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Tis better to give...


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EJ and Erin trying to do some good? :wacko:


Minnesota Vikings linebackers (and brothers) Erin and E.J. Henderson thought they were doing a good deed when they offered to donate money to repair the scoreboard at their high school's football field, but they and many others were left disappointed when the offer was rejected, WJZ-TV in Baltimore reports.


The scoreboard for the football field at Aberdeen High School (Md.) is old and in need of repairs. The Hendersons offered to donate $20,000 of the $50,000 needed to fix the dilapidated scoreboard, but they were turned down.


The problem is that the donation reportedly was conditional; the Hendersons wanted their family name on the scoreboard.


The school board rejected the offer citing an advertising policy that prevents naming rights on athletic facilities. Five of the nine voters on Harford County's Board of Education reportedly turned down the proposal.


The Harford County's Board of Education has also rejected a proposal to name a school's field after a former football captain who was killed in action in Iraq, so this proves they're strict about sticking to policy.


"It’s like a slap in the face, honestly," Erin Henderson said. "Here we are thinking we can try to do something big, trying to give back to the community. Trying to do something positive to help out the people who helped us out in different ways when we were growing up and coming up. And we saw this opportunity."


The Hendersons reportedly planned to repair the entire field, but instead they're trying to get their money back.

Its not really my place to question anyone else's motives regarding charity, but this seems a little weak to me. They are not even footing half the entire bill but they want their name on the board? And (since they're not getting their name on the board), they want their money back? :lol:


Also, $50k just to fix the old scoreboard? What does a new scoreboard for a high school field go for these days? :tup:


Also kinda weak...the school board being sticklers about naming rights yet (funny) that pic of the existing scoreboard has a Coca Cola sign on it.

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EJ and Erin trying to do some good? :wacko:



Its not really my place to question anyone else's motives regarding charity, but this seems a little weak to me. They are not even footing half the entire bill but they want their name on the board? And (since they're not getting their name on the board), they want their money back? :lol:


Also, $50k just to fix the old scoreboard? What does a new scoreboard for a high school field go for these days? :tup:


Also kinda weak...the school board being sticklers about naming rights yet (funny) that pic of the existing scoreboard has a Coca Cola sign on it.

The Coke sign is advertising. The Henderson's were looking for naming rights. Different.


But yeah, it does seem a tad weak.

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