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Ben & Jerry's are racists too?


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This is just dumb.


BOSTON -- Ben & Jerry's has apologized for putting fortune cookies in pints of its "Taste the Lin-Sanity" frozen yogurt sold at its Harvard Square, Massachusetts, location in honor of basketball sensation Jeremy Lin.

"We offer a heartfelt apology if anyone was offended by our handmade Lin-Sanity flavor," read a statement issued Friday on behalf of Ben & Jerry's Boston Scoop Shops.



How is a fortune cookie racist? :wacko:

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:tup: I scanned down & wdidn't see it. New color scheme is difficult on the eyes.


Well, that one kinda turned into a Forum 101 trainwreck anwyay (sorry)...


Yes, it is truly PC run amok when you can't even celebrate cultural diversity without being considered a racist... It's really baflfing how you're not allowed to talk about a collective (not just stereotype, but in this case a common dessert that comes in every chinese meal you'll ever get) even in a positive respectful way, but yet the PC police continue to enforce policies like affirmative action that emphasize collective difference rather than the individuality they claim to want too.


Not to say I'm completely against affirmative action after what led to it, but this idea of diversity just seems to create a situation where you can't even celebrate or recognize cultural differences, yet you're a scum bag if you disregard cultural differences when hiring someone. :wacko:

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Did you hear anything about P Diddy saying "Black Power" to an arena full of people and on live TV? It is fine to say that but don't dare put fortune cookies in some ice cream!!!



Ben and Jerry's changing the product and apologizing is dumb but so is this statement. B&J made a choice because they didn't want it negatively effect the bottom line. P Diddy can chose not to say "Black Power" to an arena full of people and on live TV but I highly doubt he cares about offending a middle aged pastey cheeze head from the midwest. It would of been nice if B&J stood their ground and didn't succumb but they made a choices and who really gives a flying f anyway (same for P Diddy)? Both non-stories IMO, using the two as some kind of shining example of double standards and reverse racism, is just f'n stupid and says more about you than the ills of society.

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I think it's kinda funny but kinda lame to make a fortune cookie ice cream for a guy of chinese descent. it reveals how our basic cultural instincts about these things vary by race (that SNL skit last week played with that in a very humorous way). obviously, no one, least of all B&J, would ever think of creating a "Tiger Woods Watermelon" flavor. however it came about, it never really stopped being PC to laugh at Asian stereotypes. I think Indians (woo-woo, not dot) are also in that boat, and hispanics to some degree as well.


I guess one way of looking at it is we need an asian Jesse Jackson. or maybe an Ar Sharpton.

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I think it's kinda funny but kinda lame to make a fortune cookie ice cream for a guy of chinese descent. it reveals how our basic cultural instincts about these things vary by race (that SNL skit last week played with that in a very humorous way). obviously, no one, least of all B&J, would ever think of creating a "Tiger Woods Watermelon" flavor. however it came about, it never really stopped being PC to laugh at Asian stereotypes. I think Indians (woo-woo, not dot) are also in that boat, and hispanics to some degree as well.


I guess one way of looking at it is we need an asian Jesse Jackson. or maybe an Ar Sharpton.



Ice cream = American dessert

Fortune Cookie= Chinese dessert


Man, what were they thikning to combine the tasty desserts from two cultures this guy's lived in?


I will say that PC has made it to where it's not easy to draw that line between your example where there's more clearly implied racism/stereotype (and actually is in no way a prefered dessert of one race, when most all races and persons in America eat ice cream, etc.), and incorporating a Chinese dessert into a dessert named after a chinese guy, there is obviously a big difference there though. The latter isn't even a stereotype, it's a common dessert from their culture, so it makes less sense to jsut pretend like he's American and slap his name on some cookies and cream. People would then be looking even harder for some imaginary hidden racismm, perhaps even the opposite that they're hiding rather than celebrating the culture he comes from. Someone is always gonig to find outrage when they're looking for racism where it doesn't necessarily exist.


I actually agree with Bushy on this one, it's a whole big deal made out of nothing. You have to really be trying to get outraged about stuff like this.

Edited by delusions of granduer
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Ice cream = American dessert Fortune Cookie= Chinese dessert Man, what were they thikning to combine the tasty desserts from two cultures this guy's lived in? I will say that PC has made it to where it's not easy to draw that line between your example where there's more clearly implied racism/stereotype (and actually is in no way a prefered dessert of one race, when most all races and persons in America eat ice cream, etc.), and incorporating a Chinese dessert into a dessert named after a chinese guy, there is obviously a big difference there though. The latter isn't even a stereotype, it's a common dessert from their culture, so it makes less sense to jsut pretend like he's American and slap his name on some cookies and cream. People would then be looking even harder for some imaginary hidden racismm, perhaps even the opposite that they're hiding rather than celebrating the culture he comes from. Someone is always gonig to find outrage when they're looking for racism where it doesn't necessarily exist. I actually agree with Bushy on this one, it's a whole big deal made out of nothing. You have to really be trying to get outraged about stuff like this.


1) fortune cookie is not a chinese dessert.

2) who's outraged?

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1) fortune cookie is not a chinese dessert.

2) who's outraged?


Okay, you're correct that it's only served in America with chinese food, and not in China, but I think that only reinforces the idea that this far different from Tiger Woods Watermelon Koolaid Surprise... When I go to the local fried chicken and BBQ shack, the guy doesn't ask me if I want watermlon with it, but I always get fortune cookeis as the dessert with my Chines food without even asking for it. It's a logical association, not a stereotype


2) I'm not saying you're getting outraged, but you seem to be defending those who obviously put some pressure on Ben and Jerry's to tone down the "racial" undertones, rahter than celebrate them. We'll never get past racism by pretending that cultural differences don't exist.

Edited by delusions of granduer
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Okay, you're correct that it's only served in America with chinese food, and not in China, but I think that only reinforces the idea that this far different from Tiger Woods Watermelon Koolaid Surprise... When I go to the local fried chicken and BBQ shack, the guy doesn't ask me if I want watermlon with it, but I always get fortune cookeis as the dessert with my Chines food without even asking for it. It's a logical association, not a stereotype 2) I'm not saying you're getting outraged, but you seem to be defending those who obviously put some pressure on Ben and Jerry's to tone down the "racial" undertones, rahter than celebrate them. We'll never get past racism by pretending that cultural differences don't exist.


none of this makes even a little bit of sense to me. I can't even make out what you're arguing. it's less offensive because it's a manufactured stereotype rather than an authentic one? or that the more universal a stereotype is (at least within the limited context of americanized chinese restaurants), the more it stops being a stereotype and becomes a "logical association"? that "Tiger Woods Watermelon" would be acceptably PC if every fried chicken place served watermelon for dessert?


I'm not defending anyone or anything, I don't see where you read that in. I am just pointing out that we as a society definitely have different standards for what usually strikes us as being "racist" depending on the race involved.


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Yes, and I'm disputing that differing perceptions about racism for different groups is even related to what's going on here. It's a logical association because it's a common freaking dessert cookie that the culture he comes from serves here, combined with another more American dessert. I don't see how it's anywhere near the line or can be considered a stereotype. It's also an innocent logical association because cookies and ice cream are great togethr, and so it was an interesting spin on normal cookies and creme that someone jsut had to get offended over, as if only Chinese can associate themselves with freaking fortune cookies, but no one else can. Clear now?


as mud. :wacko:

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as mud. :wacko:


Uggh. I tried to delete that response, as I'm getting jumbled up what I'm trying to say, and really jsut want to stop with this stupid debate.


Let me put it more simply. Words,ingredients, whatever themselves do not make something racist, it's the connotation behind it. Granted I understand it can be interpreted different ways, but the diffference here is that it clearly was not meant to carry a negative connotation, so I think those people are misinterpreting it by looking for racism where it doesn't exist.


This is exactly the problem when we cannot seperate a negative connotation from a positive acceptance that cultures have general differences (does not mean you're trying to piant all individuals, but subcultures are different).. Racism sohuld be entirely about the intention, which I just don't see here with regards to combining two common desserts in a spin on a traditional cookie-and-cream.

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Ben and Jerry's changing the product and apologizing is dumb but so is this statement. B&J made a choice because they didn't want it negatively effect the bottom line. P Diddy can chose not to say "Black Power" to an arena full of people and on live TV but I highly doubt he cares about offending a middle aged pastey cheeze head from the midwest. It would of been nice if B&J stood their ground and didn't succumb but they made a choices and who really gives a flying f anyway (same for P Diddy)? Both non-stories IMO, using the two as some kind of shining example of double standards and reverse racism, is just f'n stupid and says more about you than the ills of society.



Gotcha - there is absolutely a double standard. You are probably right that both are non-stories but obviously one was not.

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They aren't directly comparable situations and don't even correlate all that well. If Ben and Jerry's had a honkey ice cream complete with candy peckerwoods on the shelf; that would be more along the lines of a double standard . Instead this is just another example of your many race obsessed attempts to snivel and whine about the man keeping you down. The victim schtick.

Edited by bushwacked
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