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Zen Master back with the Lakers


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Jackson's back...


... and I could care less.


I used to LOVE the Lakers. When I was 10, 11, 12... Norm Nixon, Magic, Worthy, Kareem... slick Pat Riley, Chick Hearn, the Fabulous Forum, Showtime....


Then it all went to he||.... I cannot STAND Kobe. When Shaq came to town, I sort of re-emerged as a Laker fan... but then of course they treat him like dirt.


Mitch Kupchak is a complete buffoon that should be flipping burgers. He has absolutely no clue what he's doing. Another huge mistake: letting Jerry West get away.


So Phil's coming back, and they're gonna most definitely re-tool the roster. My hope? TRADE KOBE... the guy's been in the league 9 years - SO WHAT if he's "young"? 9 freakin' tough years of wear and tear. He's already showing the propensity to get injured. Trade him NOW for a couple of young, promising players and move up in this season's draft to get Marvin Williams.


But of course that won't happen, since it's confirmed that dumba$$ Kupchak and Dr. Buss had to "clear" the Jackson decision with Michael Jor.... I mean Kobe Bryant.


So we're looking at a team of Kobe, Odom and Felton (drafted by the Lakers, most likely) and..... scrubs. Super, get used to 41-41 seasons.

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I've been wanting to see how he does when he doesn't have the most dominant player in the league playing for him.  I don't think he will be getting his 10th ring any time soon.






The triangle offense worked PERFECTLY for the Bulls. That roster was tailor-made for an offense like that. It will be difficult to construct a roster that will come anywhere close. Perhaps Jackson thinks it's possible, now, without Shaq there. The triangle does NOT need a dominant center - in fact, it operates BEST with a savvy, passing center (cough, Divac - if healthy). The offense needs a dominant off-guard (Bryant) and versitile swing-forward (Odom). It will certainly be interesting to see who they pursue in the draft. A non-Jackson-led team would most likely have drafted the point guard Felton from UNC. Since a traditional "lead point guard" isn't necessarily a priority in the triangle offense, perhaps they go a different route and seek out a post presence. Doubt Sean May is going to be there for them.


Sigh, looks like Kobe's gonna be stickin' around... I surely hope not. Man, I'd love to root for the purple & gold again with a team of Marvin Williams, Odom, Walton, Jones...

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One of the biggest things workin against the LAkers now is the cap. They are already over it and won't have any room clear for at least two more seasons, so rule out acquiring any free agents of note.


I could see the Lakers looking for a point guard that is more of an outside shooting threat than a pure point guard. Kobe can handle the ball when he needs to. So, to institute the triangle offense, you have your point guard that can hit from outside (to be acquired of course), your dominant shooting guard (Kobe), a solid small forward to compliment the SG (Odom), a PF or C that can and will pass from the high post (Divac he can stay healthy). THen, your other post player is pimarily there for rebounding and defense with the occassional put back.


If they can get mid to upper twenties from Kobe, 20 a game from Odom, and then the mop out 10-14 a game from the PF and PG, they are back to .500 ball.


I say give them two years to clear cap space, another year with a mid-teen draft pick and they are back to the 4-8 spot in the West. Obviously, striking gold in the draft could expedite this, but the cap issues are their biggest enemy right now.


Granted, the Warriors will be back in the playoffs this year while the Lakers get to watch them from home.

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I'm one of the skeptics.  I don't think Phil's all that.


However, if he succeeds, he deserves the knob slurping he's been getting.








All coached still need players to succedd, be it with a superstar or two or with a team deep enough at each postion to wear down the opponents.


Jackson works best when he has a superstar and a very solid complimentary player to go with that player (Jordan/Pippen and Shaq/Kobe). He likes to be able to rely on a dominant player and surround him with specialists, be it a 3-point sharp shooter like Steve Kerr or Derek Fisher, a rebounder/defender like Rodman, etc.


On the other extreme you have Larry Brown and the Pistons of the last few years. No true superstar, but they are talented at every position with enough depth that they don't lose a whole lot when they go to their bench. Each player knows their role and has accepted it and plays in it, a trus case where the whole of the parts is much stronger than the individual players. Ben Wallace's rebounding proswess on both ends of the court allow the guards to take a few more chances either by going for steals or taking a quick 3, something that I think would really hurt the Pistons if they did not have a player like Wallace who can clean up the boards like that.

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One of the biggest things workin against the LAkers now is the cap. They are already over it and won't have any room clear for at least two more seasons, so rule out acquiring any free agents of note.


I could see the Lakers looking for a point guard that is more of an outside shooting threat than a pure point guard. Kobe can handle the ball when he needs to. So, to institute the triangle offense, you have your point guard that can hit from outside (to be acquired of course), your dominant shooting guard (Kobe), a solid small forward to compliment the SG (Odom), a PF or C that can and will pass from the high post (Divac he can stay healthy). THen, your other post player is pimarily there for rebounding and defense with the occassional put back.


If they can get mid to upper twenties from Kobe, 20 a game from Odom, and then the mop out 10-14 a game from the PF and PG, they are back to .500 ball.


I say give them two years to clear cap space, another year with a mid-teen draft pick and they are back to the 4-8 spot in the West. Obviously, striking gold in the draft could expedite this, but the cap issues are their biggest enemy right now.


Granted, the Warriors will be back in the playoffs this year while the Lakers get to watch them from home.







Great points, BC. A few follow-up notes, as I took a long lunch and caught a good deal of Lakers talk (obviously) on the local radio stations.


1. They might not even go back to the triangle offense. We'll see if Jackson has the brain to do it - and allows his ego to try something new. They MUST take better advantage of Odom's skills. In order to effectively do this, they might have to scrap the triangle altogether.


2. Divac HAS to make a full commitment to the team if they're going to bring him back. They might cut him loose by buying him out and could then go for the veterans minimum exception and go after someone else.


3. Even without mid-20's from Bryant and 20 from Odom I think they can play .500 ball. Bryant + Odom + Jackson ... just on merit alone, should score them 41 victories. And I am no Laker apologist or myopic homer.


4. According to Kobe, he didn't talk to Jackson about coming back. Jackson claimed they talked. Great, the BS has already begun and the ink is just now starting to dry.


I still contend that the Lakers should trade Bryant. Not sure if it'd work money-wise, but heck, speculation is fun. Trade him to the Hawks for Josh Childress, Tyronn Lue and the #2 pick (and pick Marvin Williams). Go away, Kobe. Run with Childress at SG, Atkins/Lue at PG, Odom and Williams at forwards, and either Vlade or someone like that at center. That's the best blueprint for the future, IMO. Won't happen, though.

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Great points, BC.  A few follow-up notes, as I took a long lunch and caught a good deal of Lakers talk (obviously) on the local radio stations.


1.  They might not even go back to the triangle offense.  We'll see if Jackson has the brain to do it - and allows his ego to try something new.  They MUST take better advantage of Odom's skills.  In order to effectively do this, they might have to scrap the triangle altogether.


2.  Divac HAS to make a full commitment to the team if they're going to bring him back.  They might cut him loose by buying him out and could then go for the veterans minimum exception and go after someone else.


3.  Even without mid-20's from Bryant and 20 from Odom I think they can play .500 ball. Bryant + Odom + Jackson ... just on merit alone, should score them 41 victories.  And I am no Laker apologist or myopic homer.


4.  According to Kobe, he didn't talk to Jackson about coming back.  Jackson claimed they talked.  Great, the BS has already begun and the ink is just now starting to dry. 


I still contend that the Lakers should trade Bryant.  Not sure if it'd work money-wise, but heck, speculation is fun.  Trade him to the Hawks for Josh Childress, Tyronn Lue and the #2 pick (and pick Marvin Williams).  Go away, Kobe.  Run with Childress at SG, Atkins/Lue at PG, Odom and Williams at forwards, and either Vlade or someone like that at center.  That's the best blueprint for the future, IMO.  Won't happen, though.







Trade would be difficult to pull off, and with the impending lock-out I have a feeling that we may see an overall decline in the number of transactions in the near future.


If I recall correctly, the current rules state that any trade involving a team that is over the current salary cap must have salaries within something like 10% of each other plus up to $200K, so, if Kobe is making $15mill this year, the Lakers must get at least $13.3 mill back in salaries. Not 100% positive on this, but I believe that is the case.


I know the Hawks are looking to make moves, and even are willing to move either Childress or Josh Smith. But, I'm not sure acquiring someone like Kobe is best for them, but then again, I am not an NBA general manager.


Regarding the Lakers center spot, Mihm didn't do that bad of a job, but I certainly wouldn't want to have to rely on him to be my primary post offensive presence.


Capwise, Warriors were in a similar boat two years ago, which is what led to them trading Jamison, sign and trading Dampier and ahving to let Arenas go. However, they were able to lock up Richardson and Murphy to long term deals, and to acquire baron Davis who has I believe 5-6 years still on his deal.


But... that's me leading back to the Warriors...... which I just scored a sweet contact on for tickets... can you say courtside or luxury box for BC whenever I can get up north for games. Chaching.......

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Trade would be difficult to pull off, and with the impending lock-out I have a feeling that we may see an overall decline in the number of transactions in the near future.


If I recall correctly, the current rules state that any trade involving a team that is over the current salary cap must have salaries within something like 10% of each other plus up to $200K, so, if Kobe is making $15mill this year, the Lakers must get at least $13.3 mill back in salaries. Not 100% positive on this, but I believe that is the case.


I know the Hawks are looking to make moves, and even are willing to move either Childress or Josh Smith. But, I'm not sure acquiring someone like Kobe is best for them, but then again, I am not an NBA general manager.


Regarding the Lakers center spot, Mihm didn't do that bad of a job, but I certainly wouldn't want to have to rely on him to be my primary post offensive presence.


Capwise, Warriors were in a similar boat two years ago, which is what led to them trading Jamison, sign and trading Dampier and ahving to let Arenas go. However, they were able to lock up Richardson and Murphy to long term deals, and to acquire baron Davis who has I believe 5-6 years still on his deal.


But... that's me leading back to the Warriors......  which I just scored a sweet contact on for tickets... can you say courtside or luxury box for BC whenever I can get up north for games.  Chaching.......







First things first, cha-ching is right... good chance I will be up north a few times over the next couple of months. What would I have to do to convince you to take a little trip to see a game or 2? Or benefit from your good fortune by getting those tickets or box? I don't have the deepest pockets but would certainly compensate you for this good fortune. Let's chat Saturday.


Back to business here... the Warriors have stumbled upon a pretty dang good team. Davis, if he can stay healthy, can dominate the PG position with his speed, D and driving ability. Pairing him with a totally underrated J-Rich could be deadly. If Dunleavy pulls his head out of his rump, he could be a nice "do-all" type of SF, getting you 12 pts., 7 boards, 5 assists and a three and steal and block a game. Nice. This Pietrus kid can play D. They have a young Euro - Biedrins - who's also gonna be solid. And Murphy is a dub-dub waiting to happen. They'll be a young, exciting team next year, for sure.


And the Lakers. Yeah, they're a salary cap mess. Who knows if a Kobe trade would work. And if it's the Hawks we're talking about - and why not, its a good a team as any to talk about... then it might just work. Kobe could have his own team, like he wants (face it, the Lakers aren't his team anymore). To make the salaries work, perhaps you take a Josh Childress and a guy like Tony Delk who's probably making too much, a Tom Gugliotta (making too much) and Tyronn Lue. Toss them Kobe and Brian Grant. Kobe could co-exist with the young Al Harrington just fine.


It's gonna be an interesting off-season. Not just for the Lakers, but the entire NBA with the possible lockout. I honestly hope they figure that crap out NOW.

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the games i saw kobe-the-rapist this year he actually really impressed me. the guy can do it all on the court, he's definitely one of the 5 or 10 best players in the league. if they somehow dumped him so they could get marvin williams, they'd take huge steps backward for the next few years. i don't see the point. they'll keep kobe, because they'd be stupid to do otherwise. i think they've got to move butler and maybe odom, and find a way to pick up some real low-post muscle. and maybe phil can get them all to play some defense.

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To make the salaries work, perhaps you take a Josh Childress and a guy like Tony Delk who's probably making too much, a Tom Gugliotta (making too much) and Tyronn Lue.  Toss them Kobe and Brian Grant.  Kobe could co-exist with the young Al Harrington just fine.






so what you want is for the lakers to make the two dumbest trades in the history of the nba two years in a row?

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only reason Jackson is back is because he's getting around $10million/year for three years. I'd coach the lakers for that much even if the starters were Kobe, rasheed wallace, latrell spreewell, manute bol, and juwanna mann.

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Mitch Kupchak is a complete buffoon that should be flipping burgers.  He has absolutely no clue what he's doing.  Another huge mistake:  letting Jerry West get away. 







I believe you have 8 trophies since the Seattle Supersonics won a title in 1979.


flip you.

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the games i saw kobe-the-rapist this year he actually really impressed me.  the guy can do it all on the court, he's definitely one of the 5 or 10 best players in the league.  if they somehow dumped him so they could get marvin williams, they'd take huge steps backward for the next few years.  i don't see the point.  they'll keep kobe, because they'd be stupid to do otherwise.  i think they've got to move butler and maybe odom, and find a way to pick up some real low-post muscle.  and maybe phil can get them all to play some defense.









so what you want is for the lakers to make the two dumbest trades in the history of the nba two years in a row?







:D You apparently know next to nothing about basketball.


1. Kobe has many miles on those legs. This is a confirmed fact. As you'll see in the next 3 points... sometimes you just have to let go and get what you can in return.


2. Sometimes you have to take small steps backwards in order to propel further in the future. Trading Kobe would not sit well with some, but I believe (and others agree) that trading him MAY be the answer. Not saying it is the absolute, unequivocal BEST thing to do...


3. Why would they be stupid to trade him, again? Saying that it is "stupid" without any warranted information is... well... stupid.


4. Edit: TWO of the worst trades? Ahem, believe me, I was sorry and sad to see Shaq go. I nearly shat my drawers when I heard Shaq signed with the Lakers that fantastic summer of '96. I still remember EXACTLY where I was - right up on the field... right field... at Fenway Park... yeah, BOSTON... came on the Jumbotron during BP that Shaq had signed with the Lakers. Me and my Laker buddy went ape-sh!t. Safe to say we had a few Beantowners heckling us. Anyways, besides the point. Shaq had to be traded... especially if the Lakers wanted to keep Kobe (which, by the way, was a bad idea). He too, has miles on his legs. Just look at how he fared this season (and especially playoffs). The Lakers got Lamar Odom - CHOCK FULL OF TALENT - and Caron Butler CHOCK FULL OF TALENT - in return. How was that a bad trade?


4. Sorry to burst your bubble, but it was NOT Phil Jackson that put the fear of God into the 90's Bulls. It was Michael Freakin' Jordan. I could write a book on this subject. Phil will NOT get this Laker team to magically start playin' D... although between Bryant and Butler, they have two highly underrated perimeter defenders. And you're partially correct: some low-post muscle COULD improve their interior D.


When it comes to hoops, I float like a butterfly and sting like a bee. I sure wish fantasy hoops were more popular. I live and breathe hoops... :D

I believe you have 8 trophies since the Seattle Supersonics won a title in 1979.


flip you.






All thanks to the mighty Mitch Kupchak? Smoke another doob, dood.


Magic, Worthy, Kareem, Cooper, Scott, Riley, West. I think you can thank them, not Retardo-chak.

Edited by darin3
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with a single stroke, the lakers went from the NBA finals to the lottery and you're asking me to explain in detail why it was a bad trade? :D


it's funny that you spend your whole post badmouthing kupchak, but then take issue with me for pointing out the single biggest bonehead maneuver he made.


getting rid of kobe might make sense if they wanted to blow everything up and get way under the cap to start over rebuilding from scratch. i don't see how that's a wise decision for a team with probably one of the 5 best players in the league under contract for several years and a coach you just forked over $10 million a year for.


odom's a very good player and butler is better than average. those are the two most valuable commodities they can part with without taking huge steps backwards. it doesn't seem like odom is a great fit with kobe, or with phil's offense. so it might be a good idea to see what kind of a rebounding, shot-blocking big man they could get in return for him.

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Well, local reports basically say that short of Kobe and Odom, Phil is not that enamored with anyone on the roster and to expect a major overhaul this offseason.. though that would have happened no matter who came in as coach.. and even Odom is likely expendable... perhaps they will pull off the Boozer deal that was talked about just before the deadline during the season.


Only thing for sure.. Kobe will stay IMO and there will be a lot of changes... and I don't thnk it will be very pretty next season.

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with a single stroke, the lakers went from the NBA finals to the lottery and you're asking me to explain in detail why it was a bad trade?  :D


Single stroke? There was more to just that trade that led to the Lakers missing the playoffs. If you don't realize that, I'm wasting my time here.


it's funny that you spend your whole post badmouthing kupchak, but then take issue with me for pointing out the single biggest bonehead maneuver he made.



Kupchak is a moron. Period. You're totally correct, that trade was a bonehead move. But not for the reasons you're most likely referring to... the end result actually worked out, in my opinion. I would have preferred a move involving Kobe at that point, but the Shaq deal was the one the organization decided to make... and HAD to make because Kup-moron opened his big mouth and confirmed that the Lakers would trade Shaq if they got the right deal. He should have kept his mouth shut.


Given all that... once the Kup-ster crapped the bed, the deal involving Shaq ended up being respectable, and had to be done. Shaq, like Kobe, has mileage, and injury concerns. They got a potential stud in Butler, and an un-tapped resource in Odom. Not to mention moving one half of the Kobe/Shaq dichotomy.


Maybe I didn't explain myself well enough - I totally agree that Kupchak's an idiot, but the trade had to be done, especially since 1) Kupchak opened his trap and pissed Shaq off and 2) Shaq was deteriorating physically. Bad trade? YES, because it was handled wrong.


getting rid of kobe might make sense if they wanted to blow everything up and get way under the cap to start over rebuilding from scratch.  i don't see how that's a wise decision for a team with probably one of the 5 best players in the league under contract for several years and a coach you just forked over $10 million a year for.


"Probably" one of the 5 (or 10, as you noted in a previous post) players in the league. .... NOW. How about if/when he gets hurt again? How about in 2 years when he's an 11-year vet? Michael Jordan, he is not.


Maybe I'm runnin' with blinders here since I've never been a Kobe guy. But give me Childress, Delk, Googs and the #2 pick (Marvin Williams), and I'm biting. :D


And, regarding Bryant & Jackson: it's already been reported (sure, by Peter Vescey, but still) that Kobe's already demanded a trade. Look it up. So the fact that the Lakers shelled out $11M for Jackson doesn't mean squat in terms of keeping or trading Kobe.


odom's a very good player and butler is better than average.  those are the two most valuable commodities they can part with without taking huge steps backwards.  it doesn't seem like odom is a great fit with kobe, or with phil's offense.  so it might be a good idea to see what kind of a rebounding, shot-blocking big man they could get in return for him.







Local media and public commentary totally disagrees here... supposedly, the Triangle MIGHT be scrapped to fully-utilize Odom's skills. You're completely correct, Odom and Kobe don't fit, as both require the ball in their hands in the offensive sets. More reason a Kobe trade makes sense. And again, I'm just going on what I'm hearing locally with a little personal opinion thrown in for flavor.


I think Butler's gonna be better than "better than average". Look, Dwayne Wade was thought to be "better than average" coming out of Marquette, and paired up with Butler in what appeared to be a superstart backcourt in Miami. Then Wade's value went through the roof and Butler took a back seat. Honestly, I think Butler can improve... not necessarily to Wade-like levels, but he certainly has 18 ppg / 6 rpg / 5 apg / 2 spg potential.


Odom's a completely untapped resource. It will be certainly interesting to see how ODOM and Jackson co-exist... who cares about BRYANT and Jackson - or even Bryant and Odom. If Jackson can get Odom going, he could be very dangerous.




All in all, I totally respect your opinion and anyone else that has an opinion about this. Mine? It's that Kobe is going to start tailing off in the next 2 seasons. He's old, by an NBA mileage standpoint, and it's no secret than he and Jackson can't co-exist, ego-wise. I would not be surprised to see the Lakers move Kobe. Call it a "bad trade" - as you did with the Shaq trade - but sometimes you have to take chances and give away your present stud to ensure you have future studs.

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Well, local reports basically say that short of Kobe and Odom, Phil is not that enamored with anyone on the roster and to expect a major overhaul this offseason.. though that would have happened no matter who came in as coach.. and even Odom is likely expendable... perhaps they will pull off the Boozer deal that was talked about just before the deadline during the season.


Only thing for sure.. Kobe will stay IMO and there will be a lot of changes... and I don't thnk it will be very pretty next season.






I've heard many differing reports... from Kobe being PO'ed and wanting out (Vescey), and that Kobe/Odom/Butler are staying and everyone else will get canned.


I can't believe that Kobe and Jackson will be able to co-exist. It just can't happen. If it does, I will be extremely surprised, and will hand in my official Lakers badge that I've kept hidden since the early 90's.


Getting Boozer would be decent, but who do the Jazz think they can get? Boozer for Odom? I don't see the upgrade there - even with Boozer's low-post presence.


And yeah, you're right, it's not gonna be pretty in Tinseltown next or even the following season.

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Well shiver me timbers. The local chatter has now shifted to a Kobe/Phil symbiosis given the fact that Kobe did, in fact, like the Triangle (obviously because it featured him). If Kobe can effectively dedicate himself to defense, who knows the egos might be set aside if it turns into victories.


Inspired by local radio and newspaper, it's interesting to dissect the remainder of the Laker roster in its current form to see who's stayin' and who's goin'.


Atkins: Most likely gone. While he CAN fit the bill as a spot-up shooter, which the Triangle needs, he's more of a lead guard. He'll probably be shopped around and added to the mix in any trade. The Lakers will pursue a bigger guard (see discussion on Butler & Walton, below)


Bobbitt: Too young and inexperienced; he's toast.


Bryant: See intro paragraph. If he and Jackson CAN co-exist (I don't see it, but hey, who knows), then they can make some noise.


Butler: Along with Bryant and Odom, Jackson nearly guaranteed Butler's stickin'. He's a talented ball-handler and defender who's only gonna get better. He'll probably get shifted to guard to work more on the perimeter.


Cook: Gonna most likely wind up in a trade situation. He's shaky on D and the Triangle doesn't necessarily need bigger spot-up shooters.


Divac: If his back holds up, he is the prototypical Triangle center.


George: His defense might keep him around, but the logjam at SG/SF (Bryant, Butler, Walton, Jones) might make him expendable. He's certainly one of the bigger trade baits currently on the roster. Might make sense to attempt to deal him for some beef in the middle.


Grant: The re-dedication to a defensive-minded game plan may spark a fire in him. Even with bad knees, he could be a solid contributor off the bench.


Jones: As much as I like this guy given the promise he showed in Kobe-less games last season, he'll probably be traded. He has no experience in the Triangle, and again, there's a big logjam at SG/SF.


Medvendenko: As much as Phil hates the big slow shooting PF, he has an affinity for Slava. If he can play some D and grab some boards, he might be a solid bench guy.


Mihm: He'll need to improve his high-post passing, but his shot-blocking will be essential in the new Lakers defensive schemes.


Odom: If the rumors hold true, and Scottie Pippen joins the team as an assistant, this could be huge. Odom was Larry Brown's 2004 Olympic team "stopper", and certainly has the defensive skills to lock people down with his long arms and savvy. Pippen will have to instruct him defensively, and will have to mentor him on "being the second star".


Vujacic: Here's the big guard that they really need - he's just raw. But the Euros can play, that's for sure. He'll be given a shot.


Walton: He's a FA, but should be brought back given Jackson's signing as HC. He'll be a perfect backup to Bryant at SG and could see some time at SF given his uncanny passing skills and knowledge of the Triangle.


Mid-post thought: Apparently a girl in my office works at a local Islands restaurant (sit-down place, sorta like Chili's but island-themed) served none other than Kobe Bryant and his wife & kid last night. Apparently, he likes root beer floats. :D


Getting back to business, it looks like the next rumor is Scottie Pippen (and possibly even Ho Grant) coming to assist Phil (and the bevy of other assistants: Shaw, Rambis, Hamblen, Winter - as a consultant). I think this means Kobe stays... and they run the Triangle.


So on the block you have Atkins, George and Jones. What that trio can get you is definitely a big question. Perhaps you throw in Grant... But does that get you Boozer? Probably not. Actually, no way. Remains to be seen.


Apparently it was a Peter Vescey (read: Laker hater) pipe dream that Kobe was demanding a trade. It made sense, given there was talk that Kobe and Phil had not spoken since the hiring, and then there were conflicting reports. Sounded like the drama had already begun before the ink was even dry. Logic tells you to keep Kobe and pray his miles don't catch up with him. This makes more sense as I read, hear and think about it. Especially with reports indicating Pippen will join the staff and counsel Odom.


Should be an interesting off-season and an incredibly interesting first season back for Jackson.

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i don't think boozer for odom would be a major talent upgrade for the lakers, but it would be pretty close to equal value IMO and boozer is exactly the kind of player the lakers should be looking to acquire. he'd be a better fit with phil and kobe than odom.


i can't figure out the soap opera, though. does kobe hate phil, and/or phil hate kobe? or did kobe just hate shaq? if kobe really is as much of a drama queen as many of the rumors would indicate, i dunno, maybe they should trade him.

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i don't think boozer for odom would be a major talent upgrade for the lakers, but it would be pretty close to equal value IMO and boozer is exactly the kind of player the lakers should be looking to acquire.  he'd be a better fit with phil and kobe than odom.


i can't figure out the soap opera, though.  does kobe hate phil, and/or phil hate kobe?  or did kobe just hate shaq?  if kobe really is as much of a drama queen as many of the rumors would indicate, i dunno, maybe they should trade him.






I don't think Odom's going anywhere. Check out my previous post. Word has it that Pippen's coming to town to tutor Odom. These are somewhat reliable sources that I'm hearing this from, too. That being said, I seriously doubt they're looking to deal Odom. Plus, given his track record, I don't think they'd get much value out of him. Given his talent and UPSIDE, however, they're best to just keep him and extract that talent.


I'm not sure there's much "hate" here, per se', but there certainly are two very big egos. First, with Jackson: he's aloof, and thinks problems on the court can simply work themselves out without calling timeout, even in crucial situations. This is myopic and honestly, quite stupid. To me, it almost seems like he's - well... not really that good of a coach. Look at who's he's had success with: the best player in the history of the NBA (Jordan) with an underappreciated Pippen... and the Shaq/Kobe duo at the height of their respective positional dominance. Jackson's true test of coaching ability will come in the next three years. Three years, in fact, that Jackson said would be "amazing if they reached championship level". Uh, maybe I'm overanalyzing here, but if it's such an amazing feat, why are we paying the guy 10-mil a year for those three years?


Anyways, on to Kobe. Here's a guy who grew up idolizing Michael Jordan. Sure, he has some parallels in his game to Jordan's. But he is not Jordan, and never will be. Sorry fella. When he first came into the league, the way he talked, how he answered questions... everything... patterned after Jordan. I guess you could do worse, but it got under my skin - as a huge Jordan fan - that some punk kid thought he could step in and automatically be the next Jordan prodigy. Yeah, go help Harold Miner with the cleanup on aisle 4.


So yeah, I don't think there's much Kobe-Phil HATE... just a couple of egos that will have to co-exist, even in losing seasons.


And yes, Kobe is a deteriorating drama queen who I honestly think should be traded to get max value out of, but that's just me. :D

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Mid-post thought:  Apparently a girl in my office works at a local Islands restaurant (sit-down place, sorta like Chili's but island-themed) served none other than Kobe Bryant and his wife & kid last night.  Apparently, he likes root beer floats.






LOL... yes, but Chili's burgers blow Islands out of the water... actually, I really don't care all that greatly for the food at Islands.


I'm just :D at the thought of Kobe eating at an Islands... kind of like when I was walking down the aisle of a Ralph's (grocery store) in Costa Mesa and low and behold there was Dennis Rodman shopping with some blonde hottie and what appeared to be his spawn.... then I see him at an apartment complex just down the road unloading the food.

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