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Which is most important for our Nation?


Which is most important for our Nation?  

19 members have voted

  1. 1. Which is most important for our Nation?

    • Fairness
    • Freedom

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The only answer is liberty or freedom. You can't put the subjective nature of "fairness" into the hands of men because it will never result in fairness. Individual liberty allows each person to exercise their own rights and also allows for fairness. Fairness can be completely obtained once people collectively realize there is more to gain by loving and sharing with each other rather than the mentality of "survival of the fittest".


This "survival of the fittest" phrase has been indoctrinated into our beliefs by the ruling elite yet goes everything you learn about being a "team". The ruling elite want division among the masses and they want spirituality out of our lives. It doesn't take much to realize that our society is molded by greed. This isn't how it's supposed to be and you don't have to believe in God to accept or believe that.

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Why are the two mutually exclusive?

Good point because they shouldn't be. Like my post tries to illustrate, liberty allows for fairness. In other words, liberty is the bigger umbrella, imo. Fairness cannot be evenly distributed if it's monitored by an illusionary hierarchy like government or churches.

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No question in my mind, freedom. Fairness is a nice idea but it doesn't work. Live is not fair, plain and simple. Some people are born with a silver spoon and all of the luck in the world. No matter what they do, they are successful. Other people are born with a plastic spork and have horrible luck in anything they do. It sucks for those who are struggling yet are hard working, honest people. I have family members are stuck in this category. No matter what they do, crap happens. But it is a person's self reliance that matters. Life takes dumps on all of us and I am no exception. I struggled hard in the mid-90s through 2003. But I continued to dig my heels in until success started coming - though in small amounts.


Fairness is a fairy tale. Life's like a d*ck, when it gets hard, screw it, roll up your sleeves and get cracking on bettering yourself. It amazes me that even after the communism experiment and what is going on over in the EMEA that people still feel they are entitled to something. This generation coming up thinks that if they go to school, pay all this money for an education and graduate that they are entitled to a high paying job right from jump street and if they don't give it, someone should give it to them. Really? This is a result of these people growing up playing soccer games where no score is kept and everyone wins a trophy. Sorry, but kids need to taste what defeat is like so they know when they enter the real world


You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity by legislating the wealthy out of prosperity.


What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving.


The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.


You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it!


When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that is the beginning of the end of any nation.

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I'm not the one who asked the question and posted a poll, dumba$$.


I suggest you read cliaz's reply. She has it exactly correct. Of course, I do not believe someone such as yourself would agree, you are part of the problem, you feel entitled. With that in mind, don't actually bother to reply, your input is not needed.


If you would like to learn how to fish, one of my brothers will show you. With that outstretched hand of yours, grasp a fishing line son.

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This "survival of the fittest" phrase has been indoctrinated into our beliefs by the ruling elite yet goes everything you learn about being a "team".

I like the team analogy. Teams cut players that don't pull their weight.


I don't know how one defines fairness or if it's even realistic to expect fairness in life. This existence is fundamentally unfair in so many ways that most of the populace could point to some disadvantage in their lives. It's the overcoming of those obstacles that separates the achievers from the whiners. We can't do that without freedom.

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I suggest you read cliaz's reply. She has it exactly correct. Of course, I do not believe someone such as yourself would agree, you are part of the problem, you feel entitled. With that in mind, don't actually bother to reply, your input is not needed.


If you would like to learn how to fish, one of my brothers will show you. With that outstretched hand of yours, grasp a fishing line son.


Neither of you make any sense. You just spare everyone the extra 5 paragraphs.

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Some people are born with a silver spoon and all of the luck in the world. No matter what they do, they are successful.

You know what's really ironic -- how often have you encountered such people who are completely miserable? They've had everything done for them their whole lives, so the slightest setback completely overwhelms them. Often they can't relate to the rest of us and feel isolated. Maybe they live the high life for a while, absorbed in their own egos, but then the awakening comes...they are shallow, living a life without purpose, and at that point the fall can be hard. Many of these people have lamented how unfair it is that they couldn't have been born like everyone else. Broken relationships and addictions are just as common among the rich as in the rest of the populace, if not moreso, and in that context, having more money can be a curse.


Life is unfair, period, I don't care what your circumstances are. And I'm not sure that's a bad thing.

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No question in my mind, freedom. Fairness is a nice idea but it doesn't work. Live is not fair, plain and simple. Some people are born with a silver spoon and all of the luck in the world. No matter what they do, they are successful. Other people are born with a plastic spork and have horrible luck in anything they do. It sucks for those who are struggling yet are hard working, honest people. I have family members are stuck in this category. No matter what they do, crap happens. But it is a person's self reliance that matters. Life takes dumps on all of us and I am no exception. I struggled hard in the mid-90s through 2003. But I continued to dig my heels in until success started coming - though in small amounts.


Fairness is a fairy tale. Life's like a d*ck, when it gets hard, screw it, roll up your sleeves and get cracking on bettering yourself. It amazes me that even after the communism experiment and what is going on over in the EMEA that people still feel they are entitled to something. This generation coming up thinks that if they go to school, pay all this money for an education and graduate that they are entitled to a high paying job right from jump street and if they don't give it, someone should give it to them. Really? This is a result of these people growing up playing soccer games where no score is kept and everyone wins a trophy. Sorry, but kids need to taste what defeat is like so they know when they enter the real world


You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity by legislating the wealthy out of prosperity.


What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving.


The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.


You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it!


When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that is the beginning of the end of any nation.

kill the ones that cant or wont work !

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