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Commish advice requested


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Situation 1.

Bell should be awarded to the owner that first requested him. Your ruling "no player unlisted can be drafted" doesn't apply as clearly Mike Bell was listed. The problem here is that the league was not really privy to your discussions with the first owner thus the resentment felt by the second owner. Taking Bell off the board altogether is not a bad solution given that the 1st owner agrees.


Situation 2

:D ... why would it be a problem?


Situation 3

Not the league's fault that an owner had autopick on and had it set incorrectly. You didn't have to stop the draft and attempt to allow him to correct his error, but you did. No way the draft should be reversed to the point of his error. He should be grateful that he is being allowed a do over.




aqree with blitz on all 3 accounts.

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Situation 1-


Clearly the intention of the first player was to draft Bell. As far as I am concerned he made a selection. You could have skipped his pick and informed the league that Bell was selected but could not be located and would be inserted by you the Commish at a later date on the roster. Player 2 knew the intention and hid the inormation where to find him from you, was not being honest and actually a little prickish and should be penalized just for his actions alone! Player one's attitude should be commended and rewarded for actually acting like an ADULT playing a GAME! :D


This is partly your fault. As the Commish, you should know how to use that system better than anyone else in your league! CBS really sucks, is too expensive and has a lot of these "little problems".


Future solution. Dump CBS and use My Fantasy League.com !!!!! :D


Situation 2


Uuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmm! :D:D:D:D


I don't get it! Next :D




Situation 3


This stuff drives me insane! Why on God's earth would you even intervene? This potentially shows favoritism to a GM and can alienate you from the rest of the league. :D


When are we going to let GMs be GMs and be RESPONSIBLE for their own stupidity? It is ALL part of MANAGING a team, NOT JUST the players! Knowing how to use the software, using it properly, practicing with it a few times BEFORE the draft starts and how you have the defaults and pre-picks set it up is THE PLAYER'S resposibility, NOT the Commish! You know, "Live with your mistakes!" ?????


What you should have done is called him up, laughed at him, called him a "dipsh!t" and tell him to fix it if he doesn't want Derek Rackley for his TE.


I'm not sure if you do or not, but it sounds like you need to write out a rule book and clarify a lot of these situations that the web sites do not cover specifically. Every year, ours gets a little bigger to deal with the new things that come up, and we've done this for 12 years!




That's my :D

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THE PROBLEM i have with 2 is i wasnt able to check email for a couple days, so i had no idea. and i went to prerank players but you yourself posted on this site and you know sportsline was down all day. so i went out of my way at work to draft via cell phone with no cheat sheet (remember i think the draft starts thursday) iw work retail, no internet. came home for lunch and set my autopick to take my next 2 picks so i didnt hold everyone up, even though there is an hour 8 timer listed in our rules, which theeohiostate later says is untrue. so my autopick is still on and picks qb and d, neither of which i need. very short on wr, want mark clayton. the guy picks clayton after he tells him to make no more picks and mine are incorrect. clayton porter bruce williamson chad jackson go off board and i get stuck with v morency and sinorice moss. i know everyone agrees with theeohiostate, but rule changes are frequent and its hard when i dont live and work on a computer, a phone call would have been nice. and not the one i received from another owner and mindnight when i had to get up at 4.




You have virtually NOTHING correct in your statement,


1.an email was sent out and YOU DID know the draft had started as you picked 3 rounds prior to this event.


2. I specifically stated there would be NO timer and lets say for the sake of arguement there was a 2 or 4 or 8 or 100 hour timer, IT WOULDN'T have mattered as you had AUTO PICK ON !! The pick went througn IMMEDIANTELY upon you selection.


3. I went out of my way to call everyone when there pick was up, don't act like this draft happened without your knowledge.


The draft started on Monday night late, Tuesday went by without any complaints and Wednesday this happened at 10:00 at night, so 2 FULL days of drafting passed before i heard your complaint about the drat day, i say GIMME A BREAK!

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Situation 1-

Sorry to go against the grain, but the owner that "found" him should get him. Just because you and Owner #1 couldn't find him (and thus draft him), Owner 2 should not be penaliazed for going the extra yard to search for him. Also, how would you know for sure that no other owner in Round 4 tried to get him? If someone looked for him in round $, does that owner now get precedence? Give the owner that found him some credit for doing the search, finding him, and selecting him. If owner #1 really wanted him, he would have exhausted all means to find him. Just because he wasn't on "the list", doesn't mean he wasn't available.

Situation 2

No issues here since the clock was not running.

Situation 3

Too bad for the owner who was careless in leaving his "auto select" turned on.


In our BLNY league, if you recall, I screwed up "rolling the bones". While everyone felt bad, it was my fault for screwing it up. Same theory applies here. If the owner is a dope, he should be penalaized as such. If he wants to leave, let him....I know its a pain, but when he gives his reason for leaving, you have plenty of ammo to retort.



Edited by i_am_the_swammi
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why do you lie?


i made my first picks yeaterday morning when you called me at 8 AM.


just drop the whole thing. i dont care YOU ARE RIGHT.


feel better? leave it go

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You have virtually NOTHING correct in your statement,


1.an email was sent out and YOU DID know the draft had started as you picked 3 rounds prior to this event.


2. I specifically stated there would be NO timer and lets say for the sake of arguement there was a 2 or 4 or 8 or 100 hour timer, IT WOULDN'T have mattered as you had AUTO PICK ON !! The pick went througn IMMEDIANTELY upon you selection.


3. I went out of my way to call everyone when there pick was up, don't act like this draft happened without your knowledge.


The draft started on Monday night late, Tuesday went by without any complaints and Wednesday this happened at 10:00 at night, so 2 FULL days of drafting passed before i heard your complaint about the drat day, i say GIMME A BREAK!


Here's another piece of advice that I know you'll disagree with:


Never call out an owner on a public FF message board. Have enough class & sense to either take the issue to the league or deal with it privately. That goes with being a good commish also.



Edited by Bronco Billy
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why do you lie? About what, do i need all other 10 owner to collaborate my story?


i made my first picks yeaterday morning when you called me at 8 AM. , yes you did, but that doesn't mean the draft hadn't started the night before, and your point is ??


just drop the whole thing. i dont care YOU ARE RIGHT. I will drop it, i only wish you were commish in this instance and had allowed someone to reselect from drafted players as you suggest you should have, then you've found yourself in league of your own

feel better? leave it go

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Here's another piece of advice that I know you'll disagree with:


Never call out an owner on a public FF message board. Have enough class & sense to either take the issue to the league or deal with it privately. That goes with being a good commish also.





Who called out an owner? He stepped forward to say it was he?



Really , read before posting misinformation.



This post was meant for 3rd party information, i did not expect the affected party to come here and stand up for his account as i just stated the facts and wanted opinons .

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Who called out an owner? He stepped forward to say it was he?

Really , read before posting misinformation.

This post was meant for 3rd party information, i did not expect the affected party to come here and stand up for his account as i just stated the facts and wanted opinons .




no kidding, i stepped out. who cares. its a message board.


just drop the topic - ITS OVER

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Tough situtation guys... I think most here are acknowledging that the Commish maybe shouldn't act unilaterally in these particular circumstances, but that rcswildcat was given way more leeway than he even deserved (as each owner needs to be responsible for their draft picks falling the way that they've set them up to fall in their own pre-selects).


Sounds like the tension will remain unfortunately, but as you've both pretty much said... time to let it go.

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Here's another piece of advice that I know you'll disagree with:


Never call out an owner on a public FF message board. Have enough class & sense to either take the issue to the league or deal with it privately. That goes with being a good commish also.






Is this your first year running this league? Not an insult, an honest question!


If it is, YOU SHOULD NEVER PLAY in a league as the COmmish the first year while you work things out!


You are already getting off to a bad start, have a few whiners that want Mommy to fix everything, public arguing AND THE SEASON DOESN'T START FOR A MONTH!!!


Good Luck! You guys are gonna need it!



Edited by McBoog
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Wow... maybe you guys need to cal Dr. Phil? :D


It's a game guys!!


Stuff happens! No reason to air your dirty laundry here. Pick up the phone and talk it out!!!


This is why I hate non live drafts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

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Who called out an owner? He stepped forward to say it was he?

Really , read before posting misinformation.

This post was meant for 3rd party information, i did not expect the affected party to come here and stand up for his account as i just stated the facts and wanted opinons .


You stated the facts as you see them, and the other owner justifiably made his argument based upon how he sees the facts. That you are unwilling to listen to his side and then escalate the situation here says loads about you and your capability as a commish. IMO, of course.


Just a simple question: Why did you post here for advice when you clearly aren't interested in it, and do little besides make excuses & rationalize your actions? Were you hoping to get confirmation from everyone here as to how good a commish you are and how wrong the objecting owners are? If so, it looks like this isn't going as you planned...

Edited by Bronco Billy
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Is this your first year running this league? Not an insult, an honest question!


If it is, YOU SHOULD NEVER PLAY in a league as the COmmish the first year while you work things out!


You are already getting off to a bad start, have a few whiners that want Mommy to fix everything, public arguing AND THE SEASON DOESN'T START FOR A MONTH!!!


Good Luck! You guys are gonna need it!





just shut up. ive been playing FF for longer than 95% of this board. ask ohiostate, since hes known me that long. 13th year.

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You stated the facts as you see them, and the other owner justifiably made his argument based upon how he sees the facts. That you are unwilling to listen to his side and then escalate the situation here says loads about you and your capability as a commish. IMO, of course.


Just a simple question: Why did you post here for advice when you clearly aren't interested in it, and do little besides make excuses & rationalize your actions? Were you hoping to get confirmation from everyone here as to how good a commish you are and how wrong the objecting owners are? If so, it looks like this is going as you planned...





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Here's another piece of advice that I know you'll disagree with:


Never call out an owner on a public FF message board. Have enough class & sense to either take the issue to the league or deal with it privately. That goes with being a good commish also.





that's b*ll shiiiit. :D He never once called out an owner...... the owners took it upon themselves to chime in on their own. There's nothing wrong with getting opinions from the masses on issues.


you found it within yourself to write a freak'in book in response to this in your first post...... then decide to bust his balls after the fact.



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You stated the facts as you see them,


I stated them as the League view it


Just a simple question: Why did you post here for advice when you clearly aren't interested in it, I didn't post to get advice, merely comments about my rulings.


The ruling is done and final, i need no advice, just what others would have done in my situation, and it appears with the exception of you, most feel my actions were more then fair

Edited by theeohiostate
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that's b*ll shiiiit. :D He never once called out an owner...... the owners took it upon themselves to chime in on their own. There's nothing wrong with getting opinions from the masses on issues.


you found it within yourself to write a freak'in book in response to this in your first post...... then decide to bust his balls after the fact.




He clearly escalated the situation after rsc responded. That's a significant flaw for a commish, IMO.


If that's what you want from your commish in a FF league, hey, have it it my friend. Again, IMNSHO, he deserved to have his balls busted some. If he doesn't like it, he shouldn't be coming here looking for absolution.

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Wow... maybe you guys need to cal Dr. Phil? :D


It's a game guys!!


Stuff happens! No reason to air your dirty laundry here. Pick up the phone and talk it out!!!


This is why I hate non live drafts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D



I have NEVER seen a better use of the " :D " greamlin :D :D :D



You might want to consider refunding all the $, and starting from scratch! :D

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I stated them as the League view it

The ruling is done and final, i need no advice, just what others would have done in my situation, and it appears with the exception of you, most feel my actions were more then fair


I have no doubt that you see it that way. You seem to interpret things as they seem fit to be advantageous to you. You may want to re-read some of the responses, not that it appears it would make much impact.

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