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I have been playing at Antsports for several years in different leagues, but I'm afraid I might be done over there. There have been some disturbing developments you may or may not be aware of.


They have changed the payout structure this season, keeping more for them and less for the winners. And that in and of itself I have no problem with. These kinds of games pay out what the market will bear, and if people want to put up $100 to potentially win $420, so be it.


However, I have been in a couple of keeper leagues for 3 seasons, and this would have been my 4th coming up. When I logged onto the site last week I noticed that the rules had changed and keeper deposits wouldn not be refunded until after the 4th season instead of the 3rd season as we had been told all along. So I'm thinking I will be playing in 2 keeper leagues this season with my $25 deposit deducted from the entry fee. I contacted Steve through email about this and his response was, "I don't know what you are talking about, it has always been after the 4th season when you get your deposit back."


Okay, I'm thinking well...maybe I imagined that 4 as a 3 for the last three years. It was right there in print for all three years. I have somewhat of a photographic memory, But maybe I imagined the whole thing.


So I went to the ANT board and posted the question to the members. Nobody that responded disagreed with me. It has always been after 3 years you get your deposit back. Steve lied to me. Big mistake.


While I was on the Ant message board I saw that I was not the only one upset with the new developments.


There was a thread started by the message board administrator asking for solutions to Antsports myraid of problems. I offered 3 suggestions and all were deleted, and after that all the posts I had made for the last 3 years on the league and main message boards were deleted. I have been blackballed.


The post that got me axed was as follows:


I think for anyone brave enough to stay here another year, the winners should receive in addition to trophies and cash prizes a new puppy. That puppy will never screw you over.


So, since I have been silenced over there I feel compelled to tell my tale here at the Huddle. I'm not doing this to hurt ANTSPORTS, I am doing it to warn you about a developing situation that could cost you money.


There were people complaining that they did not receive payouts until June. I have never had such problems, my payouts have always come in a timely manner. And despite some system glitches the service has met my needs over the last several years. However, due to the recent developments as they are I can only speculate that there is financial trouble over there, and I personally no longer trust my money in their coffers.


Take this for what its worth, I may be wrong. But I smell something rotten in the state of Antsports.

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Can't blame them for banning you. You're bashing their website in their forums. I think you'd meet the same fate over here quite honestly.



I can't imagine the Huddle would ever give me a reason to bash them. DMD and WW have never lied to me, or stolen my money.

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I used to be an Ants person. At the end of 2004-5 season I moved all leagues I comished off of ANts to MFL. At the end of 2005-6 season I dropped all Ants leagues I was still in that would not leave Ants.




Steve consently makes promises he does not keep.


They do not surport Dynasty Leagues after promising for 3 years they would by the next season.


A 12 hour draft clock that goes for 48-72 hours without making the computer pick it is required to make after 12 hours.


Software that is out of date, have to call Steve everytime you want to do simple things. Things the other sites let the Comish do.


Collusion that is just a friend helping a friend win the money.


Lousy payouts ( some of the lowest )


Board has become nothing but a porno site. Character sassignation, and descussion of perverse sex is now the norm.

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Thread gun in 3.....2.....1......



There will be no need for that. I love fantasy football. I want to see the industry continue to grow and flourish. But when people get jacked up by their service, it is a black eye on the whole business. I think people should know what is happening over there, and they can decide for themselves if the risk is acceptable.

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I've never run a league over at AntSports, but I did take part in a few mock drafts there last summer. I thought the site was pretty cheesy, poorly constructed and honestly I didn't even know that people actually ran leagues over there. While this doesn't sound like a shock, it's pretty unfortunate - definitely does NOT look good...

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I can't imagine the Huddle would ever give me a reason to bash them. DMD and WW have never lied to me, or stolen my money.




:D You didn't see that Willie Green prediction a couple years back then. :D:D

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:D You didn't see that Willie Green prediction a couple years back then. :D:D



I served you a softball and you hit it out of the park. Very funny. :D


Bad predictions are not lies per se, just unfortunate mass dissemination of delusional thinking.

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I can't imagine the Huddle would ever give me a reason to bash them. DMD and WW have never lied to me, or stolen my money.



Sh1t the first month I was here they took my credit card and spent three weeks in vegas. there were charges to the bunny ranch a 15 $200 bottle of champagne from some placed called "The Ladies in Red."



and descussion of perverse sex is now the norm.



:D hmmmmm brb.....


is cliaz over there ?? :D




am now

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Can't blame them for banning you. You're bashing their website in their forums. I think you'd meet the same fate over here quite honestly.




They never should have let it come to that. Sounds like this guy was blatantly lied to, and has a valid beef.

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They never should have let it come to that. Sounds like this guy was blatantly lied to, and has a valid beef.



Yeah, if morals mean anything, which they obviously don't to Antsports, so like I said, if you bash a website at their own forums, you're most likely going to get banned. Start a post in the main forum bashing WW (or better yet, call him a girl :D ) and see what happens. Don't worry, I got your back. :D

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