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Woody F'n Woodpecker must die!


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You are all very lucky I can't attach a .wav file to this post :wacko:


Evidently, this little F'n pecker has decided he is going to peck the hell

out of my house, not just my house but more specifically my GUTTER!!

Now I don't really want to kill the little F'n pecker but I don't particularily

like being waken up by a sound similar to that of a jack F'n hammer on

a house either. I thought someone here had a problem with woodpeckers

before but my search turned up nada. Anyone have any constructive ideas

on how to get Woody the Woodpecker with the jackhammer beak to go and

peck some F'n wood so I can get some F'n sleep :D

Oh, and my neighbor behind me is pretty much a pecker so any ideas on how

to get one pecker to go F with the other pecker and to leave me the F alone?

legal disclaimer: no woodpeckers or animals of any kind have been harmed

in the making of this post. Nor will any be harmed for update purposes.

This is not a solicitation for a bird hitman or any other illegal course of action.

Posters do so at their own risk and I will not be responsible for any PETA

actions against said posters

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Woodpeckers are a pain in the ass. I had one pecking at my roof vent.


He went away on his own. Probably cause my roof vent wasn't made of bugs.

How long was he at it? This little pecker has been going strong for about a week now :wacko:

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Git yourself a big black ballon and fill it with helium, tie it close buy, as the wind moves it will deter any animals, unfortu. you may have to buy a number of ballons as they may pop. A plastic owl will work, but usually no movement and it is a permanent fix. the ballon you can take down, when the pecker leaves in a week or two.


Works with a variety of animal and bird.


thats one to Grow on.

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What you probably have is a Flicker and they peck on metal to call a mate or to announce their territory. So, usually it's constant everyday in the Spring until they find a mate. You will hear it occassionally all summer if there is another male Flicker in the area. Just hope you're Flicker finds a mate soon. Mating season here in the north woods starts around the end of March, but I just heard one in AZ last week. Some will peck cars, garbage cans, anything shiny and metal. Unfortunately they like to make the call just at sunrise.


If you google "Flickers and drum roll" you will find deterrents to keep them away-but if determined nothing works. We have a steep pitched roof and don't want to get up there so we just throw small rocks at them which only deters them for a couple of hours.

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What you probably have is a Flicker and they peck on metal to call a mate or to announce their territory. So, usually it's constant everyday in the Spring until they find a mate.


Right now keg is naked on his roof banging on his gutter with a hammer.


"Come to me flicker. Come to me".


"So I can kill you".

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