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Chargerz et al - question regarding fluoride


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One of my conspiracy friends sent me the links below and while i was working I listened to the first one. Normally I take everything with a grain of salt and generally laugh at a lot of the conspiracy theories they have. There is a large section on how fluoride is not at all good for us to ingest. So i checked a few of the more reputable sources on line regarding fluoride toxicity and they all express the same message, it is poisonous for us. So I have to ask, what is the actual medical benefits for fluoride?




Population Reduction 2012 part 1 of 2

Population Reduction 2012 part 2 of 2

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Fluoride, like almost any mineral at large concentrations can be hazardous to human health. Low levels that naturally occur and are sometimes purposely dissolved into groundwater are typically non-hazardous and beneficial. You can trust the consensus expert opinion on this or the Avernut's of this world, the choice is yours.

Edited by bushwacked
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Fluoride, like almost any mineral at large concentrations can be hazardous to human health. Low levels that naturally occur and are sometimes purposely dissolved into groundwater are typically non-hazardous and beneficial. You can trust the consensus expert opinion on this are the Avernut's of this world, the choice is yours.


wood oral sex amplify yer predicions?

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Well, according to the movie Dr. Strangelove fluoride in drinking water is an insidious plot devised by the commies to assist in the downfall of the US.


Part 1 -

Part 2 -

Edited by SEC=UGA
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Bushwacked stated it pretty well. If fluoride is ingested in a large enough quantity it IS poisonous, but in the concentration needed in drinking water to promote dental health it is perfectly safe.

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Bushwacked stated it pretty well. If fluoride is ingested in a large enough quantity it IS poisonous, but in the concentration needed in drinking water to promote dental health it is perfectly safe.


Are you part of the plot?

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Fluouride is nuthin'. Did you guys hear about the guy who founded Church's Chicken? He's used to be the Grand Wizard of the KKK. He puts a chemical in the chicken that makes black men sterile. It doesn't seem to be working though.

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Bushwacked stated it pretty well. If fluoride is ingested in a large enough quantity it IS poisonous, but in the concentration needed in drinking water to promote dental health it is perfectly safe.

I thought this was pretty common knowledge. :wacko:

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