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What is the age of onset for the disease? Is 70 too young or right about right? Have witnessed a compete change of character in someone I know including violent outbursts, screaming, cussing, desiring to slap someone in the face--all of this totally out of the blue and without provocation. Like this person has snapped and rage like I have never witnessed in my life. It is truly not normal, it is frightening and scary, as though I am looking at the face of the Devil. IS this a common hallmark of the disease? Only reason I supect this is because this person's mother had the disease. TIA for any help or insight u can provide me here. google searches leave my questions unanswered

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My grandmother was diagnosed with dimentia and it eventually transfromed into Alzheimers. She was in her laet 80's when it really became noticeable, however she never had any of those dramatic mood swings you described.


The mother of one of my friends also passed away from Alzheimers. She would have been in her 60s at the oldest. He never mentioned any of those mood swings either though.


I could be wrong since I'm only basing it on 2 experiences, but it may be something else this person is going through. As for the age though, I'd say their in the proper age range if it is indeed Alzheimers setting in. I hope that isn't the case though because that is a truly horrible way to go. :wacko:


Good vibes sent your way, hope things get better.

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What is the age of onset for the disease? Is 70 too young or right about right? Have witnessed a compete change of character in someone I know including violent outbursts, screaming, cussing, desiring to slap someone in the face--all of this totally out of the blue and without provocation. Like this person has snapped and rage like I have never witnessed in my life. It is truly not normal, it is frightening and scary, as though I am looking at the face of the Devil. IS this a common hallmark of the disease? Only reason I supect this is because this person's mother had the disease. TIA for any help or insight u can provide me here. google searches leave my questions unanswered


Unfortunately, dementia can manifest at a variety of ages and 70 is certainly within that range. It is also not uncommon for the individual to become aggressive/irritable. However, there are other explanations as well--such as a tumor. I would strongly recommend an evaluation by a neurologist.

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