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When will Saban Learn!


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I seriously don't understand the reasoning for playing a guy who quite on his team, smokes a ton of pot, and looks like chubaka, and most of gets tackled with arm tackles from a DB!


Brown ran over a guy tonight then broker another tackle for a nice 60 yard TD run!


Is this business: Build up Ricky's trade value? I though the idea was to win, here and now!


Miami lost because they didn't run enough!


Sabans a much better coach then Wanstadt but I don't get it!


Is it me or you guys see it to? :D


:D Da bench Ricky!

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Ricky Williams is an awesome RB. Ronnie had a slow start, so give Ricky a chance. When he comes around, and i bet he will, Seban will have the best 1-2 punch in the league. He has to at least give Ricky the shot. Ricky failed, but he's been sitting at the hizouse eating cheesy poofs. This is like the season opener for him, he's gotta get into game shape.

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The man (boy) is a Oprahing quitter, deserting his team when they were prepared to go to battle ! Would you , as on off-lineman give anywhere close to 100 % to clear the way for a druggie- QUITTER ! Didnt think so ! For all of you holding out hope for the second coming of R Williams, let me fill in the blank REEFER WILLIAMS ! :D

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Ricky Williams is looking better and better every week......not playing the game but hopefully showing the youth of america that he had an incredible talent which he's not getting back for some pot.........life's tough for all of us but quitting and smokin dope is not the option i want out there......keep up the negative yards loser........sit down with your kids and catch some Lt2 or alexander,priest, that's reality tv..................

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Better and better each week????????? 6 carries for MINUS 1 yards? Saban even said that both backs do better when they get a lot of carries.....Pound the ball with Ronnie....Bring Ricky in now and then as change of pace back.... a la Faulk in St Louis....Rhodes in Indy.....Let Ronnie, not Ricky, run

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Didn't see the game but Browns stat line was 8 carries for 95 yards and a touch.Take away the 65 yarder and that is 7 carries for 30 yards which is still over 4 yards a carry.I just saw the rooks TD run"SICK"At that point the score is 14-13.Ricky looked awful,by seeing the highlights it sure looks like the blocking isn't as good as it could be for him.IMO Brown should have toted the rock at least 20 times.8 carries is an absolute joke.

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Ricky Williams is an awesome RB. Ronnie had a slow start, so give Ricky a chance. When he comes around, and i bet he will, Seban will have the best 1-2 punch in the league. He has to at least give Ricky the shot. Ricky failed, but he's been sitting at the hizouse eating cheesy poofs. This is like the season opener for him, he's gotta get into game shape.






:D What, are you his dealer?


-1 on 6 carries? :D


It's his second game. :D He's had all preseason plus the four week suspension to get ready. HOW MUCH MORE READY CAN HE GET?


He's an idiot. He should be a felon -- to bad public confessions/admissions aren't binding. He wasted his talent and has none left. The phins should sue him for the $8.6mill and send him to the Columbian Football League ...

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