Beiber from now on.


So It WAS the Bieber link that I questioned before? :wacko:


That thing sent me roughly 50 messages from "you" . . . glad you got rid of it.

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So It WAS the Bieber link that I questioned before? :wacko:


That thing sent me roughly 50 messages from "you" . . . glad you got rid of it.



Apparently so...or so said the Sony IT Tech.


BTW: I'm happy to report that my very helpful Sony IT Tech is in the Philippines. I was having such a hard time understanding him that I asked him if he was in India. He chuckled and told me, "No thats Customer Service". :mad:

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Throwing this out there for the IT gurus:


I don't know about Taz, but the other two Huddlers that were hacked on FB this week both had a little "activity" blurb that said they had just installed FB on their Android phones.


Could the hacks be related to an unsafe app? Just wondering.

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