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Big House or Small Commute


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I would pick option 2 with your conditions.


I live about 20 minutes from home, and sometimes wish the commute was LONGER so I would ahve more time to decompress . . :wacko:


Wow, bummer dude. I don't have to commute between where I live and home. I bet that sucks. Sometimes I have to get to the bathroom far faster than 20 minutes.

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I've asked this question to my friend who lives 2.5 hours each way to work. He told me, he doesn't mind it at all because that's his time to think and decompress and even relax. He is on a comfortable train most of the way.

I would see this as 100 hours a month down the sewer that I'll never get back. Commuting to me is essentially wasted time and I enjoy doing things around the house too much.


If I were single (you said wife/kids not a factor), I'd be more than happy in a modest condo in the city. Proximity to work would be one of the first criteria (assuming I didn't work from home as I do now).

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But you weren't asking you the question, you were asking everybody else who live all over the place. Not meaning to bust your chops and see where you're going w/this, just pointing out that presenting an hour commute as a moderate option is (by my guesstimate only) not accurate for most. But to the point, I used to be all about the commute worth more house. Shifting more to the middle now.


This is a fantasy football sub-forum, I expect to have my chops busted even if it was intended or not.



I think we decided to explore the high side of the commute and see what happens. We drove by the neighborhood we liked and saw the school district and went in the some of the local places Sunday night to see what the town does. We were impressed with everything and the town has alot of extracurricular activities which we thought would be great for the kids in the future. The homes were amazing, not just size but quality and price.


I'll post once everything is final when the time comes for those who care about my life decisions.

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I would see this as 100 hours a month down the sewer that I'll never get back. Commuting to me is essentially wasted time and I enjoy doing things around the house too much.


If I were single (you said wife/kids not a factor), I'd be more than happy in a modest condo in the city. Proximity to work would be one of the first criteria (assuming I didn't work from home as I do now).


2.5 hours is pretty insane, this person lives even further than my furtherst search.


The nieghborhood I'm looking at is closer to 1hr 30min to 1hr 45min on average each way.


In NYC, unless you live in NYC, getting anything under an hour is TOUGH. Not impossible, but tough.

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2.5 hours is pretty insane, this person lives even further than my furtherst search.


The nieghborhood I'm looking at is closer to 1hr 30min to 1hr 45min on average each way.


In NYC, unless you live in NYC, getting anything under an hour is TOUGH. Not impossible, but tough.

If I could take the train and the relationship with my wife wouldn't suffer, assuming it's a house I really love and a satisfying job, I would do it. Sitting in traffic for that amount of time is a completely different question though, about a million times more stressful and draining. On the train you can relax, surf online, people watch, read, get some work done, etc.

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Just looking at the commute (setting aside the neighborhood and the location of the friends and family issues.)


I've been working at the same place since 2002. For a few years, my commute was about 26 miles, which usually took about 30-35 minutes if I avoided traffic - 45 or more if I couldn't avoid the traffic. Not bad.


I moved to a place about 6.5 miles away, about 10-15 minutes on average. That was pretty cool.


I just moved to a place about 3.5 miles away. Less that 10 minutes. Now you're talking.


For me to accept a 2 hour commute, you would have to give me a hugh home in a great neighborhood for almost pennies on the dollar. That's a lot of time that I ain't ever going to get back, and that's pretty valuable to me now, even more so with a kid on the way.


So I'll take the decent home and the time.

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Our house isn't that big and I wouldn't mind a smaller one. Mind you, I'd like a smaller one on a big piece of land, so I'm guessing my rationale doesn't fit what you're talking about.


That said, I would hate a 2 hour commute each way. That's making your day half and again as long. No freaking way. If it were on a train, that would make it marginally more tolerable because I could zone out the whole time and (maybe watch movies or something), perhaps, be less inclined to do so when I got home, which might be a wash in terms of time with the family.

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Roughly 20 minutes away. Turned down opportunities that paid a heck of a lot more, but would be on the road an hour plus. That's unpaid time... each way... no thank you. I can decompress just fine on the couch or out on the deck. Life is too short to spend that much time commuting. Spend that time with your family.

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I found the real killer of 1+ hour commutes in the car were the days when it rained or snowed. One day in January - my birthday no less - it took me 5 hours to get home due to the snow and traffic. That was the day I think I mentally checked out of that job.

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I feel that commute time = total waste of time on this planet. If I'm awake for 16 hours a day and spend 3 of those commuting, that's almost 20% of my waking life erased. My commute is about 45min each way on the subway and I'm not sure I could handle it if it were any longer.

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