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new tablets etc


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Anybody pick up a new tablet lately. I checked out both the kindle fire and the nook tablet. Opted for the nook and posting from it now. One thing i miss is it isnt a full android experience and has limited apps unlike hugh android market. Pretty neat little toy though.


I bought the Samsung Galaxy 10.1. In a couple of articles I've read on the cheaper new comers, it was stated "you get what you pay for".

The Fire, for example is limited to apps from Amazon only, no GPS, slower speed,and no cameras. So is it worth paying more for more? Personal decision I'd say.

I took it to Vegas w/ me and loved it. Preferred it over my netbook. Half the size/weight, easier to handle in a cramped airline seat, had plenty of games, tunes, and mag articles to pass the time on the 4 hour flight. Battery life is strong @ 7+hours w/ apps running. Tried the "GoGo" wifi on the plane. What a waste. $12.95 for 0.750Mbps. Tried to use the MFL app and it kept timing out. It was only good for email.

In the hotel is was great for checking scores, email, and did everything my net book did in a much smaller package and seems faster crawling the web.

Around the house, it works well. Easy to carry from room to room or outside. A toy? Maybe, it won't supplant a LT or PC, but it's pretty cool.

Edited by rocknrobn26
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I hope I don't hijack this thread but I have a question about tablets....


I assume most have the ability to store your music. I have my music on a hard drive so if my PC takes a crap and I go out and get myself a tablet say Ipad or what RR has how do I get my music on the tablet? From what I know/see there is no USB or way to get music on the tablet?


If you have a PC and you sync to a PC then I see that it would be easy but does that mean you have to have a tablet AND PC or if you don't have a PC the only way to get your music on is by paying for it via tablet or maybe this new "cloud" thing (I assume that is extra $)????

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I hope I don't hijack this thread but I have a question about tablets....


I assume most have the ability to store your music. I have my music on a hard drive so if my PC takes a crap and I go out and get myself a tablet say Ipad or what RR has how do I get my music on the tablet? From what I know/see there is no USB or way to get music on the tablet?


If you have a PC and you sync to a PC then I see that it would be easy but does that mean you have to have a tablet AND PC or if you don't have a PC the only way to get your music on is by paying for it via tablet or maybe this new "cloud" thing (I assume that is extra $)????


Can't speak for an iPad. Aren't they kinda hard to deal w/ if a crash happens? All I have read is it's kinda proprietary.

All far as music (all I have are mp3's) or any other files for that matter, Samsung sells an adapter to accommodate a USB port that will support card readers, thumb drives etc. I don't think it will support a hard drive because there probably isn't enuff power to run it, but I'm not sure.

After buying the adapter I found a free app that allows you to connect via wifi. Very seamless, easy to use, and relatively fast. Just drag and drop. The free version is limited to a 4gig file size max, but the full priced version has no file size limit. I coulda saved the $15 on the adapter, but no biggie as I still use it to drop photos directly off the SD card.



Supposedly you can connect directly to a pc/lt via a double male USB cable using the adapter, but of all the cords I have, that is one I don't, so haven't tried it yet.

Edited by rocknrobn26
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We opted for the Fire for our son. He wanted a Nook originally, but it's 50 more...naturally, I bought the Fire when it went on presale only to have Nook come out with a tablet 2 days later. I might have gotten the Nook tablet if they'd have advertised that one was even coming out but they lost out from this household.


Of course, I also cashed in our loose change jar at Coinstar and opted for the Amazon gift certificate, so the Fire was only $129. Woot.

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FYI...for those looking to get a simple ereader for themselves or as a gift this Christmas, Target has the Nook Simple Touch reader at the new lower price of $99 and you get a $30 Target gift card with purchase. Offer good for just the next couple days I believe. Nice deal.

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I hope I don't hijack this thread but I have a question about tablets....


I assume most have the ability to store your music. I have my music on a hard drive so if my PC takes a crap and I go out and get myself a tablet say Ipad or what RR has how do I get my music on the tablet? From what I know/see there is no USB or way to get music on the tablet?


If you have a PC and you sync to a PC then I see that it would be easy but does that mean you have to have a tablet AND PC or if you don't have a PC the only way to get your music on is by paying for it via tablet or maybe this new "cloud" thing (I assume that is extra $)????


I am guessing they all attach via usb cable, so it's just a direct transfer. then most likely you've got synch options and such (worst case scenario you'd have to find an app). or if you're getting one with wifi you can probably even skip the usb cable.

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