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So how long does mankind have



39 members have voted

  1. 1. How long do we have??

    • until Dec 2012 or sooner
    • before I died of old age (assuming I do)
    • well past my lifetime, maybe hundreds even thousands of yrs
    • a really long time, like way into thousands of yrs or even much more
    • other (desc)

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Got it. You're a dick. An honest dick, but still a dick. Good luck with that. I'll leave you to it.

I honestly meant no offense or disrespect and I apologize that you took it that way. You were reciting Christian mythology and I was commenting that I am genuinely fascinated by all the stories that people have written from ancient times to the present describing their beliefs in these matters, and how those beliefs reflect their cultures and the times in which they lived. Whether or not you gravitate toward your faith for this reason, a key purpose for faiths throughout human history is to explain the universe and offer comfort in uncertainty. For that reason I said faith is immensely helpful for people. I have no doubt that it has had a positive impact on your life, and I think that's great.

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Rather interesting conversation going on in here.


Not to hijack the thread, but has anyone tried a google search of Rosie Jones (with Safesearch off)?


Holy god....


ETA: Holy, sweet mother of Jesus...


ETA 2: If my wife looked like that, I'd be on welfare cause we'd never leave the freaking house.

Edited by SEC=UGA
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I honestly meant no offense or disrespect and I apologize that you took it that way. You were reciting Christian mythology and I was commenting that I am genuinely fascinated by all the stories that people have written from ancient times to the present describing their beliefs in these matters, and how those beliefs reflect their cultures and the times in which they lived. Whether or not you gravitate toward your faith for this reason, a key purpose for faiths throughout human history is to explain the universe and offer comfort in uncertainty. For that reason I said faith is immensely helpful for people. I have no doubt that it has had a positive impact on your life, and I think that's great.


I think you have the same amount of faith as Savage, you just have faith in different things.

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The study of all religion is really interesting. Not denigrating any faith at all, but the study of how different religions have evolved, changed, and risen and fallen through history. A lot of mythology and different relgions can be seen as attempts to explain the unexplainable/ what is beyond our ability to comprehend.


Back to subject . . . I think that mankind has a loooong time to stick around. Or at least until the Mayan calendar ends next year . . either way.

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I think you have the same amount of faith as Savage, you just have faith in different things.

Yeah, that's not an unexpected comment, though I rarely share my thoughts and feelings on these matters with anyone, much less in an online forum. Yet I find these threads the most interesting because much of what is argued about so forcefully here by reasonable folks on either side of any given issue, really doesn't amount to a hill of beans when all is said and done. Think about the rise and fall of civilizations, ice ages, and global famine, then think about, oh I don't know, Occupy Wall Street.


I wish it was possible to have a productive discussion about something like this that truly matters without it getting really ugly or derailed quickly.

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The study of all religion is really interesting. Not denigrating any faith at all, but the study of how different religions have evolved, changed, and risen and fallen through history.

A fascinating perspective would be as someone coming from a traditional religious background, let's say a Catholic, who sees his beliefs rooted in 2,000+ years of wisdom, tradition, etc, and looks down his nose at some of the more "modern" faiths like the Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormonism, and Scientology and thinks to himself, these fools...some crackpot comes along and convinces a group of gullible folks to believe his fantastical stories...then, at some point, in a moment of reflection..........hmm, virgin birth, water into wine, ascended into Heaven..... :wacko:


Then you realize your most sacred and deeply held beliefs originated from another human telling a story. That very fact is most interesting and relevant of all...the gap from the divine to the human has not been bridged, so we are left to fill in the blanks. And we do it, convincingly, devoutly, and in many cases, if you dare question this story I have come to hold sacred with my very soul, there will be hell to pay.


BeeR is really pissed right now.

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A fascinating perspective would be as someone coming from a traditional religious background, let's say a Catholic, who sees his beliefs rooted in 2,000+ years of wisdom, tradition, etc, and looks down his nose at some of the more "modern" faiths like the Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormonism, and Scientology and thinks to himself, these fools...some crackpot comes along and convinces a group of gullible folks to believe his fantastical stories...then, at some point, in a moment of reflection..........hmm, virgin birth, water into wine, ascended into Heaven..... :wacko:


Then you realize your most sacred and deeply held beliefs originated from another human telling a story. That very fact is most interesting and relevant of all...the gap from the divine to the human has not been bridged, so we are left to fill in the blanks. And we do it, convincingly, devoutly, and in many cases, if you dare question this story I have come to hold sacred with my very soul, there will be hell to pay.


BeeR is really pissed right now.


"Cue the jihad . . ." :tup:


I think there is room for a productive discussion regarding different religions without denegrating or making fun of the other religions. That is dooming the thread to damnation and hellfire (so to speak).

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A fascinating perspective would be as someone coming from a traditional religious background, let's say a Catholic, who sees his beliefs rooted in 2,000+ years of wisdom, tradition, etc, and looks down his nose at some of the more "modern" faiths like the Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormonism, and Scientology and thinks to himself, these fools...some crackpot comes along and convinces a group of gullible folks to believe his fantastical stories...then, at some point, in a moment of reflection..........hmm, virgin birth, water into wine, ascended into Heaven..... :wacko:


Then you realize your most sacred and deeply held beliefs originated from another human telling a story. That very fact is most interesting and relevant of all...the gap from the divine to the human has not been bridged, so we are left to fill in the blanks. And we do it, convincingly, devoutly, and in many cases, if you dare question this story I have come to hold sacred with my very soul, there will be hell to pay.


BeeR is really pissed right now.

These conversations have happened here in the past. I seem to have alienated people to the point where they will no longer engage with me on the subject matter.

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well if you dont believe you are a dick so there yah go.


There are plenty of people that don't believe that aren't dicks about it (in fact, most of them are not dicks about it). It's when someone expresses their most personal and sacred thoughts and then another person craps on them that makes someone a dick. Instantly dismissing those beliefs as a mere myth that would only be held by people who have to fill in the blanks of the inexplicable is more than a little insulting. He even admitted he was being condescending. So, there's that. :wacko:

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It's when someone expresses their most personal and sacred thoughts and then another person craps on them that makes someone a dick. Instantly dismissing those beliefs as a mere myth that would only be held by people who have to fill in the blanks of the inexplicable is more than a little insulting. He even admitted he was being condescending. So, there's that. :tup:

There is also the duality of many religions that should be noted. One religion will talk about going to heaven for believers but that also makes a stark contrast with the reality that many people would be going to hell if your particular choice of Bronze age monotheism is correct. If some child is born in a village in Timbuktu and has never heard of Jesus, than there are some questions to answer for if a belief says that they go to hell for not being a believer. So while you're sensitive to those dismissing your beliefs and see it as being "crapped on" there are numerous religions that see their way as the "only" way and are kind of "crapping" on a good portion of the populace. Just saying... (for the record I'm a practicing Catholic and it seemed like SEC's post was probably more of the bag of rajn variety, but he was just trying to make a funny. :wacko:)

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