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How did this person win in a Tie Game???


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From the ESPN site, I see the following options:


Regular Season Tiebreakers
If a matchup in the regular season ends in a tie, ESPN gives the League Manager several options to break the tie and award a win:

  • Can leave the matchup as a tie
  • Home team wins the matchup
  • The team with the most bench points wins the matchup (Note: This is your entire bench combined, not just a single player with the most points)
  • The team with the most QB points wins the matchup
  • The team with the most RB points wins the matchup
  • The team with the most WR points wins the matchup


Looks like it depends on what your league commish set it for.


Here's the link, hopefully this doesn't break posting rules. I'll remove if so.



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Obviously total bench points isn't the tie breaker being used. Never played on ESPN but I'd expect somewhere on your league site you can view the rules and settings and see how ties are resolved. My first guess looking at the picture was "highest scoring single player", but that doesn't appear to be an option. 


We just added fractional scoring this year, amazing to still see the occasional tie with that. 

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11 minutes ago, flgator said:

Thanks for the showing the setting for this. I had none set, so I'm still wondering how it chose a winner instead of it being a tie. I sent the league an email to vote on what they want the setting to be in the future. Thanks!


So are you the commissioner? (I ask because you said "I had none set".) Have you tried contacting ESPN to see why they broke a tie if you had no tie breaker specified?


I figured this was some online league where nobody knows each other and there is no human commissioner.


Agree with the last post, don't like bench points, when we used to be more concerned about ties we had each team designate their tie breaker player. Now we allow ties, if one occurs in the playoffs the owners need to work it out (who moves on, how they split the money, etc.) or we have a coin flip. Since we use fractional scoring we hope to never see a tie in playoffs, we had 1-2 per regular season before that, and I think it happened once in the playoffs. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

SOLVED: So I finally heard back from ESPN, I can't believe it was this hard to find. Apparent'y instead of just putting the actual decimal points in the score, they instead round up and that's why they are exact. So you have to hover the mouse over the individual scores and then the actual decimal point score will pop up. So the person won by a fraction of a decimal.

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Manually calculate the points.  I bet QB yards have a second decimal place and ESPN is only showing the first decimal place. This happened in my league a few years back.


Edit - sorry, if I actually read the whole thread I'd see you solved this.

Edited by Bowman
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