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Minority Rules


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You have to look a little bit for the link that Muck is referring to, but now that I have seen it, I am actually wondering if this is this scariest thing I have ever read.

I dunno. Daily life here in the Tailgate would seem to disprove their 10% theory; people rarely change their opinion. I think the Tunisia and Egypt examples better illustrate the dynamic of what can happen when a large group of people - who already agree with each other - develop momentum to act upon their shared beliefs.

Edited by yo mama
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I don't disagree with the idea, but 10% just strikes me as not a significant enough percentage. That has to assume that the new committed opinion holders are more committed to the new idea than the majority is committed to it's already held beliefs, correct?

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I dunno. Daily life here in the Tailgate would seem to disprove their 10% theory; people rarely change their opinion. I think the Tunisia and Egypt examples better illustrate the dynamic of what can happen when a large group of people - who already agree with each other - develop momentum to act upon their shared beliefs.


I will have to say, that from my years here the liberals on this board have turned me into more of a liberal myself. Seriously, I have started considering that the idea of public financing for campaigns ma y be a good idea. That, and I no longer walk around, bible in hand, screaming at teen girls going into abortion clinics. Also, I haven't beat up a homo that I pass on the street in nearly 7 years. And just yesterday I hugged a homeless person.

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I will have to say, that from my years here the liberals on this board have turned me into more of a liberal myself. Seriously, I have started considering that the idea of public financing for campaigns ma y be a good idea. That, and I no longer walk around, bible in hand, screaming at teen girls going into abortion clinics. Also, I haven't beat up a homo that I pass on the street in nearly 7 years. And just yesterday I hugged a homeless person.


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Updated for a better link.


Weigie -- why did you find this scary?


The research was funded by the Army Research Laboratory (ARL) through SCNARC, part of the Network Science Collaborative Technology Alliance (NS-CTA), the Army Research Office (ARO), and the Office of Naval Research (ONR).


THis research is being used for evil porpoises.

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when the "looney bin" (people like myself and a few others here) believe something, we're crazy and then you have a couple "sane" people start believing it based on doing some research....then they believe it - it's the "sane" people that bridge it to the rest of the masses because they used to think alike .....

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Very intersting study... thanks for the link! :wacko:


What I would find curious though would be what happens when over 10% of a society holds a certain opinion, and another 10+% of society holds the opposite opinion (or competing, non-compatible opinion).

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when the "looney bin" (people like myself and a few others here) believe something, we're crazy and then you have a couple "sane" people start believing it based on doing some research....then they believe it - it's the "sane" people that bridge it to the rest of the masses because they used to think alike .....

I have no doubt that within a few years, most on here will side with the knowledge you and I have been preaching and subsequently flamed for (regarding money, monetary policy, economics, the Fed etc...). But those same people won't give you or I any credit for being ahead of the curve. They will point to new 'studies' or better 'facts' that changed their opinion. Essentially, we'll always be the 'quacks' while the late commers to the party will be the smart ones because when they figure it out, they will have the masses supporting their ideas.

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I have no doubt that within a few years, most on here will side with the knowledge you and I have been preaching and subsequently flamed for (regarding money, monetary policy, economics, the Fed etc...). But those same people won't give you or I any credit for being ahead of the curve. They will point to new 'studies' or better 'facts' that changed their opinion. Essentially, we'll always be the 'quacks' while the late commers to the party will be the smart ones because when they figure it out, they will have the masses supporting their ideas.


I'll give you credit... but considering the calamity that will ensue I probably won't have electricty, internet connections or a computer...

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when the "looney bin" (people like myself and a few others here) believe something, we're crazy and then you have a couple "sane" people start believing it based on doing some research....then they believe it - it's the "sane" people that bridge it to the rest of the masses because they used to think alike .....


How's that sovereign communist bloc development coming along south of Boise?

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I have no doubt that within a few years, most on here will side with the knowledge you and I have been preaching and subsequently flamed for (regarding money, monetary policy, economics, the Fed etc...). But those same people won't give you or I any credit for being ahead of the curve. They will point to new 'studies' or better 'facts' that changed their opinion. Essentially, we'll always be the 'quacks' while the late commers to the party will be the smart ones because when they figure it out, they will have the masses supporting their ideas.


Brent, you are not flamed for your beliefs.


You are flamed for being a condescending douchebag when you present your beliefs in a aknow-it-all manner.


Big difference.

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Brent, you are not flamed for your beliefs.


You are flamed for being a condescending douchebag when you present your beliefs in a aknow-it-all manner.


Big difference.

The only time I'm condescending is when I'm flamed first. Besides, why you be startin spit all the time? This thread was relatively peaceful until you came bargin in here, dbag :wacko:

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The only time I'm condescending is when I'm flamed first. Besides, why you be startin spit all the time? This thread was relatively peaceful until you came bargin in here, dbag :wacko:


That is hurtful. Considering I am one that respects your views and actually asks you for more detail.

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