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Water Closet Ettiquette


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True, but when playing on the home court, I tend to be rather conservative, ensuring not to damage what is mine. Play not to lose.


But on the road, I can open up the offense a little....some hovering, using the walls for leverage, no-holds-barred explosions...that sorta thing.


Obviously, since using the visitor's court implies an emergency, all of the above offensive tactics would be included in the game plan. Explosions would be the normal default......

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Back when I waited tables, I worked with a guy who claimed that it made more sense to wash his hands before peeing, since urine is sanitary and he obviously showers before work, and so it would actually be contaminating his junk to wash up afterwards. My reply:


"Well, when we start serving plates with our johnsons, then make sure to have that policy changed."

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Some people are bothered by getting splashed in the ass with poop/piss water. :wacko:





All you need to do is lay down a couple of strips of TP inside the bowl. It does 2 things:


1. Prevents plop induced splashing

2. Significantly reduces courtesy flush splashing

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Work bathroom. No stalls, just a regular bathroom with the addition of a urinal. Soap, running water, toilet paper, paper towels, etc. Additionally, work provides can of either Glade or Lysol, etc.


Here's the question. You go to the throne and in doing so, feel that it's appropriate to apply the Glade/Lysol. After finishing on the throne, do you first wash your hand and THEN spray (possibly touching a dirty can of spray) or do you first spray (possibly applying germs to the spray can) and THEN wash your hands.


I would never go to say, to finish doing business, wash hands, use spray, wash hands again.


I've gotten conflicted and sometimes sprayed first and sometimes washed first.


I don't know. The more I think about it, the more I get annoyed about it.


IMO, you do all your business (including spraying), then wash then leave.


it amazes me how many of you are skeered of chitting on a public toilet. I'd rather do it at work and get paid to poop. doorknobs and stuff like that have way more germs than a regularly cleaned public toilet seat. the fears some of you are expressing are irrational and womanly.

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IMO, you do all your business (including spraying), then wash then leave.


it amazes me how many of you are skeered of chitting on a public toilet. I'd rather do it at work and get paid to poop. doorknobs and stuff like that have way more germs than a regularly cleaned public toilet seat. the fears some of you are expressing are irrational and womanly.


I don't think it is a matter of fear or of any "womanly" quality. I have never heard of a woman being afraid of going on the road. They have to use public facilities much more than men.


I think it is more a matter of comfort. In my house, the can is about the only place I get any peace and quiet, so I tend to extend my time there, converting water closet to private library. Fear of germs is not even part of the equation. Like many have said, a toilet is probably cleaner than the door knob or your computer keyboard......

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Like many have said, a toilet is probably cleaner than the door knob or your computer keyboard......

I've seen a few studies that show that is the truth.


sidestory: One of the dirtiest things you can touch is paper money. I delivered pizza for awhile as a second job to pay off student loans when I was younger. I'd say that about 75% of the time they would pay me in cash and then go eat the pizza in their kitchen/living room without washing their hands in between. Germs are just like many other things humans get weird about (this is a little like the cruise thread in that people said that they are scared of cruise accidents when it is almost an anomaly to have anyone actually die on a cruise). The things that people should be worried about are not the things that people are worried about. I think it's just part of the human condition.

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